This is a list of manhua, or Chinese comics, ordered by year then alphabetical order, and shown with region and author. It contains a collection manhua magazines, pictorial collections as well as newspapers.[1]
Hong Kong / China
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
China Punch |
1867 |
The Situation in the Far East |
1899 |
時局圖 |
Tse Tsan-tai |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Man Fu Daily |
1909 |
民吁日報 |
Various |
Journal of Current Pictorial |
1905 |
時事畫報 |
Pan Dawei (潘達微), Gao Jianfu (高劍父), Xie Yingbo (謝英伯), He Jianshi (何劍士), Zheng Leiquan (鄭磊泉) |
Enlightenment Pictorial |
1908 |
蒙學畫報 |
People Pictorial |
Ping-wen Huabao |
1908 |
平民畫報 |
Pan Dawei (潘達微), Gao Jianfu (高劍父), Xie Yingbo (謝英伯), He Jianshi (何劍士), Zheng Leiquan (鄭磊泉) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Condemnations from Heaven |
1911 |
天討 |
The True Face of the Nation's Betrayer in the Present |
1911 |
現代漢奸之真相 |
The True Record |
1912 |
真相畫報 |
He Jianshi (何劍士), Zheng Leiquan (鄭磊泉) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Renjian Pictorial |
1920 |
人鑑 |
Zheng Leiquan (鄭磊泉) |
Children's Pictorials Bimonthly Magazine |
1923 |
兒童畫報半月刊 |
Unknown |
Zi-kai Manhua |
1925 |
子愷漫畫 |
Feng Zikai |
Shanghai Sketch |
Shanghai Manhua |
1928 |
上海漫畫 |
Ye Qianyu, Zhang Guangyu (張光宇), Huang Wennong (黃文農) |
The Sketch |
Bun-gok Manhua |
1929 |
半角漫畫 |
Ye Yinquan (葉因泉) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Modern Miscellany |
1930 |
時代圖畫半月刊 |
Various |
Children's Magazine |
1932 |
Unknown |
Children's World Bimonthly |
1932 |
兒童世界 |
Unknown |
Modern Sketch |
Modern Manhua |
1934 |
時代畫報 |
Various |
Young Children's Literature Collection |
1934 |
幼童文庫叢書 |
Unknown |
Sanmao |
Three Hairs |
1935 |
三毛 |
Zhang Leping |
Shanghai Manhua |
1936 |
上海漫畫 |
Various |
Good Children's Weekly: Children Reading Materials |
1938 |
好孩子周刊兒童讀物 |
Unknown |
The Modern Chinese Cartoonist Exhibition Catalog |
1939 |
現代中國漫畫展 |
Ye Qianyu |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
New Children's Bimonthly Magazine |
Young Pioneers |
1941-1956 |
新兒童半月刊 |
Xu Dishan, Feng Zikai, Yan Wenjing, Hu Bingchun (胡冰春) |
Chau Yat-ching |
1946 |
周日清 |
Yu-Ming |
Fong Tong-geng Teases Chan Mung-gat |
1946 |
荒唐鏡三氣陳夢吉 |
Lui Yu-tin (雷雨田) |
Wu-lung Wong |
Brother of Blunders, King of Blunders |
1946 |
烏龍王 |
Lui Yu-tin (雷雨田) |
Hot-tempered Leung |
1947 |
牛精良 |
Yuan Bou-wan (袁步雲) |
Man in Suit |
1947 |
西裝友 |
Tou Jo-wai (社租惠) |
Sporty Aunt |
1947 |
Sze-to Dip (司徒秩) |
Arrogant Chiu |
1948 |
沙塵超 |
Yuan Bou-wan (袁步雲) |
This is a Cartoon Era |
1948 |
這是一個漫畫年代 |
Renjian Huahui Group (人間畫會), also known as The Society for Art for the People |
Kiddy Cheung |
1949 |
絀路祥 |
Yuan Bou-wan (袁步雲) |
Miss Lau |
1949 |
柳姐 |
Yuan Bou-wan (袁步雲) |
Spy Heroes |
1949 |
諜網英雄 |
Chau Ba-ping (周白蘋), Lo Lik |
Wong Chai |
1949 |
王仔 |
Yuan Bou-wan (袁步雲) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
New China Little Picture Books |
1950s-1960s |
Various |
World Famous Children's Book Series |
1951 |
世界著名兒童故事叢書 |
Unknown |
Children's Educational Picture Book Collection |
1952 |
兒童教育圖畫叢 |
Unknown |
Children's Healthy Series Literature |
1952 |
兒童益智文庫 |
Unknown |
The Blessed Young Children Magazine |
1952 |
褊幼 |
Unknown |
World Youth Bimonthly Magazine |
1952 |
世界少年半月刊 |
Unknown |
Children's Knowledge Educational Series |
1953 |
兒童知識教育叢書 |
Unknown |
Children's Paradise |
1953 |
兒童樂園 |
Unknown |
Girl with Big Ponytail |
1953 |
大辮女 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥) |
Legend of Heroes from Three Dynasties |
1953 |
三國英雄演義 |
Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍) |
Little Friend Bimonthly |
1953 |
小朋友半月刊 |
Lam Siu-tin (林小田), Ho Kwok-lin (何國廉), Liao Bing-xiong (廖冰兄) |
Manhua |
1953 |
Chan Chi-dor (陳子多) |
So-chau Girl |
1953 |
蘇州姑娘 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥) |
Big Head Boy |
1954 |
大頭仔 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥), Bao Dik-cheung (鮑狄祥), Bao Wun-cheung (鮑會祥) |
Big Sister Wang |
1954 |
芸姐姐 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥), Bao Dik-cheung (鮑狄祥), Bao Wun-cheung (鮑會祥) |
Jungle Prince |
1954 |
森林王子 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥), Bao Dik-cheung (鮑狄祥), Bao Wun-cheung (鮑會祥) |
Little Angeli |
Youth Pictorial |
1954 |
小安琪 |
Bao Ching-cheung (鮑楨祥), Bao Dik-cheung (鮑狄祥), Bao Wun-cheung (鮑會祥) |
Little Bobo |
Youth Pictorial |
1954 |
小寶寶 |
Unknown |
Children's Lok-fung Bao |
1955 |
兒童樂鋒報 |
Wong Chak (王澤), Cheung Hon-ming (張漢明), Ng Ho-cheung (吳浩昌) |
Cry for the Death of a Crazy Man |
1955 |
呼瘋子之死 |
Lui Yu-tin (雷雨田) |
Three Man Going Home |
1955 |
三人歸家 |
Lui Yu-tin (雷雨田) |
Cartoons World |
1956 |
漫畫世界 |
Children's Corner Pictorial Fortnightly |
Little Pilots (Fei-gei Chai) |
1956 |
世界兒童畫報, 飛機仔 |
Unknown |
Children's Literary Collection |
1956 |
兒童文藝叢書 |
Unknown |
Manhua World |
1956 |
漫畫世界 |
Mak ching (麥青) |
Silver Light Daily: Sunday Color Pictorial |
1956 |
銀燈日報: 星期彩色叢畫刊 |
The Voice of Good Companion Pictorial |
1956 |
良友之聲畫報 |
Unknown |
Friends of Children's Bimonthly |
1957 |
兒童之友半月刊 |
Cheung Yat-keui (張一渠) |
Sing Tao Good Children Happy Land |
1957 |
星島好兒童開心地 |
Unknown |
Youth Paradise Bimonthly |
1957 |
少年樂園半月刊 |
Unknown |
Joke Comics |
1958 |
笑話笑畫 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Uncle Choi |
1958 |
財叔 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Little Friends Pictorial |
1959 |
小朋友畫報 |
Unknown |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Baby Comics |
1960 |
小漫畫月刊 |
Wong Chak (王澤), Lee Kwok-yat (李國逸), Lee Sing-cheung (李聲祥), Mak ching (麥青) |
Boy Scout |
Siu-Ming |
1960 |
童子軍 |
Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍) |
Children's Weekly |
1960 |
兒童畫報 |
Unknown |
Little Companion Pictorial |
1960 |
小良友畫部 |
Wu Shu-yu (胡樹儒), Tang Chik-kun, Wong Chak (王澤), Chi Sing |
Siu-ming & Siu Sam-ji |
1960 |
小明與小三子 |
Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍) |
Caricature Weekly |
1961 |
漫畫周報 |
Lee Ling-hon (李凌翰) |
Caricature Daily |
1961 |
漫畫日報 |
Lee Ling-hon (李凌翰) |
Children's Pictorial Story Series |
1961 |
兒童圖畫故事叢書 |
Unknown |
Kid's Paradise |
1961 |
小樂園 |
Wong Chak (王澤), Wu Shu-yu (胡樹儒) |
Youth Children's Story Series |
1961 |
少年兒童故事叢書 |
Atomic Seven |
1962 |
原子七俠 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
Clean-face Conqueror |
1962 |
玉面霸王 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
Children's Story |
1962 |
兒童故事 |
Unknown |
Epoch Comics Weekly |
1962 |
時代漫畫周報 |
Leung Tak-wah |
Flying Black Batman |
1962 |
飛俠黑蝙蝠 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
King Detective |
1962 |
偵探王 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
Little Angel Pictorial Monthly |
1962 |
New Comics Weekly |
1962 |
新漫畫周報 |
Tsui Ngai |
Super Black Conqueror |
1962 |
蓋世黑霸王 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
Companion Comics |
Companion Manhua |
1963 |
良友漫畫 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文), Chan Chi-dor (陳子多), Mak ching (麥青), Lee Ling-hon (李凌翰), Wong Chak (王澤), Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Entertainment News |
1963 |
每日漫畫 |
Fung Tai-wai |
Good Children's Pictorial Bimonthly |
1963 |
好兒童畫報 |
Unknown |
Manhua Daily |
1963 |
漫畫畫報 |
Mak ching (麥青) |
Old Master Q |
1964 |
老夫子. 秦先生 AND 大番薯 |
Wong Chak (王澤) |
The Cartoons and Comic Gardens |
1964 |
漫畫樂園 |
Ng Sheng-gwan (伍尚鈞), Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍), Lee Sing-cheung (李聲祥) |
Dumb Detective Manhua Series |
曖偵探漫畫系列 |
Sung Sam-lung (宋三郎) |
Fat Chan, Gentleman, and Brother Ho Manhua |
1965 |
肥陳.大官.何老大 |
Lee Fan-fu (李凡夫) |
New Friends of Children Pictorial Bimonthly |
1965 |
新兒童之友畫報半月刊 |
Unknown |
Old Master Q's Crazy Comics |
1965 |
老夫子黐線漫畫 |
Wong Chak (王澤) |
Radar Pictorial |
1965 |
雷達畫報 |
Mok Kwan-Ngok (莫君岳), Man Yong |
13-Dot Cartoons |
1966 |
十三點 |
Lee Wai-chun (李惠珍) |
Assorted Titles |
1966-1972 |
Various |
Black Batman |
1966 |
黑蝙蝠 |
Dung Fong-yung (東方庸) |
Careless Young Master |
Careless young Man |
1966 |
鳥龍少爺 |
Ng Sheng-gwan (伍尚鈞) |
Crazy World |
1966 |
Wong Chak (王澤) |
Dai-wah and Siu-wah |
1966 |
大華與小華 |
Lee Shek-cheung |
Dummy Seven and Beauty |
1966 |
曖仔七與亞靚 |
Heung-shan A-wong (香山亞黃) |
Movie Martial Art Novel Manhua |
1966 |
Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍) |
Reflective Cave |
1966 |
迴光壁 |
Ng Gei-ping (伍寄萍) |
Science Fiction Series |
1966-1974 |
柬方庸編繪科學幻想故事 |
Dung Fong-yung (東方庸) |
Tetsujin 28-go |
1966 |
鐵人28 |
The Killing Order of Mo-lum |
1966 |
武林勾魂今 |
Ho Yat-kwan (何曰君) |
Handsome Dak |
1967 |
靚仔德 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Movie Stars and Comics Magazine |
1967 |
影星與漫畫雜誌 |
Youth Culture Committee |
Father and Ms |
1968 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Little Vagabond |
1968 |
小傻仙 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
MCC Cartoons |
Mung Cha Cha Cartoons |
1968 |
MCC 畫集 |
Fung Siu-ho |
New Mr. Wang and Mr. Chu |
1968 |
Mak Man-ching (麥敏青) |
The World of E-king Yen |
1968 |
嚴以敬漫畫選集 |
Yen E-King (嚴以敬) |
Happy Family TV Episode Comics |
1969 |
Solar Lord |
1969 |
小魔神 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
The Son of Ultraman |
1969 |
超人之于 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Happy Fruit |
1970 |
開心果 |
Ng Sheng-gwan (伍尚鈞) |
Four People Thematic Caricature |
1970 |
四人專題漫畫 |
Lam Jong-git, Nam Ying (南嬰), Heung-shan A-wong (香山亞黃), Chau Hang-jok |
Little Rascals |
Oriental Heroes |
1970, 1975 |
小流氓, 龍虎門 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
Mr Chu and Aunt Eight |
1970 |
朱先生 AND 八姑 |
Mak Man-ching (麥敏青) |
Sweet and Gentle |
1970 |
嬌滴滴 |
Tse Ling-ling |
Ultraman Pictorial |
1970 |
矇面超人 |
Mok Kwan-Ngok (莫君岳), Man Yong |
1001 Joke Comics |
1971 |
笑話笑畫 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文), Ng Kam-hung, Mak Man-ching (麥敏青) |
Bruce Lee |
1971 |
李小龍 |
Seung-gun Siu-bo (上官小寶) |
Father and Son |
1971 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Grandpa and Granddaughter |
1971 |
兩公孫 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Miss Silly |
1971 |
茜莉小姐 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Young Couple |
1971 |
歡喜冤家 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Father, Ngau-chai, and Ms. |
1972 |
契爺.牛仔.大小姐 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Instant TV |
1973 |
即播電視 |
Lai Man-fung |
Ms. Carefree |
1974 |
傻大姐 |
Ng Gam-hong |
Cartoons News |
1975 |
漫畫通訊 |
Yuan Yat-muk (袁一木), Mok Wah, Yeung Wai-pong (楊維邦) |
Children's TV |
1975 |
兒童 TV |
Unknown |
Experimental Cartoons |
1975 |
實驗漫畫 |
Yuan Yat-muk (袁一木), Mok Wah, Yeung Wai-pong (楊維邦) |
Happy Together Children's Pictorial |
1975 |
大家樂兒童畫報 |
Unknown |
Hei Bo |
1975 |
喜報 |
Seung-gun Siu-bo (上官小寶) |
Little Baby and Little Po Po |
1975 |
小寶貝 |
Hui Guan-man (許冠文) |
Sang Po |
1975 |
生報 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
Cute Girl |
1976 |
得意妹 |
Unknown |
Doraemon |
Ding Dong |
1976 |
叮噹 / 多啦A夢 |
Electric Pig |
1976 |
電氣小豬 |
Tsui Yu-on |
Lies of Journey to the West |
1976 |
大話西遊 |
Tsui Yu-on |
Ching Bo |
1977 |
青報 |
Seung-gun Siu-bo (上官小寶) |
Golden Bo Daily |
1977 |
金報 |
Wong Chun-lung |
Big Brother Sunny |
1978 |
辛尼哥哥 |
Unknown |
Charming |
1978 |
風流 |
Ma Wing-shing (馬榮成) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
New Wave Manhua Magazine |
1980 |
新浪潮漫畫雜誌 |
Tony Chan, Ma Wing-shing (馬榮成), Chu Joy-yee, Sham Lak-hung |
Humor World |
1981 |
Yeung Wai-pong (楊維邦), Tao Sam, Yat Muk, Zunzi (尊子), Yan Ting-hau, Mok Wah, Au Ching (區晴), Lee Tak-hong |
Manhua New Trend |
1981 |
漫畫新潮 |
Cheung Wai-kit (張韋傑) |
Siu-keung Manhua Collection |
1981 |
小強漫畫集 |
Seung-gun Siu-bo (上官小寶), Seung-gun Siu-keung (上官小強) |
2001 Comics Weekly |
1982 |
2001 漫畫周刊 |
2001 Editorial Board, Chu Jo-yee |
Buddha's Palm |
1982 |
如來神掌 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
Chinese Hero |
Blood Sword, Blood Sword Dynasty |
1982 |
中華英雄 |
Ma Wing-shing (馬榮成) |
Drunken Master |
1982 |
醉拳 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
King Manhua Weekly |
1982 |
漫畫王 |
The Dragon God Battle |
1982 |
神龍八部 |
Various |
Tin Lung Comics |
1982 |
天龍報 |
Various |
Ngau-chai |
1982 |
牛仔 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Sing Tao Good Children Happy Land |
1982 |
星島好兒童開心地 |
Lee Wai-chun (李惠珍), Ting Shui-leung |
Sunday Comics |
1982 |
星期日漫畫 |
Ho Tai-yi, Chu Jo-yee, Tang Pun-bong, Ko Cheung, Fung Chi-ming (馮志明) |
Tiger Panther Heroes |
1982 |
虎豹雙雄 |
Various |
Debussy |
1983 |
狄保士 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Gorgeous Susan |
1983 |
靚女蘇珊 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Hai-dai Chau Pictorial |
1983 |
鞋底秋傳畫 |
Dong Pui-sun |
One is Nice |
1983 |
一個嬌 |
Tou Sam (杜森) |
The Hundred Manhua Poems |
1983 |
漫畫詩一百首 |
Nam Hui-man |
Ngau-chai Collection |
1983 |
牛仔 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Manhua by Lee Dak-hong |
1984 |
李建康漫畫 |
Lee Dak-long |
Onion Head Manhua Series |
1984 |
洋蔥頭漫畫系列 |
Lam Chun-keung |
Yuk-long Manhua Biweekly |
1984 |
玉郎漫畫 |
Kie Man-kin, Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
Theater of 1997 |
1985 |
九七劇場 |
Zunzi (尊子), Ma Long (馬龍), Local Boy (本地小子) |
Four Treasures of Dragon Gate |
1986 |
龍門四寶 |
Cai Zhizhong (蔡志忠) |
The World of Lily Wong |
1986-2001 |
Larry Feign |
Manhua Zhuang-zi: Natural Sound of a Common Artemisia |
1986 |
漫畫莊子:自然的笛聲 |
Cai Zhizhong (蔡志忠) |
Colored Ngau-chai Selections |
1987 |
牛仔 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Comic World Bimonthly |
1987 |
漫畫世界半月刊 |
Seung-gun Siu-wai |
Proverb Animation Gallery |
1987 |
成語漫畫廊 |
Unknown |
Chiu-yi Sing Comics Collection |
1988 |
Dong Pui-sun |
Comics for City Boy |
1988 |
漫畫少年 |
Hui King-sam (許景森) |
Comic Pig |
1988 |
漫畫豬嘜 |
Wong Kwok-hing (黃國興) |
Dagger, Sword, Laugh |
1988 |
刀劍笑 |
Fung Chi-ming (馮志明) |
Fifty Steps |
1988 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Black Materials Comic Collection |
1989 |
黑材料 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Children's Daily |
1989 |
兒童日報 |
Unknown |
Colored Ngau-chai Collections |
1989 |
牛仔 |
Wong Sze-ma (王司馬) |
Little Ming Pao Weekly |
1989 |
小明周 |
Kwok Siu-ming, Mak Ga-bik (麥家碧), Sui Shek, Wong Ging-tsai (黃竟齊) |
Manhua Hard and Soft Angel Theater |
1989 |
軟硬漫畫劇場 |
Ho Kin-chung |
Media Tour of Cahiers Du Cinema |
1989 |
Ho Ka-chiu, Jek na-si, TSSW Leung |
One Woman Three Markets |
1989 |
一個女人三個墟 |
Chan Ya (陳也) |
Tin Ha |
Wind and Cloud, Fung Wan |
1989 |
天下, 風雲 |
Ma Wing-shing (馬榮成) |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Bat-hoi Bun: The Second Short Works |
1990 |
八開本: 利志達第二短篇作品集 |
Li Chi-tat (利志達) |
City Children's Weekly |
1990 |
號外兒童周刊 |
Unknown |
Ma Long Political Cartoon |
1990 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Political Comics Collection |
1990 |
政治漫畫集 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Rather Die than Change |
1990 |
死性不改 |
Yat Mok |
Three Little Guys |
1990 |
三個小豆丁 |
Tou Sam (杜森) |
Black Leopard |
1991 |
黑豹列傳 |
Wan Yat-leung (溫日良), Tang Chi-fai (鄧志輝) |
Daily Pictorial |
1991 |
日日漫畫 |
Unknown |
Digimon Adventure/ Adventure 02/ Tamers |
???? |
???? |
Yuen Wong Yu |
Fan Dou Magazine |
1991 |
反斗雜誌 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Humorous Cartoons by Ma Long |
1991 |
馬龍幽默漫畫集 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms |
1991 |
三國志 |
Li Zhiqing |
The Legend of God of Gamblers |
1991 |
賭聖傳奇 |
Sze-to Kim-kiu (司徒劍僑), Wing Yan, , Man dik, Lau Ding-gin (劉定堅) |
The Unbeatable Conman |
1991 |
無敵千王 |
Various |
Tin Ha Pictorial |
1991 |
天下畫集 |
Cola Boy |
The King of Street Fighters |
1991 |
街頭霸王 |
Hui King-sam (許景森), Lee Chung-hing (李中興) |
Steel Warrior Adventures |
1991 |
鐵將縱橫 |
Khoo Fuk-lung (邱福龍) |
Street Warrior |
1991 |
街頭戰士 |
Chi Man (志文) |
Mild Comics |
1991 |
Apink |
Youth God of Gamblers |
1991 |
少年賭神 |
Black Mask |
1992 |
黑俠 |
Pang Chi-ming, Li Chi-tat (利志達) |
Kong-wu Big Brother |
1992 |
江湖大佬 |
Lun Yu-kwok (倫裕國), Man Kam-hung |
Portland Street |
1992 |
缽蘭街 |
Lun Yu-kwok (倫裕國), Man Kam-hung |
Red Light District |
1992 |
紅燈區 |
Lun Yu-kwok (倫裕國), Man Kam-hung |
Teddy Boy 1/2 |
1992 |
古惑仔 |
Lun Yu-kwok (倫裕國), Man Kam-hung |
Transition Period 1991-1992 |
1992 |
Zunzi (尊子), Ma Long (馬龍), Yat Mok |
100 Caricatures of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Politicians |
1993 |
中港台一百政治人物漫像 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Comic Alley |
1993 |
Seung-gun Siu-keung (上官小強) |
Cyber Weapon Z |
1993 |
超神Z |
Andy Seto |
Double Star Comics |
1993 |
雙星漫畫 |
Law Wing-hon |
Law for Life |
1993 |
Tou Wing-Tak |
McMug Manhua Series |
1993 |
麥嘜 |
Alice Mak, Brian Tse |
The Dragon in Prison |
1993 |
監獄威龍 |
Seung-gun Siu-bo (上官小寶), Ow Man (牛佬) |
The Legend of Emperors |
1993 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎), Khoo Fuk-lung (邱福龍), Wong Yik |
Whiz-kids Express Weekly |
1993 |
兒童快報 |
Doubled-Faced Man |
1994 |
雙面人 |
Wong Chun-kei (黃振基), Hau Chung-dong (口中冬) |
Grandpa Deng |
1994 |
鄧伯爺 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Sea Tiger I-III |
1994 |
海虎 |
Wan Yat-leung (溫日良), Tang Chi-fai (鄧志輝) |
Strong Force |
1994 |
強勢 |
Xu Di-shan (許地山) |
Zunzi's Manhua: Hong Kong, China, UK |
1994 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Here Comes Boss Lee |
1995 |
Apink |
Man-man Chu, Dak-dak Gao |
1995 |
慢慢化.凸凸交 |
Lai Tat-wing (黎達榮) |
Sam's Manhua Series |
1995-2000 |
阿三漫畫系列 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
The Cat and the People on the Ceiling |
1995 |
天花板上的貓與人 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
The Legend of Love |
1995 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
The Record of the Entertainment Industry |
1995 |
娛樂圈血淚史 |
Apink |
Three Times Seven Equals Twenty-One |
1995 |
三七二十一 |
Au-Yeung Craig (歐陽應霽) |
None of your Cat Business |
1996 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
The Assassination of Emperor Qin |
1996 |
剌秦 |
Li Chi-tat (利志達) |
The Record Book of the Transition Period |
1996 |
過渡期事件簿 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Weapons of the Gods |
Shén Bīng Xuán Qí |
1996 |
神兵玄奇 |
Wong Yuk-long (黃玉郎) |
Yellow Bus |
1996 |
黃巴士 |
A Biography of Legislator |
1997 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Grandpa Deng II |
1997 |
鄧伯爺 |
Zunzi (尊子) |
Leung's Saga Series |
1998 |
梁家婦女系列 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
Mom's Drawer is at the Bottom |
1998 |
媽媽的抽屜在最 |
Lau Lee-lee (劉莉莉) |
Three Households and One Cat |
1998 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
Cat of the House |
1999 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
A Special Administrative Region Manhua Magazine |
1999 |
Ma Long (馬龍) |
Supreme Cat |
1999 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
Cat Comes Cat Goes |
1999 |
Choa Yat (草日) |
Feel 100% |
199X |
百分百感覺 |
Lau Wan Kit |
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
The Celestial Zone |
1999 - 2006 |
天界无限 |
Wee Tian Beng |
Newspapers with Manhua
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Wah Kiu Daily |
1951 |
華僑日報 |
Unknown |
Sing Tao Daily Pictorial Supplement |
1953 |
星島日報圖畫特刊 |
Bao Dik-cheung (鮑狄祥), Lee Ling-hon (李凌翰), Chang yat-yim, Mak ching (麥青) |
Dai Jung Daily |
1967 |
大公報 |
Yen E-King (嚴以敬) |
Express Daily |
1967 |
決報 |
Yen E-King (嚴以敬) |
Sunday Weekly |
1990 |
星期天周刊 |
Manhua Reviews
English Name |
Alternate or Pinyin Name |
Year |
Chinese Name |
Author |
Cartoonet |
1998 |
漫畫網絡 |
Au-Yeung Craig (歐陽應霽), Lau Lee-lee (劉莉莉) |
Monthly Comic Magazine |
1990-1993 |
Yuan Kin-tao (袁建滔) |
See also
External links
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- ↑ All translations prior to year 2000 come from the source Hong Kong Comics: A History of Manhua.