2016 Summer Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers

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Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found. During the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the flag bearers of 207 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Maracanã Stadium. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes without any distinction or grouping by nationality. The blending of all the athletes is a tradition that dates from the 1956 Summer Olympics, after a suggestion by Australian-born British student John Ian Wing, who thought it would be a way of bringing the athletes of the world together as "one nation." The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

Countries and flagbearers

The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. This table is sortable by country name in English, country name in Brazilian Portuguese, the flag bearer's name, or the flag bearer's sport. Names are given as were officially designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

No. Country Brazilian Portuguese name Flag bearer Sport
1  Greece (GRE) Grécia Ekaterini Stefanidi[1] Athletics
2 22x20px Afghanistan (AFG) Afeganistão Volunteer[1]
3  South Africa (RSA) África do Sul Caster Semenya[1] Athletics
4  Albania (ALB) Albânia Luiza Gega[1] Athletics
5  Germany (GER) Alemanha Sebastian Brendel[2] Canoeing
6  Andorra (AND) Andorra Pol Moya[1] Athletics
7  Angola (ANG) Angola Cristina Direito Branco[1] Handball
8  Antigua and Barbuda (ANT) Antígua e Barbuda Noah Mascoll-Gomes[1] Swimming
9  Saudi Arabia (KSA) Arábia Saudita Volunteer[1]
10  Algeria (ALG) Argélia Larbi Bourrada[1] Athletics
11  Argentina (ARG) Argentina Paula Pareto Judo
12  Armenia (ARM) Armênia Artur Aleksanyan[1] Wrestling
13  Aruba (ARU) Aruba Nicole Van der Velden[1] Sailing
14  Independent Olympic Athletes (IOA) Atletas Olímpicos Independentes Volunteer[1]
15  Australia (AUS) Austrália Kim Brennan[3] Rowing
16  Austria (AUT) Áustria Thomas Zajac and Tanja Frank[1] Sailing
17  Azerbaijan (AZE) Azerbaijão Haji Aliyev[1] Wrestling
18  Bahamas (BAH) Bahamas Leevan Sands[1] Athletics
19  Bangladesh (BAN) Bangladesh Shamoli Ray[1] Archery
20  Barbados (BAR) Barbados Akela Jones[1] Athletics
21  Bahrain (BRN) Bareine Alemu Bekele[1] Athletics
22  Belarus (BLR) Belarus Ivan Tsikhan Athletics
23  Belgium (BEL) Bélgica Nafissatou Thiam[4] Athletics
24 22x20px Belize (BIZ) Belize Brandon Jones[1] Athletics
25  Benin (BEN) Benim Yemi Geoffrey Apithy[1] Fencing
26  Bermuda (BER) Bermuda Volunteer[1]
27  Bolivia (BOL) Bolívia Angela Castro[1] Athletics
28  Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Bósnia e Herzegovina Amel Tuka Athletics
29  Botswana (BOT) Botsuana Isaac Makwala[1] Athletics
30  Brunei (BRU) Brunei Darussalam Maizurah Abdul Rahim[1] Athletics
31  Bulgaria (BUL) Bulgária Mihaela Maevska[1] Gymnastics
32  Burkina Faso (BUR) Burkina Faso Angelika Sita Ouedraogo[1] Swimming
33  Burundi (BDI) Burundi Billy Scott Irakoze[1] Swimming
34  Bhutan (BHU) Butão Lenchu Kunzang[1] Shooting
35  Cape Verde (CPV) Cabo Verde Maria Andrade[1] Taekwondo
36  Cameroon (CMR) Camarões Dieudonne Wilfried Seyi Ntsengue[1] Boxing
37  Cambodia (CAM) Camboja Sorn Seavmey[1] Taekwondo
38  Canada (CAN) Canadá Penny Oleksiak[5] Swimming
39  Qatar (QAT) Catar Volunteer[1]
40  Kazakhstan (KAZ) Cazaquistão Ruslan Zhaparov[1] Taekwondo
41  Cayman Islands (CAY) Ilhas Cayman Lara Butler[1] Swimming
42  Central African Republic (CAF) República Centro-Africana Chloe Marie Helene Sauvourel[1] Swimming
43  Chad (CHA) Chade Bibiro Ali Tahar[1] Athletics
44  Chile (CHI) Chile Bárbara Riveros[6] Triathlon
45  China (CHN) República Popular da China Ding Ning[1] Table Tennis
46  Cyprus (CYP) Chipre Leontia Kallenou[1] Athletics
47  Colombia (COL) Colômbia Ingrid Lorena Valencia[1] Boxing
48  Comoros (COM) Comores Soule Soilihi Athoumane[1] Swimming
49  Republic of the Congo (CGO) Congo Franck Elemba[1] Athletics
50  Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) República Democrática do Congo Rodrick Kuku[1] Judo
51  Cook Islands (COK) Ilhas Cook Alex Beddoes[1] Athletics
52  South Korea (KOR) República da Coreia Kim Hyeon-woo[1] Wrestling
53  Ivory Coast (CIV) Costa do Marfim Rene Philippe Kouassi[1] Archery
54  Costa Rica (CRC) Costa Rica Karen Cope Charles[1] Beach Volleyball
55  Croatia (CRO) Croácia Valent Sinkovic and Martin Sinkovic[1] Rowing
56  Cuba (CUB) Cuba Mijain Lopez[1] Wrestling
57  Denmark (DEN) Dinamarca Pernille Blume Swimming
58  Djibouti (DJI) Djibuti Mohamed Ismail Ibrahim[1] Athletics
59  Dominica (DMA) Dominica Yordanys Durañona[1] Athletics
60  Dominican Republic (DOM) República Dominicana Luisito Pié[1] Taekwondo
61  Egypt (EGY) Egito Hedaya Malak Taekwondo
62  El Salvador (ESA) El Salvador Enrique Arathoon[1] Sailing
63  United Arab Emirates (UAE) Emirados Árabes Unidos Saud Alzaabi[1] Athletics
64  Ecuador (ECU) Equador Bayron Piedra[1] Athletics
65  Eritrea (ERI) Eritreia Tsegay Tuemay[1] Athletics
66  Slovakia (SVK) Eslováquia Erik Vlček Canoeing
67  Slovenia (SLO) Eslovênia Tanja Zakelj[1] Cycling
68  Spain (ESP) Espanha Jesús Ángel García Bragado Athletics
69  Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Estados Federados da Micronésia Volunteer[1]
70  United States (USA) Estados Unidos da América Simone Biles[7] Gymnastics
71  Estonia (EST) Estônia Mart Seim[1] Weightlifting
72  Ethiopia (ETH) Etiópia Almaz Ayana[1] Athletics
73  Macedonia (MKD) Ex-República Iugoslava da Macedônia Volunteer[1]
74  Fiji (FIJ) Fiji Leslie Copeland[8] Athletics
75  Philippines (PHI) Filipinas Kirstie Elaine Alora[1] Taekwondo
76  Finland (FIN) Finlândia Antti Ruuskanen[1] Athletics
77  France (FRA) França Teddy Riner Judo
78  Gabon (GAB) Gabão Anthony Mylann Obame[1] Taekwondo
79  The Gambia (GAM) Gâmbia Gina Bass[1] Athletics
80  Ghana (GHA) Gana Flings Owusu-Agyapong[1] Athletics
81  Georgia (GEO) Geórgia Lasha Talakhadze[1] Weightlifting
82  Great Britain (GBR) Grã-Bretanha Kate Richardson-Walsh Field hockey
83  Grenada (GRN) Granada Lindon Victor[1] Athletics
84  Guam (GUM) Guam Benjamin Schulte[1] Swimming
85  Guatemala (GUA) Guatemala Juan Ignacio Maegli[1] Sailing
86  Guyana (GUY) Guiana Troy Doris[1] Athletics
87  Guinea (GUI) Guiné Mamadama Bangoura[1] Judo
88  Equatorial Guinea (GEQ) Guiné Equatorial Reina-Flor Okori[1] Athletics
89  Guinea-Bissau (GBS) Guiné-Bissau Taciana Lima[1] Judo
90  Haiti (HAI) Haiti Jeffrey Julmis[1] Athletics
91 22x20px Honduras (HON) Honduras Miguel Ferrera[1] Taekwondo
92  Hong Kong (HKG) Hong Kong, China Chan Chun Hing[1] Cycling
93  Hungary (HUN) Hungria Katinka Hosszú Swimming
94  Yemen (YEM) Iêmen Volunteer[1]
95  India (IND) Índia Sakshi Malik Wrestling
96  Indonesia (INA) Indonésia Volunteer[1]
97  Iran (IRI) República Islâmica do Irã Hassan Yazdani Wrestling
98  Iraq (IRQ) Iraque Volunteer[1]
99  Ireland (IRL) Irlanda Gary O'Donovan Rowing
100  Iceland (ISL) Islândia Hrafnhildur Luthersdottir[1] Swimming
101  Israel (ISR) Israel Alona Koshevatskiy[1] Gymnastics
102  Italy (ITA) Itália Daniele Lupo[1] Beach Volleyball
103  Jamaica (JAM) Jamaica Javon Francis[1] Athletics
104  Japan (JPN) Japão Keisuke Ushiro[1] Athletics
105  Jordan (JOR) Jordânia Ahmad Abughoush[1] Taekwondo
106  Kiribati (KIR) Kiribati Volunteer[1]
107  Kosovo (KOS) Kosovo Vijona Kryeziu[1] Athletics
108  Laos (LAO) República Popular Democrática do Laos Xaysa Anousone[1] Athletics
109  Lesotho (LES) Lesoto Inkululeko Suntele[1] Boxing
110  Latvia (LAT) Letônia Aleksejs Rumjancevs[1] Canoeing
111  Lebanon (LIB) Líbano Volunteer[1]
112  Liberia (LBR) Libéria Emmanuel Matadi[1] Athletics
113  Libya (LBA) Líbia Volunteer[1]
114  Liechtenstein (LIE) Liechtenstein Christoph Meier[1] Swimming
115  Lithuania (LTU) Lituânia Edvinas Ramanauskas[1] Canoeing
116  Luxembourg (LUX) Luxemburgo Ni Xialian[9] Table Tennis
117  Madagascar (MAD) Madagascar Asaramanitra Ratiarison[1] Judo
118  Malaysia (MAS) Malásia Lee Chong Wei[1] Badminton
119  Malawi (MAW) Maláui Kefasi Chitsala[1] Athletics
120  Maldives (MDV) Maldivas Afa Isimail[1] Athletics
121  Mali (MLI) Mali Ismael Coulibaly[1] Taekwondo
122  Malta (MLT) Malta Charlotte Wingfield[1] Athletics
123  Marshall Islands (MHL) Ilhas Marshall Colleen Furgeson[1] Swimming
124  Morocco (MAR) Marrocos Wiam Dislam[1] Taekwondo
125  Mauritius (MRI) Maurício Jonathan Drack[1] Athletics
126  Mauritania (MTN) Mauritânia Volunteer[1]
127  Mexico (MEX) México Maria Del Rosario Espinoza[1] Taekwondo
128  Mozambique (MOZ) Moçambique Joaquim Lobo[1] Canoeing
129  Moldova (MDA) República da Moldova Zalina Marghieva[1] Athletics
130  Monaco (MON) Mônaco Volunteer[1]
131  Mongolia (MGL) Mongólia Dorjnyambuugiin Otgondalai[1] Boxing
132  Montenegro (MNE) Montenegro Predrag Jokic[1] Water Polo
133  Myanmar (MYA) Myanmar Yan Naing Soe[1] Judo
134  Namibia (NAM) Namíbia Michelle Vorster[1] Cycling
135  Nauru (NRU) Nauru Ovini Uera[1] Judo
136  Nepal (NEP) Nepal Saraswati Bhattarai[1] Athletics
137  Nicaragua (NCA) Nicarágua Erick Rodriguez[1] Athletics
138  Niger (NIG) Níger Issoufou Alfaga Abdoulrazak[1] Taekwondo
139  Nigeria (NGR) Nigéria Doreen Amata[1] Athletics
140  Norway (NOR) Noruega Kari Aalvik Grimsbo[1] Handball
141  New Zealand (NZL) Nova Zelândia Lisa Carrington[10] Canoeing
142  Oman (OMA) Omã Volunteer[1]
143  Netherlands (NED) Países Baixos Sanne Wevers[11] Gymnastics
144  Palau (PLW) Palau Skilang Temengil[1] Wrestling
145  Palestine (PLE) Palestina Miri Alatrash[1] Swimming
146  Panama (PAN) Panamá Carolena Carstens[1] Taekwondo
147  Papua New Guinea (PNG) Papua Nova Guiné Samantha Kassman[1] Taekwondo
148  Pakistan (PAK) Paquistão Volunteer[1]
149  Paraguay (PAR) Paraguai Carmen Martinez[1] Athletics
150  Peru (PER) Peru David Torrence[1] Athletics
151  Poland (POL) Polônia Marta Walczykiewicz[1] Canoeing
152  Puerto Rico (PUR) Porto Rico Jaime Yusept Espinal[1] Wrestling
153  Portugal (POR) Portugal Telma Monteiro Judo
154  Kenya (KEN) Quênia Mercy Cherono[1] Athletics
155  Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) Quirguistão Aisuluu Tynybekova[1] Wrestling
156  North Korea (PRK) República Popular Democrática da Coreia Yun Won Chol[1] Wrestling
157  Romania (ROU) Romênia Simona Pop[1] Fencing
158  Rwanda (RWA) Ruanda Claudette Mukasakindi[1] Athletics
159  Russia (RUS) Federação da Rússia Svetlana Romashina and Natalia Ishchenko Synchronized swimming
160  Solomon Islands (SOL) Ilhas Salomão Rosefelo Siosi[1] Athletics
161  Samoa (SAM) Samoa Alex Rose[1] Athletics
162  American Samoa (ASA) Samoa Americana Benjamin Waterhouse[1] Judo
163  San Marino (SMR) San Marino Alessandra Perilli[1] Shooting
164  Saint Lucia (LCA) Santa Lúcia Jeanelle Scheper[1] Athletics
165  Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN) São Cristóvão e Névis Antoine Adams[1] Athletics
166  São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) São Tomé e Príncipe Volunteer[1]
167  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN) São Vicente e Granadinas Kineke Alexander[1] Athletics
168  Seychelles (SEY) Seicheles Lissa Labiche[1] Athletics
169  Senegal (SEN) Senegal Adama Diatta[1] Wrestling
170  Sierra Leone (SLE) Serra Leoa Hafsatu Kamara[1] Athletics
171  Serbia (SRB) Sérvia Tijana Bogdanović Taekwondo
172  Singapore (SIN) Singapura Griselda Khng[1] Sailing
173  Syria (SYR) República Árabe da Síria Ghofrane Mohamed[1] Athletics
174  Somalia (SOM) Somália Mohamed Daud Mohamed[1] Athletics
175  Sri Lanka (SRI) Sri Lanka Anuradha Indrajith Cooray[1] Athletics
176  Swaziland (SWZ) Suazilândia Phumlile Ndzinisa[1] Athletics
177  Sudan (SUD) Sudão Volunteer[1]
178  South Sudan (SSD) Sudão do Sul Guor Marial[1] Athletics
179  Sweden (SWE) Suécia Emma Johansson[1] Cycling
180  Switzerland (SUI) Suíça Nino Schurter Mountain Biking
181  Suriname (SUR) Suriname Volunteer[1]
182  Tajikistan (TJK) Tadjiquistão Anvar Yunusov[1] Boxing
183  Thailand (THA) Tailândia Boonthung Srisung[1] Athletics
184  Chinese Taipei (TPE) Taipé Chinesa Hsu Shu-Ching[1] Weightlifting
185  Tanzania (TAN) República Unida da Tanzânia Alphonce Felix Simbu[1] Athletics
186  Czech Republic (CZE) República Tcheca Josef Dostál Canoeing
187  East Timor (TLS) República Democrática de Timor-Leste Agusto Soares[1] Athletics
188  Togo (TOG) Togo Adzo Rebecca Kpossi[1] Swimming
189  Tonga (TGA) Tonga Siueni Filimone[1] Athletics
190  Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) Trinidad e Tobago Cleopatra Borel[1] Athletics
191  Tunisia (TUN) Tunísia Oussama Oueslati[1] Taekwondo
192  Turkmenistan (TKM) Turcomenistão Volunteer[1]
193  Turkey (TUR) Turquia Taha Akgul[1] Wrestling
194  Tuvalu (TUV) Tuvalu Volunteer[1]
195  Ukraine (UKR) Ucrânia Olga Kharlan Fencing
196  Uganda (UGA) Uganda Halima Nakaayi[1] Athletics
197  Uruguay (URU) Uruguai Emiliano Lasa[1] Athletics
198  Uzbekistan (UZB) Uzbequistão Bektemir Melikuziev[1] Boxing
199  Vanuatu (VAN) Vanuatu Volunteer[1]
200  Venezuela (VEN) Venezuela Stefany Hernandez[1] Cycling
201  Vietnam (VIE) Vietnã Volunteer[1]
202  Virgin Islands (ISV) Ilhas Virgens Americanas Clayton Laurent Jr.[1] Boxing
203  British Virgin Islands (IVB) Ilhas Virgens Britânicas Volunteer[1]
204  Zambia (ZAM) Zâmbia Gerald Phiri[1] Athletics
205  Zimbabwe (ZIM) Zimbábue Kirsty Coventry[1] Swimming
206  Refugee Olympic Team (ROT)[12] Time Olímpico de Refugiados Popole Misenga[1] Judo
207  Brazil (BRA) Brasil Isaquias Queiroz Canoeing


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