List of Washington Journal programs aired in March 1995

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The C-SPAN news and interview program Washington Journal has been presented live every day of the year from January 4, 1995 through the present, with very few exceptions. Programs are typically a mix of politically themed interviews, viewer calls and emails, discussion of current events, and reviews of that morning's newspapers.

In the table below, guests are listed in alphabetical order, rather than the order in which they appeared on the program. They are also listed with the position or affiliation they held at the time of their appearance.

Table of programs

(w/link to video)
Approx. run time Host(s) Guests Comments and summary
Wednesday, March 1, 1995 3 hr. Bruce Collins
Steve Scully
Gov. George Allen (R-VA); Rep. Samuel "Sam" Brownback (R-KS); Tom Diemer (Washington Bureau Correspondent, Cleveland Plain Dealer); John D. Holum (Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); Merrill Matthews Jr. (Health Policy Director, National Center for Policy Analysis); Michael Petit (Deputy Director, Child Welfare League of America)
Thursday, March 2, 1995 3 hr. Susan Swain Victor Ashe (Mayor [R], Knoxville, TN); Susan B. Glasser (Managing Editor, CQ Today); Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH); Carolyn Lochhead (Correspondent, San Francisco Chronicle); Steve McFarland (Attorney); Elliot Mincberg (Vice President and Gen. Counsel, People for the American Way); James "Jim" P. Pinkerton (Syndicated Columnist, Los Angeles Times); Sylvia Smith (Washington D.C. Editor, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette; Kathleen Sylvester (Domestic Policy Vice President), Progressive Policy Institute)
Friday, March 3, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Connie Doebele
Brian Lamb
Lee Bandy (Correspondent, The State, Columbia, SC); Martin Corry (Federal Affairs Director, American Association of Retired Persons); John "Jack" Aloysius Farrell (Correspondent, Boston Globe); Chuck Green (Editor, Denver Post); Cragg Hines (Washington Bureau Chief, Houston Chronicle); Charles "Chuck" Raasch (Correspondent, Gannett News Service); Ruth Shalit (Editor New York Times Magazine); Joe Theissen (Research Director, Concord Coalition); Jamie Wallace (Chamber of Commerce President, Selma, Alabama); Brent Walth (Correspondent, The Oregonian)
Saturday, March 4, 1995 1 hr. 27 min. Steve Scully Tom Fitton (Representative, National Empowerment Television); Colin Greer (Correspondent, Parade Magazine); Joan Lowy (Congressional Correspondent, Scripps Howard News Service); Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL); Bennett Roth (Correspondent, Houston Chronicle); Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX); Dan Walters (Correspondent, Sacramento Bee); Frank Wilkinson (Correspondent, Rolling Stone) This is the first Washington Journal program to be aired on a Saturday.
Sunday, March 5, 1995 1 hr. 59 min. Steve Scully Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV); Marlin Fitzwater (Former White House Press Secretary); Candace Gingrich; Chuck Greener (Communications Director, Republican National Committee); Michael "Mike" D. McCurry (White House Press Secretary); Andrew Nagorski (Moscow Bureau Chief, Newsweek); Pierre Salinger (Chief Foreign Correspondent, ABC Television); Karen Tumulty (Washington, D.C. Correspondent, Time Magazine)
Monday, March 6, 1995 1 hr. 59 min. Lincoln Caplan (Editor, Newsweek); Alan J. Dixon (Chair, Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission); Jamie Dupree (Correspondent, Cox Communications); James Michael Oliver (Worker, Norfolk Naval Base); Paul Rodriguez (Editor, Insight Magazine)
Tuesday, March 7, 1995 2 hr. 31 min. Susan Swain David Beeder (Correspondent, Omaha World Herald); Thomas Edmonds (President, Edmonds and Associates Inc.); John Franzen (President, John Franzen Multimedia); Rep. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Wednesday, March 8, 1995 3 hr. 2 min. Steve Scully Gov. Howard Dean, M.D. (D-VT); Thomas Ferraro (Correspondent, Bloomberg Business News); Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA); Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL); Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ); Patrice Hill (Correspondent, Washington Times); Abner J. Mikva (Counsel, White House); Tom Walker (Correspondent, Fisher Broadcasting)
Thursday, March 9, 1995 3 hr. Lew Ketcham Sen. Bill Bradley (D-NJ); Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN); Betty Friedan (Author); Andrew "Andy" Taylor (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly); Byron York (Correspondent, American Spectator); Cathy Young (Vice President, Women's Freedom Network)
Friday, March 10, 1995 3 hr. Brian Lamb Janell Byrd (Attorney, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund); Jack Fishman (Regional Operations Director, National Newspaper Association); Kathy Kiely (Washington Bureau Chief, Houston Post); Sen. Joseph "Joe" Lieberman (D-CT); John Moore (Correspondent, National Journal); Michael Parta (Chairman, National Newspaper Association); William Welch (Congressional Correspondent, USA Today); Thomas Wood (Representative, California Civil Rights Initiative)
Saturday, March 11, 1995 1 hr. 26 min. Lew Ketcham Donald Haines (Legislative Affairs Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union); Jesse Jackson Jr. (Director, National Rainbow Coalition); David Lightman (Washington Bureau Chief, Hartford Courant); Michael Sununu (Research Director, National Republican Congressional Committee); Patrick A. Trueman (Government Affairs Director, American Family Association)
Sunday, March 12, 1995 1 hr. 59 min. Bruce Collins Ronald Brownstein (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Jeff Danziger (Editorial Cartoonist, Christian Science Monitor); Nina J. Easton (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Michael Isikoff (Correspondent, Newsweek); Richard "Rich" A. Lowry (Correspondent, National Review); Daniel J. Mitchell (Senior Fellow, Political Economy, Heritage Foundation); Nancy Mitchell (Vice President, Citizens for a Sound Economy)
Monday, March 13, 1995 2 hr. 37 min. Brian Lamb Sam Durrance (Space Shuttle Astronaut, NASA); John Harwood (White House Correspondent, Wall Street Journal); Glenda Hood (President, National League of Cities); Tammy Jernigan (Space Shuttle Astronaut, NASA); Wesley Pruden (Editor-in-Chief, Washington Times); Suneea Ratan (Correspondent, Time Magazine); Robert Stachnik, (Hubble Space Telescope Specialist, NASA); Ray Suarez (Talk Show Host, National Public Radio)
Tuesday, March 14, 1995 3 hr. 2 min. Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Former Rep. Thomas "Tom" S. Foley (D-WA); George Hager (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly); Brooks Jackson (Correspondent, CNN); Jane Kirtley (Executive Director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press); Rep. John Mica (R-FL); Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN); Jacob Weisberg (Correspondent, New York Magazine)
Wednesday, March 15, 1995 2 hr. 46 min. Steve Scully Albert Eisele (Editor, The Hill); Dan Freedman (Law Correspondent, Hearst Newspapers); Robert B. Reich (Secretary, Department of Labor); Robert V. Remini (History Professor, University of Richmond); Nancy Roman (Supreme Court Correspondent, Washington Times); Martin Scorsese (Filmmaker); Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA); Rep. Peter Torkildsen (R-MA)
Thursday, March 16, 1995 2 hr. 47 min. Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Kenneth Adelman (Columnist, Tribune Company); Mary Ann Akers (Correspondent, CongressDaily); David Baumann (Correspondent, CongressDaily); Rep. David "Dave" Lee Camp (R-MI); Rep. Ben Cardin (D-MA); Kati Marton (Fellow, Gannett Center for Media Studies); William Lee Miller (Professor of Political and Social Thought, University of Virginia); William Reed) (Communications Director, National Newspaper Association); Tom Wicker (Former Columnist, New York Times)
Friday, March 17, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Brian Lamb John Alderdice (Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Leader, House of Commons of the United Kingdom); James H. Bruns (Director, National Postal Museum); Craig Crawford (Washington Bureau Chief, Orlando Sentinel); John Hume (Member for Foyle, House of Commons of the United Kingdom); Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-CT); Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA); Rep. Louis Stokes (D-OH); Wilbert Tatum (Publisher and Editor, New York Amsterdam News); Ben J. Wattenberg (Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute)
Saturday, March 18, 1995 1 hr. 29 min. Lew Ketcham Bob Cohn (White House Correspondent, Newsweek); Peter LaBarbera (Editor, Lambda Report on Homosexuality); Heather Lamm (Member, Bipartisan Commission on Entitlements); Allan J. Lichtman (History Professor, American University); Melinda Paras (Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force); Kevin Pritchett (Office of Sen. Trent Lott, R-MS)
Sunday, March 19, 1995 1 hr. 58 min. Steve Scully Jeffrey H. Birnbaum (Correspondent, Time Magazine); Former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo (D-NY); John H. Fund (Editorial Writer, Wall Street Journal); Donald Lambro (Political Affairs Correspondent, Washington Times); Gene B. Sperling (Deputy Assistant, White House); Former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder (D-VA)
Monday, March 20, 1995 3 hr. Connie Doebele Betsy Hart (Columnist, Scripps Howard News Service); Donald F. Kettl (Senior Fellow, Government Studies, Brookings Institution); Nackey Loeb (Publisher, Manchester Union Leader); Askia Muhammad (Correspondent, National Scene News Bureau); Lloyd Ogilvie (Chaplain, U.S. Senate); Richard Sammon (Correspondent, CQ Daily); Rep. Robert "Bob" S. Walker (R-PA)
Tuesday, March 21, 1995 2 hr. 29 min. Lew Ketcham Rep. Mac Collins (R-GA); Vanessa Gallman (National Correspondent, Knight-Ridder Newspapers); Heidi Hartman (Director, Institute for Women's Policy Research); Jim Kuhnhenn (Washington Bureau Chief, Kansas City Star); Rep. Patsy Mink (D-HI); Bud Norman (Correspondent, Wichita Eagle); Rep. James Nussle (R-IA); Lloyd Ogilvie (Chaplain, U.S. Senate)
Wednesday, March 22, 1995 3 hr. Bruce Collins
Steve Scully
Jim Abrams (Correspondent, Associated Press); Bonnie Campbell (Attorney General of Iowa); Lt. Gov. Gray Davis (D-CA); Patrick Ellis (President, Catholic University of America); Rep. William "Bill" F. Goodling (R-PA); Dave McConnell (Congressional Correspondent, WTOP-Radio); Dan Stein (Executive Director, Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform); Rick Swartz (Attorney, National Immigration Forum)
Thursday, March 23, 1995 2 hr. 59 min. Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA); Rep. Nathan Deal (D-GA); Rep. Harris W. Fawell (R-IL); Robert Fersh (President, Food Research and Action Center); Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ); Rep. Donald M. Payne (D-NJ); Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV); Elizabeth Shogren (Correspondent, Los Angeles Times); Gov. Fife Symington (R-AZ)
Friday, March 24, 1995 3 hr. Brian Lamb David Brock (Investigative Reporting Correspondent, American Spectator); Rep. Eva Clayton (D-NC); Kenneth Cooper (Correspondent, Washington Post); David Corn (Washington Bureau Editor, The Nation); Elizabeth Kolbert (Correspondent, New York Times Magazine); Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ); Bill Williams (Writer, National Gallery of Art); Lisa Woll (Washington, D.C. Liaison, Save the Children)
Saturday, March 25, 1995 1 hr. 28 min. Lew Ketcham
Steve Scully
Rene Denfeld; Kim Gandy; (Vice President, National Organization for Women); Jeff Glasser (Editor-in-Chief, Yale Daily News); Alex Schmitz (Editor, Georgetown Hoya); Steven Thomma (Politics Correspondent, Knight-Ridder Newspapers)
Sunday, March 26, 1995 1 hr. 58 min. Daniel "Dan" J. Balz (Politics Correspondent, Washington Post); Howard Fineman (Correspondent, Newsweek); Anne Groder (Correspondent, Orlando Sentinel); Alan Keyes (Talk Show Host, WCBM Radio); Gov. Michael O. Leavitt (R-UT); Gov. Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Monday, March 27, 1995 2 hr. 59 min. Brian Lamb Elliott Abrams (Former Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs, U.S. Department of State); Haley Barbour (Chairman, Republican National Committee); Jean Casimir (Haitian Ambassador to the United States); Arnaud De Borchgrave (Editor-in-Chief, Washington Times); James Fallows (Washington D.C. Editor, Atlantic Monthly); William Jones (Former United States Ambassador to Haiti); T. Boone Pickens Jr. (Former Chairman and CEO, Mesa Limited Partnership); Kathy Sawyer (Correspondent, Washington Post); Benjamin Sheffner (Correspondent, CQ Today); Gov. Pete Wilson (R-CA)
Tuesday, March 28, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Jennifer Babson (Correspondent, Congressional Quarterly); Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA); Rep. Van Hilleary (R-TN); Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX); Rep. Robert "Bob" Inglis (R-SC); Paul Jacob (Executive Director, U.S. Term Limits); Victor Kamber (Political Consultant, Democratic Party); Rep. Bill McCollum Jr. (R-FL); Rep. Douglas "Pete" B. Peterson (D-FL); Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN)
Wednesday, March 29, 1995 3 hr. 5 min. Bruce Collins
Steve Scully
Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL); Former Gov. Edmund "Jerry" G. Brown Jr. (D-CA); Warren Christopher (U.S. Secretary of State); Rep. Peter "Pete" King (R-NY); Terry Lemons (Correspondent, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette); Rep. Martin "Marty" Meehan (D-MA); William Pascoe (Legislative Affairs Director, American Conservative Union); Rep. Nick Smith (R-MI); Stuart S. Taylor Jr. (Senior Writer, The American Lawyer)
Thursday, March 30, 1995 3 hr. 1 min. Lew Ketcham
Susan Swain
Kenan Block (Television Committee Chairman, U.S. House of Representatives); Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS); Jeanne Cummings (Correspondent, Cox Newspapers); Rep. James Vear Hansen (R-UT); Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI); Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD); Anick Jesdanun (Pennsylvania Correspondent, Associated Press); Ralph Lotkin (Former Chief Counsel, House Standards of Official Conduct Committee); Sen. David Pryor (D-AR); Ralph E. Reed Jr. (Executive Director, Christian Coalition of America); Ann Stone (Chairwoman, Republicans for Choice)
Friday, March 31, 1995 3 hr. 3 min. R.W. "Johnny" Apple Jr. (Washington Bureau Chief Correspondent, New York Times); Michael Beard (President, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence); Shirley Chater (Commissioner, Social Security Administration); John Cochran (Chief Congressional Correspondent, ABC News); Robert DeFao (Horticulturalist, National Park Service); Paul Gigot (Columnist, Wall Street Journal); Dan Glickman (Secretary, Department of Agriculture); Lisa Leiter (Correspondent, Insight Magazine); Dianne Mance (President, National Cherry Blossom Festival); Tanya Metaksa (Executive Director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action); David Rieff (Contributing Editor, New Republic)


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