Powers & Principalities, Episode 037, YouTube Auto-Generated Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 037

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The Looming Tower of Lies.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 037, published by "thkelly67" on 2018-02-03 with a running time of 1:35:59. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:27 the 00:28 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 Joe how you doing I'm doing just fine 00:45 Tim how are you very well well this week 00:47 I got wind a couple weeks ago that 00:51 there's a Hulu who's running a series a 00:54 miniseries later this month in February 00:56 28th it debuts is the 10 part miniseries 00:59 so I have that correct the looming tower 01:02 it's based on Lawrence Wright's book the 01:04 looming tower 2 drama miniseries is 01:09 produced by dan footman Alex Gibney and 01:13 Lawrence Wright himself and basically it 01:17 says looming tower traces the rising 01:20 threat of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda 01:21 the late-1990s and how the rivalry 01:24 between the FBI and the CIA during that 01:27 time may have inadvertently set the path 01:29 for the tragedy of 9/11 follows members 01:32 of the i-49 squad in New York and Alex 01:35 station in Washington DC the 01:36 counterterrorism divisions of the FBI in 01:38 CIA respectively as they travel the 01:41 world fighting for ownership of 01:42 information similarly working toward the 01:45 same goal trying to prevent an imminent 01:47 attack on US soil of course um 01:50 what this does is this perpetuates the 01:53 narrative or myth that was cultivated 01:58 throughout the 1990s that bin Laden had 02:01 declared war on America for reasons that 02:04 the US military is occupying or being 02:07 stationed on you on Saudi Arabian soil 02:09 this is the blowback scenario this also 02:12 perpetuates the the narrative a myth of 02:16 al Qaeda as sort of a worldwide terror 02:19 organization with a sophisticate just 02:22 the sophisticated and worldwide global 02:24 reach you know surpassing Hezbollah 02:27 Islamic Jihad it's sort of a far-flung 02:31 sophisticated Empire of terror without 02:34 any clear visible state sponsorship so 02:38 this is the narrative that that's you 02:40 know that the show is purporting it also 02:42 perpetuates the the idea that it was a 02:44 failure to communicate so the 02:47 very technics advice and sort of turf 02:50 battles which have contributed to the 02:52 the success the success of the terrorist 02:56 operation on 9/11 so that's kind of what 02:58 the looming terror is it's uh looks to 03:00 be weather well produced as these things 03:02 are often are so it's gonna draw a lot 03:03 of people in as movies do me people's 03:06 perception of reality is based on what 03:08 they see on the big screen and the small 03:10 screen the television so the looming 03:12 terror and Lawrence right what do you 03:14 have to say about the looming terror in 03:16 Lawrence right well it's just a steaming 03:19 pile of rubbish um you know it I was 03:22 thinking of something else but I mean 03:27 look I think that the the statistics on 03:34 the percentage of the population that 03:36 don't buy the government narrative are 03:39 trending against the government and a 03:43 secret society hard to get data on this 03:46 but I'm I try to and it does look pretty 03:49 clear that fewer and fewer people are 03:53 buying it and so this is to be expected 03:57 that they would go to the you know media 04:02 outlets that they control and create 04:05 basically a little more ratcheted down 04:08 kind of mind control over you know what 04:11 actually happened so they rule out 04:14 Lawrence Wright's book as the basis for 04:19 a miniseries and you know first of all 04:22 as we discussed before the show I mean 04:24 right as a member of the Council of 04:26 Foreign Relations which it doesn't mean 04:30 as you know much nefarious input as it 04:35 may have you know 20 to 30 years ago but 04:37 it's still a very bad sign and it's a 04:39 you know it's a very bad sign for 04:41 America just in a general sense that 04:44 you'd have our understanding of history 04:47 coming from a group that basically comes 04:52 from the you know the round table the 04:55 Rothschilds Milner and 04:57 the British Freemasons that established 05:00 all of these councils throughout the 05:03 world back in the 30s and so this is you 05:09 know it's its it remains to be seen if 05:14 they can really stem the tide with this 05:16 kind of stuff you know they they try to 05:19 draw you in with the narrative of this 05:22 confusion and an antagonism between 05:25 American intelligence agencies like this 05:29 is supposed to make the whole thing 05:31 plausible you know I mean that this is 05:33 really what the basis of the propaganda 05:35 is Wright's book just you know tries to 05:38 find these little twists and turns that 05:41 could bring about something so 05:43 implausible 05:45 I saw him interviewed and you know he's 05:48 very slick sophist you know he's very 05:52 slick very well trained never really 05:55 draws a breath he goes and explains 05:59 everything you know in detail gives us 06:01 ultimately a nonsensical version of 06:04 reality but then the interviewer that I 06:08 saw him kind of went in will what upset 06:12 you and he started talking about 06:14 basically conspiracy theorists and it 06:18 was fascinating because he kind of at 06:22 this point his his slick verbal capacity 06:27 law left him and he was sort of 06:30 stumbling and and he you know Betty but 06:33 he said two things ultimately said look 06:35 I'm angry I'm angry about this and there 06:38 there aren't any great mysteries right 06:41 he says there are small mysteries but 06:44 not any great mysteries okay so this is 06:48 a you know it's kind of a quasi limited 06:50 hangout approach similar to Nam 06:52 Chomsky's you know who says you know 06:55 things like well after the fact there's 06:59 always little weird unexplained things 07:01 that happen in any you know kind of 07:03 large event so these these are mind 07:06 control elements try to get the public 07:07 to basically you know look over here 07:10 don't look 07:11 there you know kind of thing where they 07:12 just they they take the the public's 07:16 curiosity and and concern over you know 07:19 basically unexplainable phenomena in the 07:23 government narrative and they try to 07:25 just render it as a meaningless concern 07:28 but unfortunately in this case Tim I 07:31 mean the symmetrical collapse of 07:33 building 7 at freefall speed with the 07:37 gigantic dust cloud or these were all 07:39 you know aspects of controlled 07:41 demolition they never have ever occurred 07:43 nor could they ever with any other kind 07:46 of demo I mean the three in combination 07:49 are just you know it's just overwhelming 07:52 evidence I mean this was this would be 07:54 able to get a conviction with any clear 07:57 minded jury in history and then you 08:00 always have if that's not enough you 08:03 have the absolutely insane you know 08:08 description of the building having 08:10 already collapse from the BBC announcer 08:13 you know so in other words you you even 08:15 have foreknowledge that's being given to 08:18 the public so the idea that this isn't a 08:21 great mystery well you know these are 08:24 these are mind control techniques that 08:28 Lawrence is using to try to move people 08:30 just away from the natural concern over 08:33 these things and and in back of it all 08:35 he's got this is his film footage you 08:38 know which is based upon his fictional 08:40 book so it just seems to me as it's um 08:43 you know there's just nothing here but 08:46 is is the only question I have Tim is 08:49 that is this desperate propaganda or are 08:52 they still in control with this kind of 08:54 stuff what do you think yeah it's hard 08:56 to say it's very slick production he is 08:59 a very slick type word I tuve watched a 09:01 couple of his lectures and he he kind of 09:04 pulls out this Arianna story if you ever 09:07 seen that movie he talks about you 09:10 obviously meddling in affairs of other 09:11 countries and these things and he comes 09:13 across a being critical of US foreign 09:15 policy and other things like all right 09:18 but he basically he talks about the 09:20 other source of anger in the air 09:22 morale the humiliation that the Arab 09:24 world suffers at the hands of hands of 09:26 the West since 1683 since they were 09:29 repelled from the gates of Vienna in one 09:31 of his lectures you know but it's and 09:36 how this humiliation the angry talks 09:38 about the the poverty that many of those 09:42 the in the Muslim world live in 09:44 particularly Arab world the Middle East 09:46 the corruption of you know like the 09:48 royal family the disproportionate I 09:52 guess wealth concentration these areas 09:54 and how you know the City of Seattle is 09:57 a greater GDP than the entire you know 09:59 the entire nations over there and things 10:02 like that so this leads the anger which 10:04 leads to desperation she was just leads 10:05 to terror you know so again he is 10:08 supporting the official narrative and I 10:10 guess it's that anger humiliation this 10:13 is what causes buildings to collapse in 10:15 their own footprint from they have to be 10:16 hit by a by a plane the laws of physics 10:24 the hatred actually 10:26 overwhelms the laws of physics that's 10:32 what does it it's just this this you 10:34 know the same theory that the the 10:36 confusion of the day the people so 10:40 ambushed overwhelmed by the attacks a 10:42 day that enabled the BBC to foretell the 10:44 imminent collapse foretell of a building 10:47 7 into its own footprint so it's all 10:49 very you know it's you know yeah Wow you 10:52 know and these aren't just well it's 10:55 folks I always happen to be watching 10:58 some of the you can still watch the 11:01 coverage of the day how it went down 11:03 that day on YouTube and there's Peter 11:05 Jennings they're talking with various 11:07 reporters and they're talking about you 11:10 know how this is this is controlled 11:12 demolition and so they hadn't really 11:14 been briefed it I suppose and everyone 11:17 was talking about controlled demolition 11:18 when they can't went down then 11:19 immediately they act they stop talking 11:21 about it because that's what it looked 11:23 like the day it happened so black when 11:27 the when the BBC reported was talking 11:30 about the Solomon building heaven 11:31 collapsed when it's sitting him back or 11:33 yes just ending and then they 11:36 quickly cut well you know Lawrence 11:40 Wright is is an absolute liar and I 11:48 don't want to give just one example Joe 11:51 he's one Joe he's won the Pulitzer Prize 11:53 you know they give you know and Bob 11:55 Dylan has the Nobel Prize you know but I 11:58 ain't gonna work on Maggie's Farm no 12:00 more but III will work there if you give 12:04 me the Oval prize so but he's a complete 12:07 liar and you know the thing that really 12:10 cracked me up because you know this is 12:14 sort of a world that I spend some time 12:17 in is the title the looming tower 12:20 because this is just a great example of 12:23 how of how the mind control works and of 12:27 how they lie the looming tower is from 12:31 the Quran it's a line in the Quran which 12:33 Wright claimed that bin Laden used three 12:40 times at this party he was overheard 12:42 using the expression and the the actual 12:46 line is you know translated from the 12:49 Arabic but it's like wherever you are 12:51 death will find you even if you're in 12:54 towers built up strong and high now 12:58 Laurence's poit are looming you know 13:01 strong and looming yeah so this is where 13:04 looming towers comes from it comes from 13:06 sura 484 sub dated live yeah 470 okay so 13:11 it's just a line in the in the Quran and 13:15 writes claiming that bin Laden was using 13:18 it because he had foreknowledge of the 13:22 death that was going to come to the 13:23 towers I mean bin Laden is just like the 13:25 BBC now to write it you knows that the 13:28 towers are gonna come down and so he 13:30 uses the line from the Quran and at a 13:33 party because that's his cryptic way of 13:35 telling the other fundamental Arabs in 13:37 the group that we're going to take the 13:39 towers down and right uses this as the 13:42 title of the book which is which with 13:45 the idea that people will have bin Laden 13:48 of having the foreknowledge right 13:49 of the both of the buildings coming down 13:51 death will find you even if you are in 13:54 the high towers right okay sir 478 okay 13:59 now this is a complete miss translation 14:03 of of the expression what what the quran 14:08 is talking about at this point is that 14:11 those who believe write the quran is 14:14 saying like at 476 so we had my notes 14:18 but I've lost them anyway 14:20 the Quran is saying that those who 14:23 believe right we'll we'll fight for 14:26 Allah and and and those that are 14:31 believers and say prayers and do 14:34 charities like the Quran says but who 14:37 are when they are issued the order to 14:39 jihad are to fight they will say like 14:42 umm okay here we go they will say our 14:47 Lord why have you ordered us to fight 14:50 would you not grant us the delay of 14:53 deaths or up to our natural term in 14:57 other words so what this what this is 14:59 about is followers of the Quran that 15:04 don't answer the call to battle and who 15:09 try they say that well we just want to 15:11 enjoy the world now then the next line 15:15 is but wherever you are death will find 15:17 you out even if you are in towers so in 15:19 other words what it's what it's saying 15:21 is and very very clearly is that it's 15:24 not talking about hunting down infidels 15:26 and Hightower's just completely opposite 15:29 what it's saying is if you're an if 15:32 you're a Muslim and you don't basically 15:35 take up arms to defend the religion you 15:38 can't go to God and say hey look let me 15:40 just let me just avoid death right I 15:44 want to avoid fighting and death because 15:46 death is natural doesn't matter how much 15:48 pleasure you have you know how you build 15:51 your tower up death is going to find you 15:54 this is just how how the world the world 15:57 is now so it's been a lot and use that 16:01 expression right the idea is sir 16:03 four 70s and wherever you are death will 16:05 find you out no matter if your height 16:07 our lofty tow'rs he couldn't have even 16:11 been understood by a fundamental Muslim 16:15 as being referencing some act of terror 16:19 against infidels yes not even possible 16:24 there is no way it is just not in that 16:28 in there's no interpretation there's no 16:30 way you can twist it or turn it that bin 16:32 Laden could be using that expression in 16:35 the way that Wright claimed he was he's 16:37 lying 16:39 now moreover let me just show you how 16:41 much the lie is okay now as you may have 16:43 have have learned over over the last 16:47 decade many Muslims are very very touchy 16:51 about how basically literal you have to 16:57 entrap you have to translate the Quran 16:58 right they are very very particular it 17:03 is against religious law to basically 17:07 take stuff out of context you can't take 17:09 a quote that you know the the Prophet is 17:13 saying a specific thing of you know to a 17:16 you know a group and then so I'm gonna 17:18 use it to advertise peanut butter or use 17:21 it in a different way you cannot do that 17:24 this is against the religion moreover 17:27 what is really just makes the whole 17:30 thing hilarious is that bin Laden was a 17:35 an an Atari which is the literalist 17:40 school of Islamic theology in other 17:42 words this these are the guys that they 17:44 don't want the words even like taken 17:46 into modern language they want to be 17:48 able to understand them as the Prophet 17:50 said them the idea that bin Laden would 17:54 use an express with misuse this 17:57 expression so that it completely changes 18:00 what Allah had said our sin what 18:02 Muhammad had had said to this 18:05 modern vernacular I mean it isn't just a 18:08 lot it's not just a lot it's flipping 18:12 impossible it would never have happened 18:14 from bin Laden so so you can 18:17 see they even well why would he why 18:20 would you know right use that expression 18:23 if it's not true 18:24 think about it it's because what they 18:27 did was they look through the Quran 18:29 these would be the Council of Foreign 18:32 Relations like like right they look 18:34 through the Quran they come up with a 18:37 pass they come up with a line and then 18:39 they take it out of context because it 18:41 has the depth with the people in the 18:43 high tower right that's the only way 18:45 this could have happened so so this is 18:47 and so this is being done for the 18:50 purpose of mind control and Tim it's 18:52 from the very very beginning of Wright's 18:55 book and it's the title of this creepy 18:58 propaganda you know stuff that's that 19:01 Hula's putting out so anyway it's uh I 19:04 think I wouldn't be surprised if this 19:08 gets some reaction from Islamic scholars 19:11 right got away with it when the book 19:14 came out but if this really gets like on 19:16 a roll or like you know talking about 19:18 the looming tower I think you're gonna 19:20 you're gonna have some people call him 19:21 on it because I checked with a couple of 19:24 guys that I know that are actually 19:25 Islamic scholars and they both said the 19:27 same thing they said this is absolutely 19:29 BS and they were angry they were saying 19:32 what you know this is obviously a lie it 19:36 basically it insult small Mohammed you 19:41 know because he had this really clear 19:43 way of trying to use the expression and 19:45 then to use it as we're bin Laden is now 19:49 reworking Mohammed's you know idea to 19:54 turn it into murder of infidels man I 19:58 don't know I think this is good this 20:01 could be a hornet's net if it gets 20:03 rolling cuz because this really is just 20:05 over the line kind of propaganda and 20:07 they are just misusing you know the the 20:10 Koran well I think yeah it follows the 20:13 the general plan of creating sort of a 20:17 blood libel for the entire Islamic world 20:20 something endemic the to it to the 20:23 Islamic faith religion it's violent and 20:25 these things and these terrorist groups 20:26 are 20:27 a perversion of Islam but it 20:30 nevertheless it is a branch of Islam has 20:33 to be dealt with and these are terrorist 20:35 organizations and if you listen a lot of 20:37 his lectures he'll talk about these 20:39 various terrorist groups even these 20:40 terrorist cells is being independent we 20:42 all know these these are all assets or 20:44 patsies if you have investigate anything 20:46 case whether it's the you know the fort 20:49 dix mass you know attack or you know the 20:51 group down in Florida you know these 20:54 groups you know if you familiar with 20:55 Trevor Aaronson book terror factory of 20:57 the FBI 20:58 you know maintains a stable of Patsy so 21:01 they can make these cases make these 21:03 busts they'll encourage these things and 21:05 string them out and stunts even perhaps 21:07 even allow things to happen not just 21:09 Islamic terrorists but there's 21:11 suggestion that's at Oklahoma City might 21:12 have been and things like that and of 21:13 course yeah well there's the 93 attack 21:16 which was an FBI sting operation which 21:18 has never been fully explained but the 21:20 evidence is very suggestive that was 21:22 either a sting operation gone bad or 21:24 sting operation that was hijacked by 21:26 perhaps other elements within the 21:28 intelligence agencies like the CIA or 21:29 something 21:30 because I mean Arab must have been 21:34 really well trained by the CIA or 21:36 somebody because that one guy makes a 21:38 corkscrew turn the the jet plane right 21:42 down into the Pentagon at 500 miles an 21:44 hour where he's like only two or three 21:46 feet over the off the ground for 100 21:48 yards I mean he'll that's pretty good 21:50 flying for somebody who just had like I 21:52 could barely like take off an assess and 21:54 it wouldn't you say I mean I mean they 21:56 have their practice you know they can do 21:58 it you know it's like easy you flew it 22:00 like a magic carpet right you get to 22:07 practice very often you know what I mean 22:09 I think I think they've tried to flight 22:11 simulators no one seems able to do it I 22:13 can't even come close to it it's just 22:16 it's completely so so that's the thing 22:20 is that you know when when you hear 22:22 right with a straight face this you know 22:25 just this guy is just a sickening piece 22:29 of work none of these things again uh 22:33 disgustin one of the main characters of 22:35 course in the living tower is this 22:36 figure John P O'Neil John O'Neil the 22:39 yeah this person this 22:41 eh and interesting interesting guy born 22:46 1952 of course he reportedly died 22:48 September 11 2001 he was the American 22:50 FBI counterterrorism expert he was a 22:54 special agent working where he gets 22:58 along with the CIA 1995 he began to 23:01 tensley a follow of the report I tend to 23:05 follow al-qaeda after the 93 bombings 23:08 now interesting enough he was involved 23:09 in the Lockerbie investigating not the 23:13 Lockerbie I'm sorry the Pan Am not the 23:16 pain and the TWA 800 disaster yeah and 23:21 of course the he he looks like he helped 23:25 cover that up which you know they blamed 23:28 it on this fuel tank detonation when I 23:30 guess the most the evidence suggests 23:32 that there was a missile that went out 23:33 hit hit this thing but perhaps the one 23:35 that was being tested by the US military 23:37 and then cover it up least that's what 23:38 much of the evidence suggests but he was 23:40 he was involved that investigation but 23:42 nothing it nevertheless he's um 23:44 portrayed as sort of this hard-working 23:47 no-nonsense guy obsessed with with the 23:49 hunting bin Laden and it was the gist of 23:52 his turf war at the CIA in the State 23:54 Department which hobbled the 23:56 investigation the hunt for bin Laden and 23:58 interesting enough he had his suitcase 24:03 stolen from and I think down in Tampa 24:05 Florida in the spring or summer of 2001 24:08 which led to him resigning from the 24:11 agency after 30 I'm in the the bureau 24:13 after 30 years and then he took a job as 24:16 head of security at World Trade Center 24:18 for CRO CRO associates or Kroll 24:21 securities is so this is a Wall Street 24:24 intelligence security firm which has 24:26 Zionists owned by Jewish Zionist family 24:29 Kroll family then it was bought out by 24:31 AIG and this this is Moe Greenberg and 24:35 this gets into some of the financial 24:37 intrigues of 9/11 but he portly died on 24:40 9/11 on September 11 2001 so the guy who 24:44 was hunting bin Laden resigned and took 24:47 up a job he was I think he was he was he 24:50 was uh he was recruited by this guy 24:53 Hauer 24:54 Jerome Hauer who is also another Zionist 24:57 Jewish Zionist and so that he takes a 25:00 job at World Trade Center and dies and 25:02 Jerome how is one especially identified 25:03 his body but that's quite a coincidence 25:05 wouldn't you say that this you know this 25:08 guy who was working with Alec station 25:10 and working with the CIA and these 25:12 things and he ends up dying at World 25:14 Tree 25:16 it's just shocking yeah there really is 25:21 almost nothing about the official 25:25 narrative that can be you know kind of 25:30 can hold water to any scrutiny I mean I 25:32 mean it's one of those tangled webs that 25:35 you know they you just have to basically 25:39 once they the live starts just keep 25:41 lying about everything and then you end 25:42 up with Lawrence right giving interviews 25:44 you know about about bin Laden and then 25:47 he actually covers O'Neil you know in in 25:50 the book and and you know he just tries 25:54 to use it as basically not as a mystery 25:59 that needs to be explained but just as 26:01 and reverse serendipity you know and 26:04 just had Jen people to have more hatred 26:07 for this bin Laden character and for 26:10 Arab terrorism when I mean the the 26:14 people that that really should be 26:17 getting this anger directed at them is 26:19 right and the you know the the people 26:23 who created 9-1-1 and then are using 26:25 this crude mind-control one other little 26:29 data point about right other than his 26:32 you know just bizarre misuse of the 26:35 quran and the title is lying about bin 26:37 Laden using that expression in that way 26:41 you know right was in he worked in saudi 26:45 arabia you know supposedly getting 26:49 information about the book he claims 26:52 that he wanted to start working on the 26:54 book basically on september 11th he was 26:57 so angry you know they always talk about 27:00 the anger they have 27:01 you know like this this righteous anger 27:03 because that's one of the elements of 27:06 intimidation keep the public basically 27:10 you know cowed down so he was talking 27:14 about how angry was and how he talked to 27:16 his publisher he said he wanted to do 27:18 research and get this book done but he 27:22 said the Saudis wouldn't let him into 27:25 the country right there the Saudis are 27:28 supposably you know against 27:31 investigation because they may have been 27:33 involved that's you know obviously one 27:35 of the cover stories now kind of limited 27:39 hangout approaches that they're trying 27:41 to use to fool the public this idea that 27:44 the Saudis may have been had something 27:45 to do with it no no one's mentioning the 27:49 Israelis or the skullenbones or any of 27:52 these other organizations but the Saudis 27:54 right we had something doing this none 27:56 of the ideas one anyway so right he says 27:59 well you know I pleaded with them but 28:03 they wouldn't let me in as a journalist 28:04 so I realized I had to get a job so the 28:09 job II got was mentoring reporters right 28:13 so this is what it said they wouldn't 28:14 let men as a reporter but they would let 28:17 him in to be a mentor of Saudi Arabia 28:20 reporters which of course makes no sense 28:22 but he says you know though where they 28:26 sent me he says I had a piece of a 28:28 really good piece of bad luck was how he 28:31 described because he says we're these 28:34 the reporters were that I was supposed 28:36 to mentor was in Jeddah bin Laden's 28:40 hometown he in just what incredible good 28:45 piece of bad luck and you know that that 28:49 that they not only let a man they 28:51 wouldn't let min his reporter but to 28:53 come in and mentor Assad reporter that's 28:54 fine come on in and where do they put a 28:56 they put him right in bin Laden sometime 28:58 you know this this is one of the places 29:01 that these guys trip themselves up it's 29:03 the circumstantial evidence because 29:05 that's harder you know to I guess to 29:07 control this I think is just sloppy 29:09 they you know they he claims that that's 29:11 where they sent him when you know the 29:13 more 29:14 natural explanation is is that the 29:18 Saudis know perfectly well he was in 29:19 there for the purpose of creating a 29:21 mind-control propaganda piece to shape 29:25 the public opinion and so he needed to 29:28 go to Jeddah so that he could get some 29:30 you know good factual information about 29:34 bin Laden if you've ever read any of his 29:37 stuff he goes you know I discovered that 29:39 bin Laden really wasn't six five or six 29:42 six he was only six one and he didn't 29:45 really have five hundred million dollars 29:47 he may have had like ten you know I'm 29:49 like he has all these little details 29:50 that he knows about him he's he's just 29:52 so knowledgeable and and then it makes 29:55 the the other you know claims that he 29:59 makes about him Laden like he was the 30:01 mastermind of 9/11 what more believable 30:04 right he is the propaganda easy to see 30:08 yeah I mean that's it's um well one 30:11 thing he does he what he does he's um 30:15 when he's talking about the looming 30:18 tower his book read and you get the 30:19 sense of the CIA not working with the 30:22 FBI or FBI now working at the CIA and 30:24 it's we're supposed to believe this is a 30:27 turf battle right turf battle but not 30:31 sharing information and the problem is 30:33 with there's too much too much of a 30:35 firewall too many regulations 30:36 restricting these agencies from from 30:38 working with other in dealing with one 30:40 another there's always the old 30:41 bureaucrat turf but FBI has always been 30:43 competitive at the CIA ever since the 30:45 days Jagger Hoover tried to undermine 30:46 the crates to say when he when he 30:48 started the he's the one that got 30:50 McCarthy going the intrigue there 30:53 McCarthyism really was borne out of Jake 30:56 Hoover's entries at least that's what 30:58 some people think but um there David 31:02 Fenton a while back what book or 31:03 disconnecting the dots and he he 31:04 meticulously researched what was that 31:07 actually going on between the FBI and 31:09 say at Alec station and when he 31:11 discovered wasn't so much bureaucratic 31:13 bungling there was actually a concerted 31:16 effort to break regular procedures this 31:19 is also discovered up in the Minneapolis 31:21 field office in the FBI when lo and 31:24 behold 31:25 the guy spike Bauman killed the quash 31:29 the attempt to get a warrant for his a 31:31 crime I saw his laptop because they're 31:33 so concerned about the Fourth Amendment 31:34 of the FBI 31:36 this 25 Jack yet in this idea that was a 31:41 Mahatma these named Aryans confusing but 31:44 the what are they terrorists they that 31:46 they failed to tell the FBI that this 31:49 terrorists at the CIA had been 31:50 monitoring all around the world the CA 31:53 failed to tell the FBI that he had a 31:55 u.s. visa I mean even come to the US 31:57 soon and they should be monitored it's 31:58 all these little things and and he 32:01 scrutinized the cables and the 32:03 communications and they're all playing 32:04 out up withholding all types of 32:05 information that coupled with the 32:07 revelations of Michael spring man I 32:09 think it was that jet out when he was 32:10 with the State Department have this he 32:12 was told to allow all these known 32:15 terrorists in the United States as part 32:17 of a training program that was being 32:18 detected early CA throughout the 90s it 32:20 was called the visa Express program 32:22 they're coming in sort of paper clipping 32:24 these guys in to the United States for 32:26 purposes of training because then they'd 32:27 be shipped out to create mayhem in the 32:30 Balkans or in the Central you know 32:32 Central Asia of these things and that's 32:34 what was going on so that you know 32:36 that's one thing that the Lawrence 32:37 Wright completely overlooks in all those 32:38 talks and all those writings the fact 32:40 that the history of Western support 32:42 particularly CIA for air for Islamic 32:46 extremism and this type of Western 32:48 support goes back into the days of of 32:52 you know the 1930s and 40s with the 32:54 Arabs in the Middle East 32:57 what's-his-name's father you know the 32:59 spy you know back you know the guy back 33:05 in the 60s he went to Russia what was 33:08 his name gosh okay Kim Philby's father 33:13 yeah Kim Philby yeah he was an Arabist 33:15 and this was done this wasn't done so 33:17 much you know there Arabist in there 33:19 they were a zionist you know 33:23 you know in the British establishment 33:26 but not so much because they have 33:28 particular for Jews or Arabs because 33:30 they're an empire you know they had 33:33 their the kind of little go native 33:35 sometimes and so they there's different 33:37 strategies just probably reflected a 33:39 certain strategy and then I guess after 33:40 World War two it's switched and the 33:43 Zionists became dominant in the air and 33:45 they're in the British and subsequently 33:46 the American establishment but it's all 33:48 the kind of the same game um but I'm so 33:51 he plays that game that they like if you 33:54 read the work of David Fenton dots were 33:56 purposely disconnected so we get this is 33:58 kind like the Pearl Harbor excuse we get 34:00 you know where they're all intelligence 34:02 they're known was able to put together 34:03 and so after World War two we learned 34:06 from our experience from the failure 34:07 that led the probes aster Pearl Harbor 34:09 we need a central intelligence agency 34:11 and just like in the wake of 9/11 we 34:14 need you know we need a Director of 34:16 National Intelligence director right the 34:19 new law snooping and groping at the ear 34:22 exactly possible you know we just have 34:25 to do it to protect your people are not 34:27 creating a slave state yeah wake the 34:29 hell up people can't can't then you know 34:33 on one hand you have an absolute 34:36 ludicrous explanation I mean the 34:39 official narrative is so ludicrous 34:41 people like right I just I'm really 34:43 amazed that they can do this with a 34:45 straight face cuz their soul must be one 34:49 mean little bastard you know to be able 34:52 to lie like that with a straight face 34:54 because I'm absolutely positive someone 34:57 like right who who actually knows a 34:59 little bit about Islamic culture 35:02 wouldn't ever you know mistake this bin 35:07 Laden quote is something less legitimate 35:08 let alone use it as the history of Al 35:12 Queda Ali they kind of it's just just a 35:16 mistake like if you just look at all the 35:19 absurdities you know the corkscrew 35:20 turned it's five hundred miles an hour I 35:22 mean Tim you gotta give your flown in a 35:26 plane no I'm not a pilot okay it's a a 35:29 corkscrew turn going down at like a 35:33 hundred and ten miles an hour 35:35 you'd have to make dozens of adjustment 35:38 you could never hit the thing with the 35:42 within the first arc that you'd created 35:44 right it'd be impossible so you have to 35:47 make dozens of adjustments but you 35:48 couldn't do this at 500 miles an hour 35:50 it's just there the laws of physics make 35:52 it impossible you just you would have to 35:56 have exactly the right direction down 35:59 and also turning at the same time you 36:03 couldn't do that accidentally or without 36:05 sight it's just not possible the thing 36:07 the thing is just flat-out impossible 36:09 it's just like the symmetrical collapse 36:12 it's just like the passport that was 36:14 found on the sidewalk I mean these 36:16 things are just ridiculous and what and 36:19 why that portion of the Pentagon why not 36:21 the other side we're pretty much exactly 36:23 where there is more stuff that's 36:24 actually important so you know the thing 36:26 is look the story is absurd they come up 36:29 with this really cockamamie stuff which 36:32 is there is almost now just it's almost 36:35 intellectual bully ism because I don't 36:37 even think it's propaganda stuff like 36:39 rights materials I mean I don't know who 36:41 takes this stuff serious I guess some 36:43 people do but I and what are all the 36:46 financial chicanery not to mention that 36:48 you know the day before that you know 36:51 Rumsfeld had announced the missing two 36:53 point one two trillion dollars and 36:55 that's the part it's the office that's 36:57 investigating that - gets bombed you 37:01 know and in that in the what was going 37:03 on up in Wall Street and uh the the 37:07 trading the shorting it people are 37:09 showing you lines and stuff I mean it 37:11 just it's it's just sad and pathetic the 37:16 American people are sheep they think 37:20 they represent some kind of tradition of 37:24 freedom and and fighting spirit for 37:27 revolution and their rights but they 37:28 don't they're just sheep and the 37:31 question is as they start to understand 37:34 that and you know 9/11 is a great portal 37:38 into this fact what will they do you 37:43 know how long can someone like right 37:44 even you know 37:47 kind of be in the public eye has he ever 37:49 dressed like the the stand down like the 37:52 failure for the there are 35 bases that 37:54 had aircraft in that whole zone this one 37:57 no he got a like you says that there 37:59 were small mysteries but no great 38:02 there's no great mystery see this is 38:05 this is like it's the it's the Keep Calm 38:07 carry on thing they just yeah you know 38:10 it's just the idea the the whenever 38:12 you're hit with something that is 38:14 impossible to explain rationally you 38:17 just flip to the psychologic and say 38:19 stay calm you know I mean that's really 38:21 what if you look at Tucker Carlson's 38:23 response you know when he was asked 38:25 about building seventy and being at you 38:26 know could it could it ever happen 38:28 accidentally goes well of course it can 38:30 it did it did happen you just slip into 38:35 the psychological sphere with domination 38:38 you know of which you know in other 38:39 words look everyone is intimidated no 38:41 one will say that you know talk about 38:42 this and the reason for that must be 38:45 because it's not real and therefore I'm 38:48 just pushing you back into silence and 38:50 so that just happens you know all of the 38:54 time the whole mainstream media is 38:55 basically designed like this but you 39:00 know when you get into like rights 39:02 talking about well the eight this agency 39:05 must have been doing this and that 39:06 agency Tim I mean this is this is like 39:11 zero dark thirty you know being used as 39:14 the the explanation for you know like 39:18 how bin Laden was killed I mean it's 39:21 it's a fictional account of a fictional 39:23 account everything inside those agencies 39:27 had to have been controlled had to have 39:29 been basically under control the secret 39:32 society to even and contemplate pulling 39:34 off something like this oh the fact that 39:35 the the establishment press the this 39:39 establishment that launch right works 39:41 for doesn't even ask any questions 39:44 regarding the bin Laden raid and his 39:45 alleged death yeah the fact that they 39:48 just by this to read it they just report 39:50 it like like their stenographers they 39:52 didn't question the fact is they don't 39:54 the government doesn't produce any body 39:55 the fact the whole story they're being 39:57 dumped at sea is completely ridiculous 39:59 there's no 40:00 Islamic tradition bearing to burial see 40:03 yeah that was absolutely hilarious 40:05 and no one questions it was like yeah 40:08 well that's it they say they are with 40:10 9/11 I kind of think that they took the 40:13 position of look you guys the public 40:16 you're so beaten down you're so enslaved 40:18 you're so impotent frankly we really 40:21 don't need to have a plausible cover 40:23 story don't anything as elaborate as 40:25 world war two or you know the gulf of 40:27 tonkin we're just gonna do something for 40:29 fun here well they state you had 40:31 pyrotechnics and that's enough - yeah 40:33 right we had big explosions and you know 40:35 the people are trained into it it's like 40:38 a Michael Bay movie do you need a good 40:39 script to get the people into the seats 40:41 no yeah you know I think like what I the 40:48 thing that's screwed up in in 40:50 nine-one-one I think I mentioned it 40:52 Tina's forums that they intended to 40:54 bring down building seven while the 40:56 dustcloud from the Twin Towers was still 40:59 there I'm absolutely sure of it that's 41:02 what they that's what they wired it for 41:04 yeah yeah yeah so that no one could see 41:07 it and and that was when they wanted to 41:10 bring it down so that it would look like 41:12 it had collapsed after being hit by 41:14 something and who's to say otherwise 41:16 could you'd have no one can see anything 41:17 during this you dusted or guess build 41:19 building six had suffered some weird 41:21 anomalous damage appearing blowing up 41:24 from the inside out but there was 41:26 apparently simultaneous with the 41:28 building's collapsing so yeah so that's 41:30 what I was thinking is that they're all 41:31 just gonna go up on one big bow smoke 41:34 and no one really could seem thing but 41:35 then that screwed up but they still had 41:37 to bring it down because there was stuff 41:39 inside maybe there was where all of the 41:41 intelligence agencies had their 41:43 headquarters where there was a funny a 41:45 thing I was listen to one of Laurens 41:46 rights as rights lectures and he was 41:49 like giving the audience that count of 41:51 panel pill he's also he wrote the 41:53 screenplay for the movie the siege 41:54 rejection rock dates 911 which is kind 41:56 of kind of funny but he was talking 42:00 about after 9/11 he tells a story of the 42:02 see a CIA coming to him and ask him to 42:06 write a screenplay or a scenario if bin 42:10 Laden this is I think these lectures 42:11 back in 2006 or 2007 so before 42:14 or a bulletin was allegedly killed or in 42:17 2010 I think right um and he says and 42:22 they came to me and they asked me to 42:23 write a write a scenario script of what 42:26 would happen if bin Laden who got him 42:28 and killed him which is kind of funny 42:30 and and he goes well as a reporter I as 42:35 a reporter in a journalist I can't work 42:37 for the CIA and and he probably doesn't 42:45 I mean where do the instructions come 42:48 from well he is a member of the Council 42:50 of Foreign Relations and that's that and 42:52 they coordinate those things and it's 42:53 also a member of this Center on law and 42:57 security which is just a it's just a big 43:02 you know fascist think-tank 43:06 and so you know that's the thing is that 43:08 they have this whole alphabet soup 43:10 business to fool people the CIA the NSA 43:12 there's always hundreds of them that 43:14 they can use and you know they can say 43:16 with a straight face I'm not a CIA 43:17 employee I've never worked for the CIA I 43:20 don't have any you know how dare you 43:22 think I must see it but it's because 43:24 once you posit the existence of the 43:27 secret society all of the agencies 43:30 basically are able to you know basic 43:34 give instructions and and you know there 43:37 isn't anything that's that's without 43:39 compromise that the it's the secret 43:42 society that is really what's important 43:45 ed lancedale general ed Lansdale 43:48 was with the Air Force he wasn't with 43:50 the agency right yeah I mean so it's 43:55 just that the these agency alphabet soup 43:58 stuff it's just another it's sort of 44:00 like well their skull and bones are not 44:02 Freemasons Walter Winchell William Paley 44:06 that's what was his name the guy in 44:09 London during World War two remember 44:10 Edward armor oh he was an actor in OSS 44:13 agent II know so that's the thing is 44:18 that they you know they have dozens of 44:21 these agencies they come and go they you 44:26 know we like bohemian girl 44:28 now has you know the day open for the 44:31 public skullenbones is now taking in 44:34 minorities and women so the they can 44:37 create these things at the drop of a hat 44:39 there aren't it's Ben Affleck 44:41 technically work for the CIA 44:42 no yeah I'm sure he does but but is he a 44:48 spook yeah that's the way the system is 44:51 working is that they they are selected 44:54 in some way we don't know how the secret 44:57 society you know actually organizing so 44:59 because it's a darn secret society but 45:01 we know it's there you can see its 45:03 effect everywhere it's certainly see it 45:04 of 9/11 and you can certainly see 45:07 someone like Wright is is involved with 45:10 it now how is he controlled what level 45:14 of understanding does he have you know I 45:16 don't know but when you look at all the 45:18 911 I mean it was vast there there were 45:22 dozens of examples of where 9/11 one was 45:25 appearing in movies you know that it 45:27 shouldn't have been done yeah I mean 45:28 there was a Arnaud milchin Zionist movie 45:32 producer arms trader spy saying them 45:36 agent for Israel and there are thousands 45:38 of them and this is the what makes it so 45:41 problematic when you're talking about a 45:42 country like Israel and the Zionist - no 45:46 matter where they are they have loyalty 45:47 to the nation-state a particular 45:49 Intelligence Agency or military agency 45:51 that's very problematic because they're 45:54 informally their agents right and so but 45:59 he tell me I guess he's not an Assad 46:00 payroll but he he he back in 1978 46:06 produced a movie called the Medusa touch 46:07 with Richard Burton and it involved one 46:12 of the scenes where a plane is is driven 46:17 into a building a tower a skyscraper and 46:21 explode it's killing everybody you know 46:22 in the plane of course and of course 46:24 people in the building and the plane is 46:26 driven telepathically it's the part of 46:29 the by Richard Burton that's not that's 46:32 what the movies about 46:33 so theory is producing these movies back 46:35 in the late 70s about these things of 46:37 course we have you know examples later 46:41 you have a lone gunman who produced by 46:44 Fox 46:45 you know these things in there that they 46:47 they foretell jumbo jet being driven 46:50 into the Twin Towers you know and that's 46:53 the spring of 2001 yeah that's for tone 46:57 yeah and then you got you know little 47:00 curiosity what was that piece of work 47:02 Zod I mean he was the Comptroller for 47:06 the Pentagon is uh I'm talking about 47:10 he's a dual citizen but he's also the 47:13 board directors of remote-control jet 47:18 plane systems right force lying them 47:20 basically without pilots oh yeah yeah 47:23 and and use a controller for the UH for 47:25 the Pentagon that choice went missing 47:27 yeah that's right that's right I mean he 47:32 was doing a great job 47:33 I mean roomful goes well there's two 47:35 trillion dollars missing I mean me the 47:37 guy should have been investigated you 47:39 think after losing two trillion his 47:41 father's it was a Talmudic rabbi er yeah 47:44 yeah high finance 47:47 it's a systems yeah it's system planning 47:49 systems planning corporation right but I 47:53 always thought that was kind of funny 47:54 because you know if if wrong field says 47:57 well we're missing two trillion and then 47:59 this guy is the Comptroller you go well 48:03 gee how much money would have to be 48:05 missing before we would be a problem 48:07 you know we'd have to like maybe 48:09 investigate this guy yeah it was in 48:12 that's course that's what really I mean 48:14 look what would be the number so so the 48:16 whole thing is ludicrous and I mean I 48:18 actually think that at this point 48:20 they're actually just you know they just 48:22 think the public is so stupid that they 48:24 don't really need to have much of a of a 48:27 story I think that's why weren't wrong 48:28 so did it I I don't think there was any 48:31 other reason than humor I just think it 48:33 was just something that was being done 48:34 to ridicule the public well yeah 48:38 parallel yeah that's not a deep or at 48:40 least dimension this is just how many 48:43 dual citizen Zionists were involved not 48:46 only perhaps in the in the operation 48:49 itself but also the subsequent cover-up 48:51 because you have shirt off over there 48:55 who at the time was the assistant 48:57 attorney general which he quashed in an 49:00 investigation into these Raley's got 49:02 them out of the country these things and 49:05 then he's also didn't become a head of 49:08 department homeland security catches his 49:11 aunt cashes in on the on the underwear 49:13 bomber thing with the scanners he's 49:14 representing the company the Rapiscan 49:16 the company that makes the scanners and 49:18 turns out the CIA put the guy in the 49:21 plane and courses up and then he dates a 49:23 debts a price it didn't hit a bomb on 49:26 the plane and then he was State 49:27 Department admitted that he was put on 49:29 the plane right so another fake event 49:33 and they were so and this these are 49:35 these are terrorist attacks that that 49:38 lawrence wright's sites as you know 49:41 these muslims exactly the examples of 49:45 this out this this anger which is 49:49 creating the intellectual hysteria which 49:51 then is you know manifests as terrorism 49:53 which of course we must respond to with 49:56 greater and greater government you know 49:59 technologic control over the population 50:02 yeah it's have you thought about the 50:05 bush bin Laden connection it's a whole 50:06 another thing that lawrence wright never 50:08 talks about no that's you know talk 50:12 about with a straight face 50:13 i mean you would think i'm just like 50:15 it's almost like the ronald reagan's 50:19 would-be assassin Hinckley yeah his 50:22 family being Business Association of the 50:24 bushes and the fact that his Pinkley 50:26 elder brother's gonna have dinner the 50:29 night after with Bush's son and you 50:31 think that you'd get some interest a 50:35 little suspicious you know but it's not 50:38 the public never really see this is the 50:40 thing is that it a couple weeks ago you 50:43 you gave that fascinating synopsis of 50:47 how America should work and you talked 50:49 about the role of the Fourth Estate well 50:52 that's one of the biggest problems is 50:54 that the media is completely controlled 50:57 it's just lock stock and barrel well 50:59 that's what they'll never covered this 51:00 that's why things like the whenever they 51:02 cover things like the JFK assassination 51:03 or 9/11 they'll never 51:07 you know come forth Huether be honest 51:09 with because well I mean that's all like 51:11 look right gets a Nobel Prize for the 51:15 looming tower right he'll surprise you 51:17 I'm sorry sorry Sam great yeah Pulitzer 51:20 Prize okay so they give the Pulitzer 51:21 Prize which is really fitting 51:22 considering what you Joseph Pulitzer was 51:28 wait a second the title if this guy is 51:32 supposed to be doing a research where is 51:34 a little bit of scholarship saying you 51:37 know it doesn't seem like bin Laden was 51:38 really quoting correctly from the Talmud 51:41 right I mean the the bit of 51:44 interpretation I gave I guarantee I mean 51:46 it's just too simple to be wrong about 51:48 it is as I described it is what it is 51:52 it's just very very simple he's not 51:54 talking about you know Mohammed is not 51:57 talking about hurting terrorists in a 52:01 tower 52:01 he's this is completely a unique 52:04 interpretation that right house and bin 52:06 Laden could not have communicated to any 52:08 other Muslim of faith using that 52:13 expression and the way rights claiming 52:14 so my point is well how could this guy 52:17 get the Pulitzer Prize where is it you 52:20 mean don't they have anyone in this body 52:22 that would look at this and go hey you 52:24 know Lawrence this is wrong you're just 52:26 your scholarship is atrocious you should 52:30 at least be trying to question the use 52:33 of this expression you should at least 52:35 bring up its actual context in the Quran 52:38 but instead it looks like you're just 52:40 using it for mind-control oh when you 52:43 got in the field surprised if you're in 52:44 the book with some tough to mudak 52:46 sayings you know so anyway so that's 52:54 some this you know the the the looming 52:58 tower is a look is a steaming sack of 53:03 dung and III can't even really recommend 53:08 people watch it as you know it's just to 53:11 try to understand propaganda you don't 53:13 need to waste your time 53:14 you know just assume it's propaganda no 53:17 it's propaganda 53:19 then tell people you know whenever you 53:21 it's discussed in your presence look do 53:24 a little research folks this this is not 53:27 what happened right is a shill for the 53:31 the secret society and he's just 53:35 creating a little peace of mind control 53:37 yeah what is yet little family I 53:40 mentioned the Bush melodic connection 53:41 George Bush Senior taste every person 53:44 bin Laden senior were a long-standing 53:45 business partners George Bush Senior and 53:48 Bonifant were on the board have cut the 53:50 Carlyle Group in fact he was I think he 53:52 was having a meeting that day of the 53:53 attacks Washington DC I think George 53:55 Bush had spent the night at the White 53:56 House that weekend but so the beloved 54:01 family actually financed much of George 54:03 Bush's business operations George I 54:06 think it was James bath who facilitated 54:09 a loan back in the 1970s for George W 54:13 Bush so and the two or were heavily in 54:18 working together the the The Carlyle 54:21 Group is a big prop you know I guess you 54:25 can call the merchants of death or the 54:26 its grain producers they use more 54:29 pesticides and yeah all the world put 54:31 together 54:31 not to mention of course Cheney's 54:34 connections to Halliburton which 54:35 profited mightily from the war on terror 54:37 and I followed the work of Christopher 54:40 bull in he studied the Zionist 54:42 connections to to the to the attacks in 54:45 his books on 9/11 and he makes the point 54:47 that when you're dealing with 9/11 on 54:51 the war on terror both of them are false 54:53 constructs built on one another they 54:56 built on one another and so you have to 54:59 tear one down the tear the other down 55:01 and all the war all all the the 55:04 invasions Iraq the invasion Afghanistan 55:08 all the suffering the million the people 55:12 who have died and the the refugees these 55:14 things are all a product of that 9/11 55:16 myth and you're not going to understand 55:21 how the world works and I can understand 55:23 you certainly mr. in recent history 55:24 until you like you know stop listening 55:27 to people at Lawrence right and buying 55:28 these narratives which are just all you 55:32 like a superficial look at the evidence 55:36 we do some no one can help conclude that 55:40 this is this is all BS I mean yeah I'm 55:42 gonna kiss no it's it's you know so you 55:46 I mean just look at the ever ask these 55:48 questions like this doesn't explain the 55:51 symmetrical collapse from buildings that 55:53 are damaged asymmetrically they the 55:55 controlled demolition falling you know 55:58 collapsing freefall speed the the 56:01 financial chicanery the questions arose 56:02 denotes the connections before all these 56:04 groups that are profited from it and 56:06 they in bizarre piloting expertise you 56:09 know I mean none of this thing makes any 56:10 sense 56:11 the fact or the fact that these 56:12 terrorists were being these alleged 56:14 hijackers I mean there's no film with 56:17 them getting on the plane they they're 56:18 the film of them in Portland but not in 56:21 Boston getting in the plane yeah the 56:23 video taken Dulles is fake 56:24 I mean then it's not there's not even a 56:27 timestamp on the dullest videotape 56:29 security team you know the thing that 56:31 I've always thought is the funniest is 56:32 that is the two framed footage of the 56:35 plane hitting the Pentagon that is just 56:39 a perfect conclusion to a guy who can't 56:41 even fly a Cessna doing an absolutely 56:44 flawless 56:45 five hundred mile an hour death spiral 56:47 turn and hitting you know square on at 56:51 like six inches off the ground the only 56:54 thing that is more stupid than that idea 56:57 is that the Pentagon would only have two 56:59 frames of films yeah all the cameras 57:02 that are all secure this is like how 57:04 many cameras do you think they have 57:05 around the Pentagon oh I'd say they got 57:07 more than one or in Crystal City in 57:11 general the city that Rings depends it's 57:12 the military industrial complex yeah 57:14 neighborhood there were apparently the 57:16 FBI went in I think within an hour of 57:19 the attack and seized all the videotapes 57:22 this same thing accredited Oklahoma City 57:24 by the way yeah exactly 57:25 they do have your tapes you know well 57:28 and that's why you know one one thing 57:29 I've been advocating is whenever there's 57:31 something that looks like a false flag a 57:33 big violent event and you're part of it 57:36 for God's sakes use the iPhone videotape 57:40 everything and post it 57:42 don't waste time the more 57:45 video feed that gets out onto the web 57:47 the faster the better 57:48 because it makes it impossible for them 57:51 to you know construct some kind of 57:53 fantasy explanation for the whole thing 57:55 just get the videos out immediately 57:57 I really think that 9/11 as it was 58:01 constructed you know 18 years ago I 58:03 don't think it could be pulled off today 58:05 I think there'd be way too many videos 58:09 of like the second plane coming in 58:11 whatever it was and with the quality of 58:14 the you know the video footage they they 58:16 just couldn't pull it off so that was 58:19 kind of a point in time piece of 58:21 government terrorism false flag yeah I 58:23 don't think I don't think they can they 58:26 could you know even I don't think they 58:28 didn't contemplate something that's 58:29 stupid but do I mean the propaganda was 58:31 set up cuz I remember right after the 58:32 attacks being misinformed and how the 58:34 terrors were the how the towers were 58:36 constructed I remember being told there 58:38 were hollow columns you know complete 58:42 misrepresentation of the building and 58:43 this gets around and and it doesn't it's 58:45 not doesn't matter that's not true 58:47 people here at one time and they believe 58:49 and they stop thinking about it and they 58:50 don't then that then if they're 58:52 confronted with the contradictions they 58:53 don't they don't compute it because they 58:55 don't want to computer because the 58:56 implications are so disturbing it wants 58:58 interesting fact I found out is the 59:03 fears after because of the the problems 59:06 with the forensics the in the dynamics 59:08 of the the plane hitting the building 59:09 and the collapse and these things 59:10 obviously that that fueled out of the 59:13 9/11 truth community because just simply 59:15 didn't make any sense or the laws of 59:16 physics were being violated there the 59:19 idea that was the trauma of the plane 59:21 and in the building then the jet fuel 59:22 that undermined the structure of the 59:24 building causing the collapsed way 59:26 that's just absurd nevertheless Popular 59:28 Mechanics supposedly debunked the 59:31 skeptics of the official narrative and 59:33 it turns out the editor of proper 59:35 mechanics was the cousin of Michael 59:37 Chertoff and again it's just they don't 59:43 have much respect for the mental you 59:47 know power of the population that they 59:50 but even you know I mean all of this 59:53 stuff operates as intimidating elements 59:55 you know Popular Mechanics 59:57 you know you're probably kids people 59:59 been reading it since they were little 60:00 kids and they think it's you know just 60:03 good solid explanation of simple science 60:06 and and you know you can trust it 60:09 man you can't trust anything you can't 60:11 even trust the cartoons that are on you 60:14 know the the the media is has been 60:17 weaponized how do you mention cartoons 60:19 because with that plane we ended the 60:21 towers it looked like a Bugs Bunny 60:23 cartoon it did when it just exploded 60:27 I've never seen anything so ludicrous in 60:29 my life I mean literally if it if there 60:32 wasn't real people were getting killed 60:33 with the explosions it would just be 60:35 like a laugh riot I mean I mean 60:37 literally it would be like a the special 60:41 effects would be in like a in a grade B 60:45 kind of campy Hollywood film right what 60:48 was the one film of it where the planes 60:50 nose comes through the other side 60:51 actually yeah I know it's actually 60:53 Mitchum Bach yeah but I mean just just 60:55 think of it as 9/11 one the comedy you 60:58 know where you've got the plane 61:00 disappear into the building where you 61:02 have the nose coming out the other side 61:04 and another footage you know where you 61:06 have the lady talking about the building 61:08 is collapsed you know it's thinking back 61:10 of her where the guy comes up and he 61:12 finds oh here's the wallet I mean these 61:15 are really elements from a you know from 61:18 a comedy film it's from something that's 61:20 you know it like you know it's a it's a 61:23 Lampoon it's not even cited it wouldn't 61:25 even make it as a real Hollywood drama 61:27 this it could only cut it as a comedy 61:29 it's too stupid the things are just 61:32 absurd and of course the symmetrical 61:34 collapse I mean I you know like you see 61:36 like there's different you know 9/11 61:39 documentaries and they're all serious 61:41 you know like loose change you know 61:43 they're heavy and I think like one I'd 61:46 like to see it's like 9/11 one the 61:47 comedy and just it's like have a laugh 61:51 track 61:52 but James Corbett's thing 9/11 yeah 61:56 since Piercy theory yeah it was like 61:58 three minutes see candy cafe that is 62:00 kind of a cool but a man I think you 62:01 know with the video I'd like to see like 62:03 the videos and just you know the 62:05 Pentagon explosion the two phrases and 62:08 just put a laugh track to it 62:09 because that's really the way to undo 62:11 unspin the propaganda people should see 62:14 this is absurd 62:15 when Nam Chomsky you know when he when 62:18 he gets up there and he goes you know 62:22 after after these events there's often 62:26 unexplained phenomena 62:29 I mean people should be laughing this 62:32 isn't serious stuff this is this is this 62:34 is like it's just stupid and funny and 62:37 that's the way a free population would 62:40 respond they've respond first with 62:41 laughter and then with you know torches 62:44 and pitchforks well you know when you 62:45 when you're trying to solve 62:47 like a murder mystery like who shot John 62:50 F Kennedy 62:50 simple things like ballistics don't 62:52 matter right right yeah at the window 62:55 yeah it's like the same thing with these 62:57 things yeah you know the collapse of 63:00 buildings and these things these things 63:01 don't and I understand it's not the only 63:03 question because personally I think 63:05 tracking the finances and and the 63:08 connections sort of this is this this 63:10 ischemic schematic of yeah figures is 63:14 probably from a criminal standpoint is 63:16 probably more fruitful but nevertheless 63:17 I'm stuck with these anomalies these the 63:20 optics are very disturbing they don't 63:22 make any sense to me and I don't know 63:24 what it means a minute when I look at it 63:25 you know like the plane cut through a 63:26 building like that doesn't mean there 63:28 are no planes I don't know it just means 63:30 what I'm watching on that screen and 63:31 most people and this is my default 63:33 position 9/11 is most people experience 63:35 9/11 watching it on television that's a 63:39 medium and that's subject to 63:40 manipulation I'm not saying why I mean 63:43 why why would you trust anything you 63:46 watch on television you know well I mean 63:48 it's as real as like you know as a 63:51 sitcom yeah yeah yeah I've seen you know 63:54 I saw a t-rex ontology eat a man off a 63:56 toilet yeah you know III watched the 64:00 moon landing on television so you see 64:04 all this thing throw on TV shit so you 64:07 know what once you have deduced that the 64:10 secret side exists and controls the 64:12 media man it's all just a it's all just 64:15 a comedy there's no there's nothing I 64:17 mean then I guarantee you there are 64:20 things on television that are 64:22 of course but but there's no way that a 64:25 lay person would could tell the real 64:28 from the fake we can't we can't do that 64:30 we don't know we aren't in the room 64:32 where these decisions are made there 64:34 they're going to I'm sure they're gonna 64:35 find like you know nitwit newscasters 64:39 that will be basically legitimately 64:42 conservative or legitimately feminist I 64:45 mean we don't know what these people are 64:46 all spooks or if they're just you know 64:49 personalities that have been picked out 64:51 of the crowd who knows right you can't 64:53 tell what's new but you know the secret 64:56 society exists and you know that that's 64:57 really in play to create the overall 65:00 phenomena of the media and and the only 65:03 thing you can do about is turn the damn 65:05 thing off you cannot expose yourself 65:07 your children to it you know it's it is 65:10 a weaponized phenomenon and it's 65:14 designed to make it stupid and basically 65:16 to genocide you ultimately so turn it 65:21 off I've been saying you know all along 65:23 you know and and the alt media is there 65:27 it's it is available and more and more 65:30 people are participating in it we need 65:33 to set up some protocols you know 65:36 basically it'd be good to you know that 65:39 might be a show we do in the future come 65:40 where we talk about the protocols that 65:43 we need to establish in the alt media 65:45 because we don't we can't control it 65:47 it's just it'd be like herding cats you 65:49 know you've got a thousand Mavericks 65:51 that are all or even more you know many 65:53 more but everyone has their own little 65:55 media universe and but in order to have 66:01 the most effective kind of defense in 66:05 the future for things like 9-1-1 what 66:07 form you know can can the alt media take 66:10 on what would be some systems that we 66:13 can advocate that that would basically 66:17 help the alt media function as a whole 66:20 or as a whole but you know just more 66:22 generally effective so that you know 66:25 when when the next nine when what 66:27 happens we can get more information out 66:29 have more impact psychologically with 66:32 the people that are you know watching us 66:35 where 66:35 than CNN yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely 66:40 so I think the first rule first 66:43 moratorium on accusing people of being 66:46 chills and well that's you know I mean 66:50 the thing is it's that's going to happen 66:53 and I'm sure there are lots of chills 66:55 yeah there are but I'm saying you know 66:56 you don't know who is but the thing is 66:58 well but the thing is what I what I like 67:01 I get accused of it all the time and and 67:03 and I also get trolled a lot because of 67:05 like Caesars Messiah even my book 67:07 Shakespeare it gets there are 13 people 67:10 that are like hating on me because they 67:12 love Shakespeare and they don't like my 67:14 interpretation of that but you know the 67:17 point is is look um don't worry about 67:19 the personality worry about the 67:21 information yeah yeah you know try to 67:23 try to just stay with the information 67:25 that someone gives you and if that makes 67:29 sense then you know then that that is a 67:32 better platform than just you know like 67:35 character attacks of this person right 67:38 now there's just a lot of and you know 67:41 you see this all the time where alt 67:43 media personalities end up hating each 67:45 other 67:46 yeah and they they go after each other 67:48 or one person you know has accuses but 67:51 well what's the purpose I mean it's the 67:55 information not the personality and so 67:58 that'd be one principle is is just try 68:01 to stay whenever you can with with 68:04 dealing with the inaccuracies of 68:07 someone's information we have to become 68:10 a little bit more mature about just 68:14 looking for fact or error in reasoning 68:19 and and you know rather than trying to 68:23 to look at you know personalities like 68:26 I'll give you an example like I think 68:27 Alex Jones is a shill that's my opinion 68:30 and I've thought it for a long time 68:32 because of the interview he did with 68:34 David Rothschild 68:35 which I definitely think was you know 68:39 they were sharing kind of an insider 68:41 humor about the secret society okay so 68:45 that was my interpretation does that 68:48 mean that 68:49 everything that out Jones says ever more 68:52 is you know false no I don't think so I 68:54 think that even a limited hangout like 68:57 Jones can be useful you just have to 68:59 always be aware that he could be a show 69:01 yeah if he's talking about fluoride or 69:02 vaccinations that gets information 69:04 exactly and so this is this is this is 69:07 how we can defeat them from basically 69:11 setting up shelves is that we're going 69:13 to become really good at vetting 69:15 information and less and less well 69:18 personalities become important even more 69:20 or you know we'll just the information 69:22 they give and the way that information 69:23 is being vetted with reason you know 69:26 with you got to produce the facts and 69:28 you have to you know like I would love 69:31 to and I'll put the offer right out 69:34 Laurens right he wants some publicity 69:37 I'll be happy to debate him right here 69:40 on the show you know and I mean I I mean 69:44 and the thing is is that you want to get 69:46 into the arena of ideas and and back up 69:49 your claims then Laurens just bring it 69:51 on buddy 69:52 well you wanted to ISA does believe in 69:54 conspiracies the official narrative 69:58 right okay I mean what does prove that I 70:04 want evidence of that proven instead of 70:06 think this is this is the trick they 70:07 pulled on 9/11 and this is what Chertoff 70:09 did was they did say they said it was an 70:12 act of war and once they did that is 70:14 they were relieved of responsibilities 70:16 least rhetorically at least morally I 70:18 guess they could say at least 70:19 politically of carrying out like a 70:20 criminal investigation following rules 70:23 of evidence and I free to present the 70:24 case they never had to present the case 70:26 is just like when the Bush 70:27 administration was pressured to put a 70:28 white paper on proving that paladin was 70:31 involved on eleven they couldn't produce 70:32 the document effective is the FBI a PR 70:36 guy who was asked why bin Laden on his 70:39 most wanted page he was the FBI's 10 70:41 most wanted on his webpage that his most 70:44 wanted page why 9/11 wasn't listed as 70:46 one of the crimes he was being charged 70:49 with her being hunted down for and Randy 70:51 wrecks Putin it was Rick stews was his 70:53 name 70:53 and he goes up yeah I remember the name 70:55 Rex ray he goes well because we have no 70:57 evidence he was involved in 9/11 70:59 Norman so what does that say the medium 71:03 tylium is the mastermind like 10 minutes 71:04 after the fact so then they kill him of 71:06 course sweetie captured okay and then 71:08 they make a movie about him being killed 71:09 I mean of course but there's no evidence 71:10 so it's yeah you know it's it's the 71:14 citizen we just have to try to organize 71:17 ourselves so that we can think better we 71:20 can deflect the propaganda better and 71:23 ultimately you know we want to have 71:27 impact on the democratic process we want 71:30 to develop our own candidates that's 71:33 gonna be a bit tough because now you 71:36 know you're up against money but you 71:40 know I am optimistic just because the 71:44 there's going to be a lot of chaos as 71:47 the mainstream media unravels and I just 71:51 sense that at the old media is you know 71:55 becoming a more organized force it's 71:59 becoming you know step by step inch by 72:02 inch and I know people will always this 72:03 is something Tim that happens all the 72:05 time they go oh no you're wrong you're 72:07 absolutely wrong y'all media it's chaos 72:10 and it will lead nowhere okay well 72:13 that's one opinion but if you look at 72:15 where it is now as opposed to 10 years 72:18 ago I see the the chart is straight up 72:22 virtually it's a lot better now there's 72:25 a lot more people aware of it now does 72:27 it still need a lot of improvement a lot 72:29 of you know kind of organizational 72:31 elements sure it's got a long long way 72:33 to go but man oh man there has been 72:35 tremendous progress so we have to have 72:38 enthusiasm and energy and just keep 72:41 every single day trying to make it 72:44 happen more and more because you know 72:46 when you read them or see the looming 72:48 tower you're staring right into the face 72:52 of evil right into the face of genocide 72:54 you know these people they murdered all 72:58 of these people in the Middle East Tim 73:00 II there's no justification this is 73:02 population reduction and then they come 73:05 up with an explanation the just crazed 73:08 explanation like you know the looming 73:11 tower so this is their moral perspective 73:13 I mean the moral perspective was 73:15 identified by folk 73:17 and you know other people that you have 73:20 interviewed you know like with with the 73:21 so called potato famine Irish potato 73:24 famine which is actually the Irish 73:25 Holocaust you know you know we talk 73:30 about you know kind of following the 73:32 money and you know we we can follow it 73:36 right into Lord Palmerston right and the 73:40 Irish potato famine and then into the 73:43 bizarre creation of British Zionism you 73:46 know that he fall within 1840s this is 73:51 where we should be looking for the 73:52 origins of the Middle East conflict it's 73:54 not in you know bin Laden's you know 73:58 misuse of the Quran I mean so 74:02 scholarship inch by inch we're getting 74:04 there every single day it gets a little 74:06 bit better a little clearer more people 74:09 are coming on board and and you know for 74:13 the universities that I have any 74:14 relationship with or any indication the 74:19 the classes now each subsequent class 74:23 has a larger fraction that doesn't by 74:25 nine-one-one and it's more and more 74:27 likely to think about secret society you 74:31 know background more and more people are 74:33 not buying history as that people are 74:36 given being given and so you know man we 74:40 got a long way to go and but 74:43 nevertheless progress is getting made 74:45 buddy yeah and at the very least 74:48 history's disturbing it's a 74:50 slaughterhouse but the real history is 74:53 far more interesting than the textbook 74:55 of fairy tales movie fed yeah that's 74:57 right and and it's a lot more productive 74:59 to spend the time do the research get 75:02 into the real history it's horrifying 75:04 because you really see how treacherous 75:06 the world is but it's also encouraging 75:09 because this whole idea of this 75:10 inevitable class of civilizations isn't 75:12 inevitable at all just a cabal of evil 75:14 you know 75:15 exactly is that you know the explanation 75:19 that well you know we're we're just 75:20 destined to have world war after world 75:22 war and genocide ourselves if you really 75:24 understand history you can see wait a 75:26 second that's just completely untrue all 75:29 of these words 75:30 holy artificial all of the slaughter 75:34 2200 million people that all brought 75:37 about by a very very small group and and 75:41 these these people were evil and and the 75:44 the fact that the populations didn't 75:48 rebel properly you know that's the 75:50 tragedy that's what's really we have to 75:53 focus on is making sure that doesn't 75:55 happen again you know is that we don't 75:56 get led into another world war where we 75:59 can just slaughter reduce our 76:01 populations with this cover narrative 76:02 that's really where we got ahead people 76:04 and so that you know we that they're 76:07 just that they are suspicious as hell of 76:10 everything that the secret society is 76:13 saying about you know terrorism or you 76:17 know the events in the Middle East you 76:20 know it's like right you know he talks 76:23 about al-qaeda but I mean it's it's just 76:30 one of these bewilderingly they're use 76:37 them for a bit they disappear al-qaeda 76:39 started as as basically the database you 76:43 know it's the basin in Arabic but it's a 76:47 it was the database it was the the group 76:50 that had been identified as being able 76:52 to fight against the Soviet fighters in 76:55 Afghanistan and it was purely a u.s. 76:58 creation he was used in different ways 77:01 you know I don't think that we ever lost 77:03 control over it there was always some 77:05 way of manipulating it and they're just 77:08 another group you know we they're 77:11 brought into the Balkans and the 77:12 caucuses that's here that yes I mean I 77:14 just think we should the correct way to 77:16 think about the people inside of al 77:18 Qaeda is that they were as misused as 77:21 the the populations on either side of 77:25 the trenches in World War one II in 77:28 other words we should be looking at 77:29 these people as our intellectual 77:31 brothers because we are all being led to 77:34 the slaughter house by the same group 77:37 you know they they are able to control 77:40 us through the control of the political 77:42 financial and and media right oh it's so 77:45 pervasive cuz you just watch shows if 77:48 you watch this you know the whole if 77:50 it's I was watching and the Sopranos and 77:53 the the the season I'm watching is isn't 77:55 around nine eleven right after and 77:58 Christus references to the Arab 78:00 terrorism things like that are all 78:01 throughout the you know it's the 78:02 backdrop there are the show so just just 78:06 mentioned it's an entertainment that you 78:09 know they socialize us to think it's 78:12 like a common thing that we have to 78:13 fight against and that's where we get 78:14 groped in here you know it's just it 78:18 just a matter of being woken up where 78:21 you know there's nothing real here in 78:23 terms of this air of terrorism I mean 78:25 there is legitimate Arab terror and no 78:27 question I'm sure of it but that isn't 78:30 the driving force here what is 78:33 propelling it all is a secret society 78:35 that then uses the terrorism as the 78:37 basis for the you know the NSA and all 78:40 the the ratcheting control and the wars 78:42 no well it's like bozos I guess it was 78:45 his Bala which was created by Shin Bet 78:47 you know counter Yasser Arafat Al Fatah 78:51 movement these things and then when they 78:53 they may go a little crazy may go rogue 78:56 or seemingly rogue but then again even 78:58 when they go rogue they serve the 79:00 interests of the Israeli state it was a 79:02 victory Ostrovsky who in his book I 79:05 think right I wave deception his he was 79:07 a Mossad agent who claimed that the 79:10 Carlos the Jackal wasn't a Mossad asset 79:13 he didn't know it but he was he was 79:15 always controlled by Mossad agents 79:17 that's his claim he's a he's a spy he 79:20 may be lying I don't know as Arab in 79:22 Minaj's book profits of war where he 79:25 claims in that book he was involved in 79:27 Aaron contra the arms trade and these 79:29 things and this the whole the whole 79:30 scene the whole this whole you know a 79:32 nether world of intelligence spy spooks 79:35 you know 79:37 mafioso drug trafficking arms trading 79:40 these things it's a whole image it's a 79:41 whole you know grim in industry but I'm 79:43 he claims that the Achille Lauro was 79:46 ultimately carried out by Israeli 79:48 intelligence they set up 79:50 these Muslim terrorists to do it 79:54 to give the PLO a black eye and you go 79:57 that's how you can look at all a lot of 79:58 these terrorist actors if you look at it 79:59 really if you really think about all 80:01 these terrorist attacks who doesn't 80:03 really it's a bad PR it doesn't really 80:05 help but obviously it gives the 80:06 Palestine I caused a bad name when 80:09 something when some atrocities kid 80:10 especially when the media the media 80:13 doesn't cover Israeli atrocities well 80:16 yeah and and and then when you look at 80:18 you know how Israel has been able to 80:21 build out you know in spite of all these 80:24 UN resolutions 80:26 yeah the o'donneii not plan the Greater 80:27 Israel the boundaries that it walks and 80:30 I mean who's winning so so look at all 80:35 the founders in Israeli state you sack 80:37 Shamir I mean he killed Bernadotte the 80:38 UN envoy to the UN back in 1948 the you 80:42 knockin beggin or he signed the unit's 80:44 Peace Accords of Saturday 80:45 Jimmy Carter he orchestrated the King 80:48 David bombing a 1946 earlier sharone 80:52 oversaw operation Susanna the LaVon 80:54 affair you know they're all terrorists 80:57 yeah one show that I'd love to do we 80:59 should do the future is on the book the 81:02 expulsion of the Palestinians 81:04 I guess his name is nurse Ajala perhaps 81:08 and then don't quote me but I have I 81:12 don't have the book but I have lots of 81:14 excerpts from it and basically what he 81:17 shows is the letters he simply has he 81:20 found the letters that the the Zionist 81:22 organizations exchanged between 81:24 themselves in the 1880s 1890's from from 81:28 basically the generation after Herzl 81:30 where you have like Golda Meir 81:32 acha been Monica bathed and beggin and 81:35 ben-gurion and like five or six other 81:37 guys that either became the head of 81:39 Israel at some point are very powerful 81:41 politically leaders in the army so he 81:44 has all their letters and the idea that 81:46 they would expel the Palestinians and 81:49 the idea that they would use violence to 81:51 do it and the idea that there was no 81:53 moral issue in doing this in other words 81:55 it was just like you know for the glory 81:58 of God or something that these were 82:00 really weren't human beings and that 82:02 they would use deception for the 82:04 the world these ideas are just being 82:06 discussed point-blank there's nothing 82:08 there's nothing cryptic about these 82:10 letters so this is the well you know and 82:13 and the public is fed Exodus the movie 82:16 right yet exactly the Israelis are Paul 82:21 Newman and Kirk Douglas right and so so 82:26 this is the public you know look like 82:27 gee they're they're just so reasonable 82:29 and these vicious Arab terrorists you 82:32 know so it's just ah man the the 82:35 structure of the mind that you know is 82:39 in common function in America is you 82:43 know it is a successful propaganda 82:45 device to make Americans 82:48 self-controlling basically you see the 82:50 terrorists you know when when in fact 82:52 they should be thinking about what's in 82:55 backup but you know or just just the 83:00 history of false flag in Israelis or to 83:03 make people look at more you know at 83:05 least wouldn't be so I guess uh wouldn't 83:11 consider the possibility that maybe they 83:12 had some role 9/11 as being some sort of 83:14 an anti-semitic slur something we say 83:16 you raised him to fall back on when 83:17 there's actually a lot of evidence that 83:18 loose at the very they were that that's 83:20 an important to mention to those days 83:22 events was the Australian helmet yeah of 83:25 course I mean just if you're thinking 83:26 clearly you're going to at least 83:27 consider that as a possibility and then 83:30 when you see these insane you know 83:34 explanations given over the next four or 83:36 five days 83:37 you should any normal person should just 83:39 smell a rat you know there's something 83:41 wrong with all all of these details are 83:44 being within like two hours they knew 83:47 his bin Laden that's been Laden you know 83:49 I mean it's funny I actually whiffed I 83:52 didn't understand it as a false flag I 83:55 should have I understood the concept of 83:56 false leg them but I just something for 83:58 some reason I I was swept up in and it 84:01 wasn't - a couple years later when I saw 84:03 the video of the building 7 collapse and 84:05 that just just apps it was a devastating 84:08 moment I mean it I couldn't believe it I 84:11 spent months studying the thing and you 84:14 know because it just made me aware that 84:17 there were 84:17 a secret society and it also made me 84:20 where that the media was fake and those 84:21 were hard things for me to really was 84:23 that building was that building seven 84:25 yeah building seven yeah build-up seven 84:27 was for me when I within within a few 84:29 years I'd be it's kind of funny because 84:30 I didn't know about it for three four 84:33 years yeah 84:34 I never heard of it yeah they didn't 84:37 talk much for some reason and then the 84:39 moment the net you know and I saw BBC 84:42 reporting on it before it collapse then 84:44 it collapsed it clicked in my head 84:46 that's foreknowledge and that's when 84:48 that's a wait a second 84:49 explain this to me I want everyone to 84:51 explain this right I naively you should 84:54 think I farted just show that video to 84:55 people that they'd say oh yes well I got 84:58 a look into this I that's not what 84:59 action I got just most people family 85:03 members they just said no that's 85:05 ridiculous I don't want to think about 85:07 it 85:07 it's just something and that's the thing 85:10 is that it's the revolution of kind of 85:14 normal consciousness that that is 85:16 required to to take the step into you 85:20 know clear mindedness but that's just 85:22 what that's a step that has to be taken 85:24 and that's the step that we have to 85:25 wonder it was kind of fun because I was 85:28 already kind of familiar with the 85:31 various I wasn't really into the JFK 85:32 thing but I was familiar with the 85:33 arguments that the problems with the 85:35 official narrative in Oswald 85:36 and the stuff and I was I had heard 85:38 about Pearl Harbor and and I understood 85:40 why you know it would be an insight know 85:42 whatever be my inside job is why with 85:45 the FDR administration stand down let 85:49 that attack occur and I understood the 85:50 GOP geopolitics planned it so it wasn't 85:53 a long stretch to me to consider that 85:55 perhaps elements within the US 85:57 government the power structure the 85:58 corporate interest you know the bank's 86:00 the world companies these things would 86:02 orchestrate an attack or least 86:03 facilitate it to achieve some other 86:05 objective and so it's that type of 86:08 sophistication which is required if 86:09 you're coming at it from a typical 86:11 American you know 86:13 pro-american the US government's there 86:15 to protect us you know that sort of this 86:17 sort of crude Civic understanding people 86:19 have they say of life in America what's 86:22 but but you know the meaning of civics 86:25 in America what does the government 86:26 represent what's the US military for and 86:28 how the how are these agencies control 86:30 how our politicians selected that wheel 86:33 vote for these understanding the whole 86:34 power structure it's very difficult if 86:36 you follow the technique of the year 86:37 this textbook a lesson of how politics 86:42 works and but if you're some of familiar 86:45 with the history of false flags the 86:47 intrigues and the the betrayals that 86:49 have occurred throughout American 86:51 history in other countries history 86:52 that's kind of like okay against him how 86:55 this might have gone down so I'm willing 86:57 to consider it and I'll do the research 86:58 and follow the evidence but a lot of 87:00 people aren't willing to do that it's 87:01 too disconcerting it's it's a it 87:04 destructs and destroyed intimidation 87:08 that true you you the fear of ostracism 87:10 and yeah your ones career when social 87:15 life is based on one's worldview and the 87:18 loyalties that they've developed it's 87:20 almost like a brand loyalty you have 87:23 right you have to you have certain 87:25 heroes right it's you know so you don't 87:28 want to be you know single that is being 87:30 stupid or for ridicule you don't want 87:32 tucker carlson to get angry with you you 87:35 know and they would to I mean all of the 87:38 the media sofas would they would not try 87:43 to obviously debate you know sort of the 87:45 reason of like the symmetrical building 87:47 collapse they would go after you at 87:50 hominin and they I'm sure would do it a 87:52 lot of viciousness because they would be 87:53 looking for the right tone to intimidate 87:55 yeah yeah if you were to point out the 87:58 evidence in the kidding Israeli 88:01 involvement yeah oh you must be an 88:02 anti-semite yeah and they would do it 88:06 with anger I mean they would try to 88:07 really get angry and then you're 88:10 confronted with unemployment and hunger 88:12 exactly because you know they would they 88:15 were dropped it's an antic but you know 88:17 just and I'm not advocating violence I'm 88:20 just talking see radical but though the 88:23 right approach you know if like Tucker 88:27 Carlson heard you know like Anderson 88:30 Cooper you know if you ever get a chance 88:32 to discuss this with them in public you 88:36 know but the cameras rolling and they 88:38 try to come over the top with you know 88:40 like anti-semitism when they would 88:43 back it up with an angry voice the right 88:46 approach is just to jump on their back 88:48 and try to beat them up I'm the serious 88:53 because you see the whole thing is you 88:55 want to show the public you know i mean 88:57 i mean the the rationales are just 88:59 obviously insane they this cannot be 89:02 something that can be defended 89:04 you know intellectually so they all they 89:05 can do is like try to you know browbeat 89:08 you but if something responds with an 89:11 equal kind of craziness then then the 89:14 public gets to that might free the mind 89:16 you see what I'm saying is that that 89:17 beautifully maybe like get people go 89:19 wait a second you know why is that 89:20 person getting deal with this person and 89:22 and you know so it's um that would be 89:25 kind of midea a little bit of humor but 89:27 not something it's very likely to happen 89:29 but I I do think that one thing I would 89:34 like to see is which which is why one of 89:38 the reasons where the mainstream media 89:39 won't won't permit it is is 89:43 representatives that will not let 89:45 themselves get browbeating you know 89:47 actually come back violently now this is 89:49 and I'm talking about violently in terms 89:52 of emotion and you know it's like it's 89:56 like vigor and and steadfastness you 89:59 know rather than just being pushed aside 90:00 but this is this is really an 90:03 interesting thing because you see this 90:05 is why mainstream media can never 90:08 intersect alt media do you see them you 90:12 see what I'm saying II their whole 90:14 thrust is intimidation and a false 90:17 narrative so they cannot get into a 90:20 situation where you know you know like 90:24 you know that their rationale might 90:28 actually be discussed using reason this 90:30 would just be completely insane and 90:33 could unravel the whole thing I 90:35 guarantee you that you know that that 90:42 that you're not going to have Lawrence 90:47 come on our show and discuss this with 90:49 us you know it just it just won't happen 90:52 rut right will not show up because you 90:55 can't 90:56 you know these guys can I mean they can 90:59 only conduct the mind control on their 91:02 structure you know you cannot you they 91:05 have to go to every forum they attend 91:07 that's videotaped they all have to be 91:09 vetted because if they actually says 91:11 well you know I'm Tucker Carlson I'm 91:13 here to be on a panel discussing you 91:14 know all theories of 9/11 and then you 91:18 had like a couple guys who knew their 91:19 stuff sort of give their their thing and 91:21 then Tucker would give his I know it 91:23 because he would it would just be excel 91:25 FEV identity was just losing the 91:26 argument he can't do it so that they can 91:29 never intersect alt media and this is 91:32 our great strengths is that we can call 91:35 for debate and demand debate and ask to 91:38 do it in public and ask to do it in 91:40 writing and be bold 91:42 see they're gonna have to always run 91:45 they can never permit this it just won't 91:48 work the only thing they can do is 91:49 create basically false flag debates 91:52 where they can get Tucker Carlson versus 91:56 Alex Jones and Jones can will behave 91:58 like a maniac yeah you know to you know 92:01 create this impression that well this is 92:03 the old media well okay that that'll 92:06 work for a while but that's also 92:08 something can be explained and the 92:10 public can understand and we can keep 92:12 calling for them to come on our show I 92:15 mean wouldn't be great you know get a 92:17 phone call from right he says hey Tim 92:19 Joe let's let's go I really like your 92:21 stuff I'm I'm rethinking everything I'm 92:24 open and let's have a discussion 92:26 yeah I don't think so no he's he's 92:29 council Foreign Relations pre-peeled 92:31 surprise your magazine New York Times 92:34 he's just beyond our pay grade well 92:38 that's the the pay grade that they 92:39 establish yes yeah beneath our pay grade 92:42 in terms of like open-mindedness but he 92:45 is you know he's in the pay grade of the 92:47 secret society where they they have 92:49 their you know developed scholars in 92:53 quotes that that are there for 92:55 intimidation and he's there to replace 92:57 the aging nom Chomsky here's all the 93:01 prestige that the establishment has to 93:03 offer and they need every bit of it yep 93:06 they they can do they can all the 93:08 prestige they want Tim but 93:09 they cannot debate not in public not 93:12 against people who are well know that's 93:13 the fighting mm because the guy was 93:15 introducing Lawrence right and giving 93:18 his bona fides his curriculum vitae and 93:20 these things and he goes he's a member 93:22 the Council on Foreign Relations now how 93:24 many people will go oh really 93:26 oh well that's like that that builds 93:30 confidence you're supposed to be an 93:32 objective historian you're working for 93:34 the Council of Foreign Relations why 93:35 doesn't he just have a sweatshirt with 93:37 CIA written I know it's like it's like 93:40 he's a member of the CIA team you know 93:42 here so so that the public is doesn't 93:45 have any confusion about what he is yeah 93:47 well look okay we got a covered brother 93:52 and and next week is gonna be even more 93:55 exciting okay Joe listen the enjoy your 93:57 weekend we'll be in touch you too I'll 93:59 talk to you soon 94:03 [Music] 94:48 [Music] 95:00 [Music] 95:19 [Music] 95:42 [Music] 95:48 [Music]

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