Powers & Principalities, Episode 040, YouTube Auto-Generated Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 040

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Mass Shootings as Psyops.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 040, published by "thkelly67" on 2018-02-24 with a running time of 1:27:30. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:41 so how you doing 00:44 just find him how are you very well 00:47 thank you 00:48 well I guess this week we had in just I 00:52 think last I guess it was Valentine's 00:55 Day yeah 00:56 there was a school shooting down in 00:59 Florida parkland Florida gunman a 19 01:02 year old gentleman now I guess you want 01:05 to call him that 01:06 Nicholas Cruz allegedly killed I believe 01:10 17 students at a Parkland High School 01:12 parkland Florida 01:17 the FBI apparently was tipped off to him 01:20 he had made a posting previous autumn in 01:24 the fall about wanting to shoot a school 01:27 and apparently according to news reports 01:30 the local sheriff was also tipped off to 01:33 this young man troubled young man who 01:35 had made threats yet they reportedly did 01:39 nothing and he was able to enter the 01:41 school and gunned down 17 people of 01:45 course there were this was made national 01:47 news of course everything is these 01:50 things do and um 01:53 they the President Donald Trump 01:56 commented on it and he of course the 02:00 students have rallied advocating gun gun 02:04 control going to the state legislature 02:07 and also I guess trying to organize some 02:10 sort of nationwide protests against gun 02:12 violence and then supporter some sort of 02:13 legislation which apparently they think 02:15 would have avoided the situation because 02:17 the young man reportedly used a I 02:19 believe was an ar-15 weapon white rifle 02:22 to carry out this assault so um what do 02:26 you think another school shooting what's 02:29 going on here 02:30 well I mean who knows what's what's 02:33 really going on and every one of them 02:35 has potential to be real I suppose in 02:39 general I don't think they're legitimate 02:44 I mean look you know my my position on 02:46 reality which is that 02:49 in a post-911 world right it's all all 02:53 of the questions have been answered we 02:57 know what the government is now it's 02:59 malevolent it's engaged in ritual 03:03 slaughter of populations of the citizens 03:06 it's controlled by a secret society and 03:11 and so when you come to something like 03:14 this the first question is as well as it 03:18 a function of that that world of that of 03:21 the secret society and of course yes it 03:27 is there these things I think are really 03:31 pretty much completely artificial in 03:33 general sense now you know it's not to 03:37 say you couldn't have a copycat or a 03:39 crazy person you know these things 03:40 happen but I would just say that the way 03:45 to understand the stuff you know as a 03:49 structure as something that is as what's 03:52 in back of it you know what the purpose 03:53 of it is is to think of it as part of 03:57 basically the secret society creating a 04:02 kind of dramatic theater you know using 04:05 terror terror based mind-control to use 04:08 an expression so that the population 04:12 will want and will demand a slave state 04:15 I mean that's that's really I think what 04:19 it's clearly you know the purpose of all 04:21 this is that you're going to have school 04:27 killings these mass killings which you 04:29 know it's hard to believe Tim but when I 04:31 grew up they weren't simply rare but 04:33 they didn't exist right now they occur 04:38 what 101 a month and I think shortly 04:40 it'll be one a week because as I see it 04:44 this is just how they this is their 04:46 technique to to get the citizens to 04:49 demand that you know basically there 04:53 just be you know more government and 04:57 more control given up to them and I and 04:59 I would point out that you know one Oh 05:03 the you know suggestions that's being 05:07 put forward is that the teachers pack 05:11 weapons right I'm sure you've heard this 05:13 you know so they're saying well you know 05:15 really some people are saying another 05:16 way that you know teachers should should 05:18 be armed and this would go you know 05:21 hand-in-hand with police in tanks and 05:25 SWAT team uniforms 05:28 I mean basically you're you're you know 05:31 I hope the people that that advocate 05:33 such things realize just how close to 05:36 martial law they are in other words a 05:39 lot of these people you know if you talk 05:42 to them they would come from more 05:43 libertarian or even prepper kind of 05:47 perspective but then they would make a 05:51 comment like well you know we've got to 05:52 make sure that that the teachers should 05:55 have weapons on them well I don't know 05:59 this to me would be more of a step 06:03 toward the martial law than it would be 06:06 toward a free society what do you think 06:08 Tim yeah it's I think it's a form of 06:11 organized insanity I think George Orwell 06:13 called it well you know it's just not 06:16 again they're reacting to something and 06:19 that their their reaction is as part of 06:21 the SIOP I mean intention of the 06:23 psychological Warriors because they're 06:25 not really dressing what's really going 06:27 on they're trying to respond to a 06:29 symptom or respond to a particular event 06:33 and you're not addressing do we live in 06:35 a society that is so insane that 06:38 teachers have to arm themselves to 06:40 protect themselves and the students and 06:42 raises all types of questions about you 06:46 know in the whole scheme of things back 06:47 with that actually create more violence 06:49 because you just have more chances for 06:51 guns being taken and accidents or 06:54 teacher losing control of his toughest 06:57 sidearm while he's teaching classes just 06:59 it get its kicks it gets kind of silly 07:01 because the even if you think about it 07:03 statistically were for more likely to be 07:06 killed in a car accident on your way to 07:07 school than you are to be gunned down by 07:09 a crazed gunman on campus and it's all 07:12 part of a psychological warfare you mean 07:15 forth between 35 and 40 thousand people 07:18 a year are killed on the nation's roads 07:20 and a lot of them I'm sorry you broke up 07:25 there hello do you want to edit that 07:32 yeah can we just start over yeah I did 07:34 it 07:34 now does that so I was saying um you're 07:37 far more likely really to get killed in 07:40 a car accident on your way to school and 07:42 being gunned down by a gunman on campus 07:44 but nevertheless the effective 07:45 psychological warfare is making even 07:47 more fearful of being gunned down a 07:49 while back I was talking to a lady and 07:51 she was had two kids in the elementary 07:54 school yeah typical elementary school 07:57 and I kind of an affluent neighborhood 07:59 and um her two boys came home from 08:02 school and they had a drill that day a 08:04 shooter drill and before going to school 08:08 the kid was perfectly perfectly secure 08:10 at school had no problem but she was 08:14 saying after they had the drill the kid 08:15 came back all Hart scared thinking that 08:17 he might get shot and that's you know 08:20 what so what are they really achieving 08:22 here it's you know there are any number 08:27 of so-called soft soft targets we're all 08:29 soft targets Andrew if you worry about 08:31 terrorism where am I getting shot all 08:33 the time we simply won't be able to 08:35 function as a society anymore it's 08:37 individuals that were communicating with 08:38 each other engaging in commerce social 08:40 intercourse what have you which i think 08:41 is the objective of these things so it's 08:45 just it's just not it's like that like 08:47 it's like the serial killer phenomenon 08:50 you know serial killer is in the 70s and 08:54 80s struck a lot of fear and in many 08:58 people 08:59 despite the fact that they're you know 09:01 sophistical your chances of being a 09:03 victim of circular were infinitely small 09:05 compared to other things like car 09:07 accidents you know slipping in the 09:10 shower we you know all types of things 09:12 slipping in your bathtub things but 09:14 nevertheless it had it had its effect so 09:17 again it's it's one of these things 09:19 where yeah it gets in the news it's it's 09:21 it's it's sensational because you have a 09:23 cluster of victims but you know how many 09:26 people are shot to death a year in South 09:28 Side of Chicago 09:29 you know 300 I think this year or 09:31 something you know so but that doesn't 09:37 there's so many it's just out of yeah so 09:41 that emits you know so that then that's 09:44 just assuming these things are real and 09:46 I do think that the these most of these 09:49 events are staged to one degree or 09:51 another hybrid events and these things 09:53 they can either be manipulated or 09:55 individuals can be triggered these 09:57 things and if you know something about 10:00 some sort of MKULTRA type subject so 10:03 it's a question sometimes they can be 10:06 totally you know faked events perhaps 10:07 and that's that's something we have to 10:09 realize about them terrorism and the 10:13 news itself it's it's it's it's it's 10:16 becoming very difficult to distinguish 10:18 it from Hollywood and these events can 10:21 be staged because you're watching a 10:22 television production news people have 10:25 stage names you know they're actors you 10:28 know we have to don't presume what 10:30 you're watching on television is reality 10:32 because you're watching on television 10:33 since it is news and you know and 10:37 there's a history to this the news being 10:39 manipulated false stories being planted 10:42 and then planting false stories in the 10:44 newspaper is only one or two steps away 10:46 from false you know news reports on 10:48 television I quite frankly don't see the 10:51 difference other than technical 10:53 differences but there's no difference 10:54 between planting a false story which is 10:57 established and planting false news 11:00 stories it's the same thing and that's 11:02 what you know certain reports like I 11:04 think Gladio called for in that Gladio 11:05 but the operation Northwoods called for 11:08 that we have examples just recently if 11:12 you remember that german journalist 11:15 frankfurt out of frankfurt Bhutto who 11:18 took off I think was his name at 11:20 pronouncing his a German name but he 11:22 claimed that um for years he was ordered 11:25 by the SCA to plant stories and they 11:28 would plant stories of in the newspaper 11:31 and he put in it and he put his name on 11:33 it and he was ordered by this year this 11:34 is germ Germany supposedly a sovereign 11:37 nation and of course not too long after 11:40 him admitting that he dies of a heart 11:42 attack 11:42 at the ripe old age of 53 or 54 11:45 something which could have happened I 11:46 suppose but you know they do have 11:48 heart-attack guns this was revealed in 11:51 the church committee hearings you know 11:55 so you think that's exotic and straight 11:56 you know 11:57 no it's there's Barry Goldwater there 11:59 sitting in the Frank you know Church 12:00 kind of laughingly holding his heart 12:03 attack gun and this I think the lady's 12:05 testifying she kind of coldly describes 12:07 what is used for its to deliver a lethal 12:10 dose of a drug to appear that the 12:14 subject or target dies of natural causes 12:16 so there you have it so I mean that's 12:21 that's my immediate take on my overall 12:23 view of these things not to mention some 12:26 of the other past events wish granted I 12:28 mean you might want to discuss they were 12:29 just you know absurd so well the most 12:35 absurd one was nine one one I mean that 12:38 was a you know just one of the terror 12:40 based mind control things it was really 12:43 I mean functionally was it any different 12:45 in fact than they want to be schooled 12:47 shoot ups you know I don't think so it's 12:50 it was you know to me it was just the 12:52 same kind of purpose they wanted to 12:57 scare the public they wanted to 13:00 basically justify behavior you know that 13:04 public wouldn't wouldn't go my gosh you 13:06 know this is martial law we're going to 13:08 resist and so you get these these school 13:11 shootings and you know you're bringing 13:14 up the fact that some of them may be 13:15 completely fake I know that a lot of 13:17 people think that Sandy Hook yeah what's 13:21 just completely fake and when I've 13:23 looked at some of this evidence and I 13:25 actually know one of the individuals and 13:27 she's a very very good researcher very 13:30 meticulous and she came away after 13:32 studying and thinking that it was you 13:34 know that literally the whole thing had 13:36 been staged so so you know these things 13:42 are certainly possible to be just 13:44 basically video representations you know 13:47 like movie but you know it's it's really 13:55 the the question and that and in 14:00 perspective you know that I had the 14:01 citizen should have at this point the 14:03 alert aware citizen is that the 14:06 mainstream media is a propaganda weapon 14:10 so when you get something like the Las 14:13 Vegas harvest shooting are this latest 14:16 business with cruise the you know like 14:19 104 pound kid you know who suddenly 14:23 becomes Rambo and he's there you know 14:26 spring and they are all over the place 14:29 you know I just think that that really 14:31 the right thing thing for the citizen to 14:33 do is just is just not believe any of it 14:35 yeah not a single pixel on your screen 14:39 don't believe a damn thing and certainly 14:42 don't let some kind of constitutional 14:47 right be taken away as a result of these 14:49 things and when people advocate you know 14:52 let's get rid of the Second Amendment or 14:55 let's arm teachers or let's you know 14:57 some kind of ratcheting toward the 15:00 martial law then simply point out that 15:05 the reactions that the government is is 15:09 soliciting and and these specialized 15:12 groups that have I think artificial 15:14 they're just taking us to martial law 15:17 right how what what really functional 15:21 difference is there from living in it a 15:23 state of terror right and by so so 15:26 here's like my real bottom line on this 15:30 is the martial law state that we're 15:34 going to is exactly the same as the 15:38 state that would exist if nothing was 15:41 done and all of these terrorist acts 15:43 simply ran amok forever yeah there's 15:47 really no difference you're still not 15:48 going to be able to go out of your house 15:50 unless you know you're you're basically 15:52 being X courted your kids aren't going 15:55 to have one little iota of freedom or 15:58 choice or anything like that you can 16:00 schools on like prison like lockdowns 16:02 the prison the stools are so that's the 16:05 thing is that when you talk about let's 16:07 arm the 16:08 features let's bring in a surveillance 16:11 state I have a close connection to 16:16 someone who teaches and you know they 16:20 talk about well my school is a scanning 16:22 school what is that that's a school that 16:26 every kid has to go through a metal 16:28 detector there's a public school every 16:33 kid has to go through a metal detector 16:34 it's so funny however we get used to 16:36 that too isn't it right and you just get 16:38 used to it and then you have you know 16:40 this the parkland which I you know what 16:43 I and I you look at these things and you 16:45 wonder if they're chosen for symbolic 16:48 purpose you know like parkland and that 16:51 was the hospital JFK got taken to he and 16:55 the the woman that the school was named 16:58 for one one witticism that set some 17:02 commentator plate up is that what she 17:04 was famous for was prevent and thinking 17:08 the Swan from being drained and of herds 17:12 what this woman was really named is why 17:16 she was bigness Marjory Stoneman yeah 17:18 she they wanted to to drain the 17:21 Everglades swamp and she prevented the 17:25 swamp from being drained she was an 17:26 environmentalist 17:27 so you know you have to wonder if like 17:31 and of course the last name of the guy 17:33 Cruz you know cross you have to wonder 17:39 if these things aren't at at some high 17:42 level just making people roll on the 17:44 ground with laughter or you know just 17:47 are with cruel you know the pleasure of 17:51 like rubbing it in the faces of the 17:54 population that they want to destroy how 17:57 stupid they are they can't see the 17:59 symbolism but um anyway so so the the 18:03 you know the citizen should just take 18:05 the the position that you know this is a 18:07 post-911 phenomena it's a pixel event 18:10 its pixel yeah right it's just a bunch 18:13 of dots on a computer screen 18:16 um I'm not giving up a single iota of my 18:20 constitutional freedom 18:22 because the pixel reality is scaring 18:27 people you know what good is the police 18:29 too anyway because even according to 18:31 reports the resource office of the 18:34 security guard the officer who's a 18:36 member of the Sheriff's Department 18:37 heard the gunshots and then stayed 18:40 outside back in oh so I was saying is 18:43 you know leading us to a police state 18:45 but what good is a police state from a 18:47 practical standpoint because even 18:50 according to reports the school security 18:53 officer who's appointed there gets the 18:56 station there he belongs I think he 18:58 belongs to the Sheriff's Department 18:58 didn't go in right well what was 19:03 interesting is that Trump took the he 19:05 said well the reason for that is that he 19:07 doesn't love the students and if the 19:10 teachers were armed they because they 19:13 love the students they would have gone 19:14 in there to stop the guy so in other 19:17 words yeah he's presenting is that we 19:21 need to arm the teachers you know and of 19:25 course you know there is of course the 19:28 issue of like well can you really trust 19:30 the teachers yeah that's a whole another 19:31 thing they'll get and then who are the 19:34 teachers I mean what what group really 19:36 went once you grant this incredible 19:39 power of being able to pack a weapon on 19:42 campus then what happens when the 19:45 teachers basically become you know NSA 19:47 employees or TSA employees yeah why why 19:49 are they why are we just presume the kid 19:51 should be warehouse all day at these 19:53 institutions exactly well that's that's 19:55 another thing but it's just that my 19:57 point is is that a lot of times people 19:59 advocate you know they think that 20:03 they're advocating for freedom and 20:05 self-determination you know we we need 20:08 to have our own teachers packing weapons 20:10 and they think there's some kind of like 20:11 benefit to you know to this you know to 20:15 having like an AR around the house and 20:17 you know and I hate to say it I mean I 20:20 you know I don't advocate the loss of 20:23 any political power for the citizens 20:25 because we have so little essentially 20:27 zero but one that I don't think is 20:30 really meaningful at all is this the 20:32 Second Amendment I don't think that you 20:34 can be protected again 20:36 the kind of weaponry the government in 20:38 the secret society has you know with an 20:42 AR I just don't think that's gonna help 20:44 much 20:45 oh no cuz if they want to get you 20:46 they're gonna get you just ask well 20:47 grant a we've Randy Weaver or the Branch 20:51 Davidians who are well armed right 20:52 exactly if you look I think the Branch 20:54 Davidians this is what I always point 20:56 out to people I go look this is you know 20:59 you're kind of like heading into their 21:03 wheelhouse when you try to get more and 21:07 more into like let's have more weapons 21:09 and things like that yeah we really you 21:11 know I don't think we have a chance to 21:13 defeat the secret societies through 21:16 military action I think that would be 21:18 that's far-fetched I mean it it may be 21:20 something it'll be necessary terms of 21:22 self-defense but at this point it's way 21:25 down the road we don't have you know if 21:27 you had like all 1 million people 21:30 supposedly in Los Angeles where they ARS 21:32 take to the streets all they would do is 21:35 shoot one another they wouldn't even 21:37 know who to shoot yeah you know because 21:39 the public doesn't know who the secret 21:40 society is what it is how it operates 21:43 all they would do is hurt themselves so 21:45 yeah I think the practical value of the 21:48 Second Amendment I think is is a 21:50 psychological effect it has on the 21:51 individual and also the the the idea 21:54 that it will deter a street crime and 21:57 protect your property and this will 21:59 create a citizenry that is more 22:01 independent thinking and less likely to 22:02 be taken in by the by the police state 22:06 meaning what happens is we have a 22:08 service a city that has a lot of bad 22:10 street crime and strict gun control laws 22:12 those people ironically have more faith 22:15 in the police in those communities that 22:17 have you know looser more liberal gun 22:19 control laws where people can can keep 22:23 and bear arms and protect themselves so 22:24 this weird effect where the people are 22:27 prevented by the state by defending 22:29 themselves then they actually appeal to 22:31 the state for more protection right you 22:34 know well I just think the whole thing 22:37 just it's just such an easy thing for 22:38 the government to manipulate this the 22:40 faults dialectic of the gun you know of 22:42 the fourth or the Second Amendment so I 22:44 think this is just a fake easy to 22:47 control kind of 22:49 structure where they can just keep us 22:52 confused and basically you know marching 22:54 steadily toward the police state because 22:57 the and this is the only thing that it 22:59 is kind of useful about you know and 23:03 from my perspective about what did what 23:05 has gone on is that this is a clear way 23:09 to see where they're trying to take us 23:11 because I think that you know when they 23:13 talk about arming the teachers you can 23:17 see the plan it's a little clearer isn't 23:19 it you know where what the idea is is to 23:21 have the citizen beg for armed you know 23:28 government representatives everywhere ya 23:30 know and and the I but of course in 23:33 order to do that we you know and so that 23:35 we won't be afraid of them we need to 23:38 basically see them as our own employees 23:40 you don't like teachers and whatnot and 23:42 I think that's really what is the you 23:46 know the plan at this point it's just to 23:48 to keep up the the terror just 23:53 round-the-clock I think you're going to 23:54 see these things in fact I I mentioned 23:56 it at one should I forget which one it 24:00 was maybe one we did on the Las Vegas 24:02 situation and I said look these things 24:06 are a meme they're just gonna come one 24:09 after another after another they're 24:11 they're not going to stop until they get 24:13 what they want which is the population 24:15 so terrorized that they will demand that 24:20 the teachers are armed and that you know 24:24 the schools basically are behind barbed 24:26 wire and you know everyone is scanned on 24:28 the way in and what is the purpose for 24:30 all this well because don't you see what 24:32 you've done you created your own slave 24:33 state it's the fact that it's a school 24:37 to Prison project that's that's exactly 24:41 right 24:41 it's and and so you know you what 24:46 they've done is is they created the 24:48 situation where the slave state is 24:50 created by the public and demanded by 24:53 the public and the public walks into it 24:54 voluntarily I remember when I was in 24:56 elementary school and 24:59 we'd have one thing I remember as a kid 25:01 having really cool toy guns realistic 25:04 toy guns 25:04 you could buy anywhere okay you can't 25:07 get good realistic tour guns anymore at 25:09 least not any store or something so but 25:13 we bring the toy guns to school so we 25:16 could play at recess and we pretend 25:19 shoot each other sure and no one thought 25:22 this was odd or weird and normally we 25:24 particularly violent nor was this the 25:26 first step you know to becoming violent 25:28 criminals just there was kids playing 25:30 whatever and also you've heard stories 25:34 and I've seen it there was a time but 25:36 this is usually a more rural areas but 25:38 maybe southern areas where kids would 25:40 drive to school the older students and 25:43 they have a gun on the gun rack and back 25:44 of the truck or in the in the trunk of 25:46 the car they belong to a shooting club 25:48 and no one thought this was odd and they 25:52 weren't and no there wasn't any issue 25:53 there wasn't there were these rash of 25:55 shootings 25:57 you also have now the you know so-called 26:00 zero tolerance as I call it zero common 26:02 sense but that's what they want is a kid 26:05 brings a toy gun or a kid actually makes 26:07 the gesture of a gun with his hand and 26:09 he's expelled you know yeah well it's 26:16 not unfortunately about it not only is 26:18 it not insane but it is very clever what 26:20 yeah what they're doing is they're just 26:22 having the citizen ask to have the 26:27 martial law I mean that's that's what 26:29 this all is and you know I will go so 26:34 far as to say that I don't believe in 26:36 the pixel world any of these things are 26:39 are organic in other words I don't think 26:41 any of these shooters are actually you 26:46 know free free free ages yeah they're 26:50 either under some kind of mind control 26:52 or they've been you know you know 26:55 conditioned into the activity or driven 26:58 into it or it's fake or it's like a 27:01 Sandy Hook thing where they've you know 27:03 they're able just to control the 27:04 environment to the extent where the 27:06 whole operation you know can just be 27:10 then told to the public that this is 27:12 what happened 27:12 right yeah and also there's a whole 27:14 there's a lot of interests well one 27:16 thing is you just look at this Nicholas 27:18 Cruz character where the FBI was aware 27:20 of them they were tipped off to him from 27:22 I read that the Sheriff's Department was 27:24 aware of and local police were aware of 27:25 them and they didn't do anything despite 27:29 him making vague threats I don't know 27:31 what you do if someone makes a vague 27:32 threat of social media you can arrest 27:35 them or detain him as a material witness 27:37 I don't know with it if crime hasn't 27:39 been committed yet but nevertheless but 27:41 it might be an indication that somehow 27:43 he would he they knew about him for a 27:45 reason they were because you can this 27:48 person could have been triggered or 27:49 something yeah and but the I think even 27:54 you know more nefarious and more complex 27:57 and that what I think they do is is they 28:00 they say yeah we were aware of them but 28:02 you know gosh you know like like Trump 28:05 says well they were busy with the 28:06 Russian meme yeah you don't get around 28:09 it so what you're going to have this is 28:11 they're gonna say you know we really 28:13 want to protect the citizens so we're 28:15 just gonna have to even look more 28:16 closely at all the social media yes 28:19 exactly yeah we're gonna have to clamp 28:20 down on anyone who's you know 28:23 politically threatening on a social 28:25 media we're gonna just we have to 28:27 protect the citizens Tim we're just 28:29 gonna have to do it we don't want to do 28:31 it but that's what the population wants 28:34 us to do so we're just going to go in 28:36 there and just basically if you say 28:39 something boo about the government we're 28:41 just gonna have to consume that you're 28:43 trying to be shooting up a classroom and 28:45 we have to arrest your ass and take you 28:48 to Guantanamo yep arrogation you know 28:50 and so that's really what I mean you 28:53 know that's kind of a light-hearted but 28:55 it is the case this is really what's 28:57 going on you know this is a post-911 29:00 world we if they wanted to stop well I 29:03 mean first of all it's like you're 29:05 saying and we have seen that time you 29:08 and I I'm older but we both you call all 29:10 the time you know kids could play 29:13 without and and you could even have 29:16 eccentrics and kids with mental illness 29:19 and whatnot and nobody wants kids of a 29:21 classroom and shot it up now right that 29:23 didn't happen 29:24 well why are they why there's 29:26 so many of them now how what is it you 29:29 know what changed in our psychology that 29:32 you know we went from a culture whereby 29:35 you know it never happened to one where 29:40 it happens every single week you know I 29:43 mean what what actually took place well 29:45 nothing took place in the population it 29:48 was just that the you know they have 29:50 been steadily conditioning us into 29:52 accepting this as more and more you know 29:54 normal reality but it's all fake it's 29:57 all just absolute yes they're just you 30:02 know trying to move us toward martial 30:04 law and they they use these they get 30:08 people confused by the dialectics that 30:11 they throw at them so they don't 30:13 understand that the Second Amendment is 30:15 being you they're gaining people with 30:17 the Second Amendment they're saying you 30:18 know like you know we need more weapons 30:21 they just the teachers should be armed 30:24 you know right arm the teachers except 30:26 just bear in mind that when you once you 30:29 grant the power for the teacher to be 30:32 armed then the teacher it hurt the 30:35 employment criteria is going to change 30:37 you know 30:39 missmiss Edelson from the community it's 30:42 going to be miss NSA bitch comes from 30:45 arlington you know with the mind control 30:48 practice and she's gonna be the one in 30:50 charge of yeah she's lethal 30:53 she's a license to kill right he was 31:01 reaching for something and there have to 31:08 have a drop gun to it's actually you 31:16 know once you kind of get to a certain 31:18 point the level of cynicism which have 31:21 long since you know there's actually 31:25 kind of sad comedy to all this because 31:27 you can just see people being 31:29 manipulated i can see that you know the 31:32 Second Amendment zealots you know just 31:35 being step by step let into the 31:38 situation where they're going to be 31:39 demanding more guns we need more guns 31:41 you know you know we yeah you know just 31:44 let us arm ourselves you know but I'm 31:47 just telling you I'm just telling you 31:50 guys the second that this happened the 31:53 employment criteria will change at the 31:55 same time because remember you're going 31:57 to have to train the the public school 31:59 teacher to handle a weapon and now when 32:03 that happens you're going to see you 32:05 know that the friendly missus Edelson 32:07 and the smiles and all that so that's 32:09 all gone 32:10 that's gone you're going to have miss 32:13 TSA bitch with the mind control and this 32:17 is who's going to be packing a weapon 32:18 and they're also going to have you know 32:22 you can you can see they're going to 32:23 have a lot of you know like and better 32:26 trained cops right you know like this 32:29 one swab that you know he was there but 32:33 didn't go in yeah and and then his his 32:39 employer his last name amazingly is 32:43 Israel yes this was not right this was 32:51 not right the guy should have went in 32:54 and engaged the perpetrator and killed 32:57 the perpetrator say so so he's like 33:00 telling you what's going to happen in 33:01 the future he question is who gets to 33:04 define you know who is a perpetrator 33:06 who's not and I just you know this is 33:09 the thing is that they you know and not 33:12 even very cleverly but they steadily 33:14 move us inches into you know demanding 33:19 that that the government do some things 33:23 that was the same thing that happened at 33:24 Columbine where they'd that armed army 33:27 like two hundred officers SWAT offers 33:29 off SWAT police showed up with the 33:32 armored vehicles Kevlar 33:35 you know weaponry and they just waited 33:38 outside the school right why bother 33:41 showing up because I'm Pope reportedly 33:44 they shot themselves right that was the 33:46 whole street what I would I always say 33:50 well what 33:51 what they're doing is they're going to 33:53 they're going to say that the next time 33:55 the citizen will demand go in stop them 33:59 getting no and so that then they will go 34:02 in and shoot everybody up and the thing 34:05 is that that this time it was well what 34:07 was the what were they actually doing 34:08 well it was a political demonstration 34:10 you know that we had to break up because 34:14 it was getting dangerous and out of hand 34:16 this is the thing is that they're 34:18 inching us toward martial law but they 34:21 want to make sure that they can say well 34:24 this is what the public is asking for 34:26 you know we don't want to do it we're 34:28 not interested in enslaving everybody 34:30 but we won't we will because that's what 34:32 the public is demanded well that's you 34:34 know some ladies Liberation Army that 34:37 whole shootout right the whole stage 34:39 thing and the SLA was a whole set up 34:42 those MK ULTRA CIA operation and and you 34:50 know and and the the whole purpose of it 34:54 as far as I'm concerned the SWAT team 34:57 yeah this is this is really when the 35:00 SWAT team came of age is with the SOA 35:02 thing and you know send gifts in quake 35:06 you know which is like a the name chosen 35:10 from a slave rebellion right he you know 35:15 was able to create a terrorist out of 35:18 Patty so you've got another currency 35:21 other we also raped so you've got you 35:25 know in terms of like manipulating the 35:29 population it's just you know that whole 35:31 thing was just you know and it's just 35:34 she's an heiress to the first fortune 35:36 Aquino Hearst was a master manipulating 35:40 the population through fake news a false 35:42 new yellow journalist something like you 35:43 know right yeah I mean it's sort of like 35:46 Clinton and Monica Lewinsky you know 35:48 it's like you were saying is that you 35:50 know Clinton is able to get these 35:54 concepts which could never enter the you 35:57 know but the common vernacular of 35:59 America you know in any other way but 36:02 people are suddenly talking about now 36:04 mostly oral sex but about stains on the 36:07 dress well gee this is a great thing for 36:11 young people to be you know kind of 36:14 learning about and in particular in the 36:17 context of like you know the leaders of 36:19 the country and yet because of the the 36:22 way it always was structured the 36:24 population just sits there and lets 36:26 their culture get completely debased and 36:29 they don't recognize that this was all 36:31 just being done to you know to create a 36:34 kind of cover so that they could get 36:39 these debasing concepts into circulation 36:43 and not have the public recognize that 36:46 this is all you know just done 36:47 deliberately that the the whole purpose 36:50 was to culturally debase yeah there was 36:52 a I was reading Dave McGowan's piece on 36:56 Columbine and some of the oddities of 36:58 that and he says some summarizing what 37:04 what it was all about and he writes he 37:10 writes many right-wingers would have you 37:12 believe that such acts are orchestrated 37:15 or at the very least rather cynically 37:16 exploited as a as a pretext for passing 37:20 further gun control legislation the 37:22 government wants to scare the people 37:23 into giving up their right to bear arms 37:25 or so the thinking goes and there's 37:27 reason to believe that that this could 37:29 well be a goal it is not however the 37:32 only or even the primary goal but rather 37:34 a secondary one at best the true goal is 37:37 to further traumatize and brutalize the 37:41 American people this has in fact been a 37:43 primary goal of the of the state for 37:45 quite some time dating back at least to 37:47 the assassination of President John F 37:49 Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on 37:52 November 22nd 1963 the strategy is now 37:56 as it was then is to inflict blunt-force 38:00 trauma on all of American society and by 38:03 doing so to destroy any remaining sense 38:05 of community and instill in the people 38:07 deep feelings of fear and distrust of 38:09 hopelessness despair of isolation 38:12 powerlessness and the results have been 38:14 should be stated rather spectacular with 38:16 each school shooting and 38:18 act of domestic terrorism the social 38:20 fabric of the country is ripped and 38:21 further asunder the social contracts 38:24 that bound us together as a people with 38:25 common goals common dreams common 38:28 aspirations have been shattered we've 38:30 been reduced to a nation of frightened 38:31 and and disempowered individuals each 38:34 existing in her own little sphere of 38:35 isolation and fear so I think well very 38:40 well said McGowan such a good researcher 38:43 that that's a very clear minded 38:45 perspective I mean I think that he's 38:47 absolutely right on and and you know I 38:50 think that he he got to that point I 38:52 never spoke to him about this but I 38:55 imagine he got to that point because he 38:58 could see that that was really what was 39:00 in back of the counterculture you know 39:03 that yeah when he recognized that that 39:05 this was all fake that then he you know 39:08 he could see well there what was the 39:09 reason for it they mean Kenny 39:11 probably that was the analytic path and 39:13 that's the correct analytic path in my 39:15 opinion that's the right one to walk 39:16 down is to to recognize that there is 39:19 broader structures you know that the 39:22 government is doing with these things 39:24 try to try to make sense out of it from 39:26 the perspective of of how the government 39:29 is affecting culture and that's not that 39:32 hard to determine because now we can 39:34 look at in hindsight what happened and 39:36 so that's why you know when I when I 39:38 talk about instead of calling you know 39:41 like a multicultural or a feminist you 39:44 should use the the term easy to enslave 39:47 because now in hindsight we know that 39:50 those those social structures were put 39:52 there to just as Dave outlined you know 39:55 that this isolates and fragments us and 39:58 we become you know we don't have common 40:00 aspirations or trust of one another we 40:02 end up basically without ethnicity which 40:07 is an area that Dave didn't get into 40:08 unfortunately but the ethnic structure 40:11 is shattered and that was the first 40:14 level of defense and then comes the 40:16 family which of course the first thing 40:18 has to go as a father then when you have 40:21 the single mom well he's a sitting duck 40:24 particularly when she has to have a job 40:26 and now the child is going to be raised 40:28 by the state you can give the kid 40:31 the vaccines and they're there here 40:33 comes the brave new world because you've 40:35 got a whole army of of children with IQs 40:39 below 75 you know yeah they're they're 40:43 not gonna rebel rest assured you know 40:45 they're gonna need a hundred percent of 40:46 the state to provide them for everything 40:49 and so when you see something like you 40:51 know the Parkland and I and I also think 40:53 that the kid himself he just seems so 40:57 marginal to me you know I watched him a 41:00 little bit on TV just seems like he has 41:02 a spectacularly low IQ just seems 41:06 dim-witted 41:08 he's hard to know just at a glance but 41:11 but that was my sense you know and I 41:14 think that that's kind of you know the 41:17 autistic citizen who is the American of 41:21 the future is is really going to be easy 41:27 to control by the government in other 41:29 words you know they talk about like the 41:30 robotic you know slaves of the of the 41:35 you know of oligarchs well I think that 41:39 long before we get to a robotic you know 41:42 slaves and and you know I'm robots 41:45 patrolling us you're gonna have you know 41:48 an army of autistic you know humans that 41:52 really can't make any moral distinctions 41:55 and are going to be trained by the state 41:57 which is to say by the secret society so 42:00 that's that's really what I think the 42:03 future is and I think you know so the 42:09 the you know the take away is just the 42:13 you you can't believe the pixel world 42:16 you have to think about the broader 42:19 social purpose for these things yeah you 42:23 always have to assume that they're fake 42:25 you know are they're being manipulated 42:26 there's something about them that the 42:28 government is using for the purpose of 42:29 the dancing the brave in the world yeah 42:31 and also this may be given a thoughts of 42:34 the mental health agenda here yeah more 42:37 we need metal screening early 42:39 intervention and we have government 42:41 mental healthcare it's called MKULTRA 42:43 right 42:45 it would surely do oh yeah we've got 42:48 tons of that but that's so that's the 42:52 thing is that you're going to you know 42:54 they're you know that's one thing you 42:56 can see is that when they talk about you 42:59 know the individuals were crazy right 43:01 yeah and they just weren't given enough 43:03 attention by the government well I mean 43:07 isn't it clear where this goes you know 43:09 what the next step of all this is the 43:11 next step is that they just will say 43:14 well we're going to have to have you 43:16 know better mandatory mental health and 43:18 that starts out with you know Jim show 43:22 up tomorrow for your exam yeah 43:26 to what extent are these psychological 43:28 or behavioral disorders like ADHD or a 43:32 DD I mean this whole ADHD and you know 43:40 like that what is the reading disorder 43:44 that they have actually dyslexia I mean 43:47 these are like what I would call pseudo 43:50 psychological concepts I mean these 43:52 things are absolutely ludicrous like 43:55 sort of like gluten intolerance and 43:58 lactose intolerance things that didn't 44:00 even exist you know hundred years ago 44:03 well yeah you might want to what's in 44:06 the food I'm the same ADHD ad D these 44:12 things a lot of it is pathologizing what 44:15 an early generation would characterize 44:16 as normal behavior particularly male 44:18 behavior but a lot of it also can be a 44:20 function of that you know this these 44:21 things whether it's autism spectrum 44:24 disorder a DD ADHD they've also 44:26 increased significantly longer allergies 44:28 and these things with the quadrupling of 44:30 the vaccine schedule exactly and and let 44:33 you know the that's exactly right and 44:35 that's that was really kind of where I 44:37 wanted head with this is that to me the 44:39 the greatest threat I mean you know 44:42 there's just so many things that are 44:44 threatening but the greatest threat we 44:46 face is the vaccines this is where they 44:49 are gonna drill us it is there and 44:52 literally they are gonna just drill us 44:55 because with the idea you know 44:58 in the post 9/11 world folks you just 45:02 know you can rest assured Tim I'm giving 45:06 a Joe at-will warrant of professional 45:09 certification on this one that the 45:12 vaccines are you know part of the brave 45:16 new world agenda and they are going to 45:18 deliberately create a whole army a 45:21 nation of autistic kids because this has 45:24 always been what they wanted when you 45:27 read brave new world and you read it 45:29 closely and you know kind of pick up on 45:31 Huxley symbolism you can see it's not a 45:33 warning about anything he's he's proudly 45:36 you know manifesting legacy he's saying 45:41 look we were so smart we were able to 45:44 like not only create the Delta class but 45:49 they were Tuesday they didn't even they 45:50 didn't even try to stop us from doing it 45:52 you know we went ahead and told him we 45:54 were gonna do it and then they they they 45:56 begged for us to do it because we we had 45:58 got them so confused and messed up that 46:01 they didn't even know up from down you 46:02 know so this is really to me it is the 46:06 greatest threat that we face is is our 46:09 the vaccines because man once they are 46:13 able to get that structure in place 46:15 where you know you you have mandatory 46:19 vacuum vaccines for for everyone you're 46:24 going to see the brave new world is 46:26 going to be just right there well just 46:28 come right right there 46:30 your only conspiracy net would think 46:32 that injecting formaldehyde aluminum and 46:34 mercury and whatever else falls into the 46:37 into the into the VAT is bad for you 46:40 obviously 46:40 mercury is fine right sure 46:44 but you know it isn't this is just the 46:46 stuff that you know that that we get to 46:50 we've learned about we go oh my gosh 46:52 there's vaccines so you'll see well I 46:53 mean there's mercury bad for us we don't 46:55 want you know so they'll go no problem 46:57 they'll take it out Tim how would we 47:00 know what they've taken out well I know 47:03 I mean that's another thing is that you 47:04 dig deep you who would who would 47:06 actually have the capacity to test and 47:08 you know obviously this book this is the 47:10 we are in we are 47:12 in the post 9/11 world Joe we have the 47:15 FDA don't worry they're on it the Center 47:21 for Disease Control right right they're 47:23 on it I watch TV they're on it little 47:29 white smocks on underpasses and they're 47:31 like defending the citizens everyone 47:34 what about if we weren't for you know 47:36 vaccines everyone we've gotten polio 47:37 yeah we've all be walking around you 47:41 know with in a wheel rolling around in 47:43 wheelchairs with an iron leg behind us 47:45 you know that's I mean that's that's 47:46 that's you know that's I mean that's the 47:48 picture it's painted I mean it's like 47:49 that's so you know it the if not for 47:53 that you know millions would have been 47:54 paralyzed of course if you read the 47:56 history that's absurd that's polio was 47:58 98% asymptomatic and in ninety-eight 48:01 percent people asymptomatic had it felt 48:03 like it the flu it just wasn't the 48:05 crisis and the paralysis people got 48:07 probably had nothing to do with polio 48:08 myelitis was probably you know pollution 48:11 t just there were spraying kids with DDT 48:14 just before all of these these like 48:16 infantile paralysis mice Nick and he's 48:18 like no one he ever did some kind of 48:20 correlation test to see well which one 48:22 is a stronger correlate is it that you 48:24 know polio vaccine BT they just told us 48:29 that this was what was happening and 48:30 then the public because we don't have at 48:33 that time we didn't have the 48:35 understanding that we were being 48:37 attacked by malevolent secret society we 48:40 fell for it yeah this is a public it was 48:42 fed newsreels you know post-911 world 48:47 we're in the world where you know the 48:48 the BBC lady gets on the air and goes 48:51 well the Solomon building has collapsed 48:53 right and it's we're in the post-911 48:56 world we don't we don't have to put up 48:58 with this any longer we know that there 49:01 is a secret society we know it's beloved 49:03 we know it wants to basically destroy 49:07 the population so we don't have to 49:09 there's no confusion any longer no one 49:12 should be oh gee you know what's going 49:15 on I'm so confused there's no confusion 49:16 here too they are trying to usher in the 49:19 brave new world they want to take the 49:22 population to have like a pie 49:24 zero mmm you know so that's what that's 49:27 what's happening when you win and then 49:29 when you so when you see something like 49:30 this this pathetic shooting a sad 49:33 situation well of course these things 49:36 are going on you know what why would 49:38 anyone who have who watches the 49:41 symmetrical collapse of the building 49:43 then go gee whiz the culture looks like 49:47 it's in trouble because all these kids 49:48 are killing you know that this isn't 49:51 these are these are pixel events these 49:53 are just the events of the you know of 49:56 the society to mind control is America 50:00 except terrorism know there was the San 50:03 Bernardino shooting 50:04 we're apparently a young couple with a 50:05 kid went on a shooting rampage sure at a 50:08 birthday party at a government center or 50:10 something government office building and 50:12 the shooter and then okay fine pair this 50:16 you know they were apparently they were 50:17 witnesses who saw a white guy two white 50:20 guys with a military-type build with a 50:23 gun and the conflicting white witness 50:25 accounts and these things and one of the 50:26 people say oh look it's one of those 50:27 drills again right by the way there was 50:29 a drill down apartment I know 50:32 apparently and then I said he found out 50:34 about how does he know how does this kid 50:36 know this whatever but I'm the San 50:38 Bernardino shooting and then remember 50:40 okay so and of course they're the two 50:42 assailants are shot dead so they're out 50:45 of the picture and never quite a new 50:47 found out what happened to the child 50:49 with it but um the remember that the 50:54 news crew showed up but the the the 50:57 alleged shooters apartment and the they 51:00 all like walk to the some of this 51:01 apartment and started touching stuff 51:03 right right this is a crime scene it's a 51:06 crime scene right I know it's like yeah 51:08 but the pixel world is more important 51:10 than the real world cause it probably 51:11 wasn't a crime scene because the whole 51:14 thing was probably staged and the 51:16 reporter couldn't be charged containment 51:20 a crime scene goes was probably a set I 51:22 mean they're going through touching of 51:23 course is a Koran there oh look and yeah 51:27 did he drop his passport yeah so I'm 51:31 thinking you know this isn't right I 51:34 mean this is like again the building 7 51:37 rights these things don't add up 51:38 just like you know Bobby Parker coming 51:41 out laughing and then getting into 51:42 character and talking about his dead 51:44 daughter who apparently been shot 51:46 earlier that day 51:47 and he's yucking it up on stage I 51:49 remember that happened I was explaining 51:50 this since I can't explain the entire 51:53 event or what did it happen I was saying 51:55 is this isn't normal this is weirdest is 51:57 suspicious this is acting and whatever 52:00 you know but but okay that that's true 52:03 and and and the you know the perspective 52:06 you're having of like hard objectivity 52:08 is is you know I mean this is a good one 52:12 to maintain however I would say in the 52:15 post 911 we should really be beyond you 52:20 know the the first thing we should we 52:24 should automatically assume is 52:26 government malevolence 52:27 yeah and manipulation through the media 52:30 I mean totally it's just a question to 52:34 go it's just a question to make what's 52:35 the extent of the manipulation to what 52:37 extent and how they're manipulating it 52:39 the idea though is are they is if it's a 52:41 given of course they are you know you 52:43 know of course this is all just one big 52:46 you know operation of some kind 52:49 look there wouldn't be if they wanted to 52:52 get stop these these kinds of killings 52:55 that they could do it in like a day and 52:57 they're it's not even I just don't it's 52:59 not even a big structural problem really 53:01 they go on because they're valuable for 53:06 the agenda yeah and and so the shooters 53:10 are either unreal you know this it's not 53:12 not a real shooting it's just like a 53:14 completely fictional thing are there 53:16 they've their poor demented individuals 53:19 that they're able to mind-control into 53:21 this behavior yes again the grammar for 53:24 that the evidence for that is I mean 53:27 it's it's documented the programs the 53:29 the the ages agencies to do this you 53:33 have a Trevor Harrison's book the the 53:35 terror factory without a very thing the 53:38 FBI pulls off a little they can they can 53:40 create terrorist conspiracies or or 53:43 actions so they can crack the case and 53:45 break it up and claim the credit for it 53:47 that's really fun month you know 53:48 different than what we're talking about 53:49 here is you can just have you know 53:52 an agency or even a contracting I mean 53:54 talk how many there's thousands 53:57 thousands of independent contracting 53:59 companies who are operating under black 54:01 budgets or or classified contracts 54:04 there's no oversight to this stuff and 54:07 so there's just say what's going on 54:09 behind the scenes there's companies like 54:11 a halo corporation and they carry off 54:14 real life you know battle scenes or they 54:19 reenact you know crime scenes or attacks 54:23 for the purposes of training supposedly 54:25 well that can be very simple to be 54:27 turned into a fake event you can also 54:28 you can you can take a drill and spin it 54:31 in a way or interpret it in the way the 54:33 via the media and turn it into a real 54:35 event and so it's it's not that 54:38 difficult to pull off especially again 54:42 especially if you have a compliant media 54:43 who doesn't ask any questions and just 54:45 you just read up you know there's just 54:50 read a script yeah and the media is more 54:53 than compliant this is in the post-911 54:54 world you one thing about the media you 54:57 just have to understand except is that 55:01 they are part of the operation yeah just 55:04 like the media is that you know the the 55:07 media has been as compromised as the 55:09 medical profession I mean to me you know 55:13 it's just axiomatic that the Hippocratic 55:15 oath has been breached 55:17 when you read like you know 55:20 pediatricians are given bonuses for 55:23 completing the vaccine schedules for 55:26 children right once in California and 55:28 when they get the kid to the 60th 55:31 vaccine it's actually more than egg-like 55:33 65th then they're given bonuses and 55:36 these are huge bonuses like a large 55:38 fraction of the income for the doctors 55:40 right this is actually happening and so 55:43 when you when you read this you 55:45 understand it's true then you realize 55:47 that the Hippocratic oath has been 55:48 breached you know there isn't any 55:50 Hippocratic oath so you just have to in 55:53 our world in our world Tim we have to 55:57 make the transition you know at to be 56:00 alert clear minded citizens we've got to 56:03 make the transition 56:05 to recognizing that we are in the 56:08 post-911 world then you can't there's 56:10 new reason and you can't trust the man 56:11 in the white coat you cannot you in fact 56:14 not only can you not trust him but you 56:16 have to always first recognize potential 56:19 that this is a weapon against you and 56:22 against your children no parent should 56:24 ever under any circumstances let the you 56:30 know some guy in a white coat put a 56:32 needle into your kids arm say don't 56:35 worry about it this is all you know this 56:37 is gonna make you know he won't get 56:39 whooping cough or something you know it 56:41 in you doesn't burn baby in your new 56:43 being or ten minute old child he might 56:46 you may get hepatitis B right if he has 56:48 sexual activity before he leaves the 56:50 hospital so my question is if a doctor 56:54 is so so incompetent and so malevolent 56:57 to so as to give your newborn baby a 56:59 hepatitis B shot this is a difficult 57:03 question because then you're stuck if 57:04 you can't rely on the experts whoa but 57:07 what you can get why would you trust 57:09 them in anything you cannot trust them 57:11 you just have to see this is the this is 57:13 the transition this is the modern 57:15 citizen you know they have like these to 57:18 have all of these you know like the 57:19 modern woman and they would have you 57:22 know like a litany of aspects you know 57:25 that that they would regard as you know 57:28 the difference between the 1950s and the 57:31 1960s I can remember these things well 57:33 in the modern citizen in the post-911 57:36 citizen the first thing is the 57:40 government is always malevolent until 57:43 proven otherwise you just have to always 57:45 take that act that that perspective the 57:47 government is there basically to destroy 57:50 you and if the government is saying that 57:52 something is good it's doing so because 57:55 it's bad well that's nothing that burden 57:57 is when you talk about this so say 57:58 you're an event like this goes down and 58:00 you're in a mixed company and and you 58:03 hear about it you go off well if that's 58:05 true and I'd only blues true they'll go 58:06 well what are you some quarter of nut 58:08 this is well you can ask questions why 58:10 would you presume what you're hearing is 58:12 true why is that why is that your 58:14 assumption why is that your your first 58:17 reaction is well it's got to have some 58:18 basis of 58:19 because you sing it you're hearing about 58:20 it or you're singing on television or on 58:23 the computer or something the Alexa this 58:25 pixelated reality or pixelated faux 58:27 reality it's a simulacrum is it's good 58:30 nothing it may have nothing nothing to 58:32 do with reality and that this create 58:34 this sort of raises a certain a 58:36 histological question about Modern Life 58:39 about how we know about the world member 58:41 in previous times we didn't get monitor 58:43 we didn't have modern communication mass 58:44 communication so the information got 58:46 about the world was what we picked up 58:47 with our five senses we could trust 58:50 those more or less right we could trust 58:51 those once you can even moderate matter 58:53 once you get into modern communication 58:55 and mass communication and masked me 58:57 I've said this several times on this 58:59 show and others that mass communication 59:01 was developed not for the purposes of 59:02 making a public that is well informed it 59:05 was made for the purposes of 59:06 manipulation manipulation psychological 59:08 warfare so if you're relying on your 59:10 under your relying to get your news of 59:13 the world that was a British remember 59:14 news of the World Cup brought to you by 59:16 the British Empire through relying on 59:19 means of mass communication moderate 59:22 communication to get you news you better 59:25 damn well be very skeptical of what what 59:28 you're being given and you gotta be very 59:30 careful because it's being manipulated 59:33 for some reason that's why it's been 59:34 provided to you nothing comes for free 59:36 in this world so man that's a really 59:39 good point I mean that that well said I 59:41 mean that is exactly right is that is 59:44 that we must never forget that fact that 59:47 modern communications were developed for 59:50 the purpose of deceiving hmm I mean if 59:52 you look at you know the the special 59:57 effects lab in Laurel Canyon then and 60:00 think about what could possibly be you 60:03 know it's studied in such a place I mean 60:06 they have been trying to figure out how 60:09 to diddle our minds for 4000 years and 60:13 we just have to wake the hell up we have 60:18 to understand that that that the secret 60:22 society we talked about this last week 60:24 you know who are they 60:25 it is to their advantage to have us you 60:29 know scared it is to their advantage 60:32 to have us confused and sadly it is to 60:35 their advantage to have us with real low 60:38 IQs he so you know whenever you you know 60:42 your as a parent you just have to always 60:46 try to protect the future of your 60:49 children you have to say you know I just 60:54 can't trust your doctor I'm sorry but I 60:57 don't and I don't think you know what 60:59 now you're talking about there are no 61:01 real study supporting the safety of this 61:03 thing there are no real studies 61:04 supporting the efficacy of this thing 61:06 and you know some Tim this is the same 61:09 thing this is the same thing that you 61:11 have to bring to when Wolf Blitzer comes 61:14 on the air breathlessly talking about 61:16 the next high school slaughter II you 61:18 have to say really really you know even 61:22 if it did happen and like in the in the 61:24 in the Las Vegas thing I'm pretty sure 61:26 that that was a real event I mean at 61:28 least to the extent that there were 61:29 people who were wounded because I didn't 61:33 know them but someone who lives near me 61:36 was actually shot at the event and I 61:39 have that from someone who I have no 61:42 reason to believe that you know was 61:44 anything other than reliable and so I 61:46 would just based on that assume it was 61:48 you know there was actual slaughter 61:50 there it makes sense from the symbolic 61:53 you know saying because that the name of 61:56 the event was the harvest I believe you 61:58 know so yet a lot of you know a cult 62:00 kind of flavor to the thing and so you 62:03 know but I mean again who knows but I 62:06 mean you just have to always have that 62:09 perspective you have to think you know 62:12 wolf I am just going to hold my belief 62:17 until I get to the bottom of this you 62:20 know it's like it isn't just you know 62:23 and pistol logic it's kind of like antal 62:25 ontology it's like we need to have kind 62:30 of a way of like not just vetting news 62:34 but of like helping one another know 62:38 what's real you know what I mean because 62:40 it's it's like it's like the the there 62:43 is such a dense layer level of 62:46 confusion that they're able to put on 62:48 top of us because they control the 62:49 pixelated world hmm because we don't 62:52 have any input into it we are sitting 62:54 ducks and that's one of the reasons why 62:56 you know I don't watch mainstream media 62:59 I mean you know the most mainstream show 63:03 I watch is like your interviews that 63:06 would be like my deep thanks preach 63:08 media you know I wait a second 63:10 Tim's on tonight you know that that 63:12 would be but see this is this would be 63:14 you know I would say that's someone that 63:18 I can trust to to be honest with the 63:21 information and so I'm gonna and and so 63:24 that's the first thing is try to find 63:25 that you know if you want to break free 63:29 of the effects of these things like the 63:31 this tragic event you know and parkland 63:34 with the lady was good you know the 63:37 school is going to drain the swamp is 63:39 you know is is try to find another you 63:43 know way to get information so this is I 63:46 mean we've talked about this so many 63:47 times but this is like kind of the first 63:50 step is get a different way of getting 63:52 information because if you're gonna get 63:54 it from Wolf Blitzer or you know you 63:57 know Hannity or you know some mainstream 64:00 guy it's just gonna be fake from the 64:02 very beginning you're never going to get 64:03 anywhere you know everything is alive 64:05 would you get out of those guys yeah 64:07 that's what I've noticed as is if you 64:10 cut off the cable TV and stop watching 64:12 network news TV in general and then you 64:15 six months goes by and you're in a 64:18 dentist office and waiting the waiting 64:20 room and you're and CNN is on and you 64:22 happen to you're kind of forced to watch 64:25 it realizes how how dumbed down it is 64:27 how obvious that it is because you've 64:29 been you've broken free from it um and 64:32 or if you notice if you ever go to a 64:35 family gathering a party and they're 64:37 talking about the news of the day and 64:39 they they're recipients of the standard 64:43 mainstream you know Fox versus MSNBC CNN 64:46 world and you realized what poor 64:49 information that they're acting on yeah 64:52 really important patient and also that 64:54 they're acting on false dialectics 64:56 that's the thing usually I'm you know 64:58 it's like it's the strategy 64:59 attention you know it's like you know 65:01 they'll be arguing this thing from the 65:03 perspective of gun control you know 65:06 they'll they'll the one side will say oh 65:08 my god you know we've the teachers were 65:10 only packing heat there's no clear to 65:12 blown the kid's head off if only my 65:14 history teacher was Harry Callahan and 65:20 then the other thing is now we it's the 65:23 Second Amendment you know we've got to 65:24 get rid of the second amendment that 65:25 will sticks everything you know it so so 65:28 basically you have people that are just 65:30 deeply manipulated they don't see that 65:33 they're the victims of false dialectics 65:35 and so when you turn off the mainstream 65:38 media and I and I'm like you I have I've 65:40 had that that that exact it's like 65:42 because I spend such a long time since 65:44 I've I've watched any of it that often 65:47 times I will not even know what people 65:50 are talking about you know because I 65:53 really have turned it off I I do not to 65:56 to ever extend I can I don't I just 65:58 don't pay any attention to it at all I 65:59 don't I don't want it near my mind I 66:00 think it's really bad I will you know 66:03 you know go through news using vetting 66:06 with different sources what happened and 66:08 then try this go well I should study 66:10 this you know I better study that that's 66:12 what I'll do but I I never left 66:15 unfiltered mainstream media garbage get 66:18 to me I think that stuff is poison and I 66:21 think even if you're like sophisticated 66:23 and you've got some sense as to how 66:25 they're doing it all you're still not 66:28 really able to control it completely no 66:31 it's all it's ever since the age of TV 66:34 if you read about like what Theodore 66:36 Dorner said about television what a 66:38 weapon it is you like you'd never let it 66:40 in your house and people never should 66:41 have it's it's always been a weapon but 66:43 prior to that you know even with print 66:46 media least print maybe you're sitting 66:47 down and reading and you're spending 66:48 time and it's more of a higher order of 66:51 thinking when you're reading something 66:52 and usually you put more time and you 66:55 think about it people now get the 66:56 information through Twitter or something 67:00 wait tweets and that's like there's no 67:03 there's no real contemplation or thought 67:05 it's it's all you know everyone's as 67:07 sophisticated deep as a bumper sticker 67:09 now and that's you know well I mean but 67:12 but 67:13 you know we can improve this by you know 67:16 they they should have been paying more 67:19 attention to the tweets of this crazy 67:21 guy and rest assured in the future 67:24 they're going to they're going to you 67:26 know they they will its problem solution 67:29 reaction time where you know they've set 67:32 up the tweeting world and then oh my god 67:35 it's out of control so don't worry we're 67:37 gonna come in and we're gonna monitor it 67:38 very closely yeah and then then everyone 67:43 will want to have you know we want our 67:46 tweeting world to be free of these 67:49 maniacs we need more government 67:50 inspection of it we need you know it's 67:53 they'll they will find a way for us to 67:56 demand you know that they you know 68:00 monitor us and enslave us you know and 68:02 it's just yeah 68:03 I'm sick of it Tim I just feel that you 68:07 know the the citizen needs in the 68:09 post-911 world to be more skeptical yes 68:14 less medicated and more skeptical yeah 68:18 notice that these guys are on meds too 68:20 that's another thing that you know comes 68:22 out you mentioned it earlier but I think 68:24 that's what one of the things that's 68:26 going to happen I think you're gonna see 68:27 teachers packing heat trained by the TSA 68:29 I actually think what's what you're 68:31 really looking at is the TSA will just 68:35 expand throughout the entire country you 68:38 say and the contract to some Israeli own 68:41 firm yeah exactly that's that's that's 68:44 what and you'll have these these body 68:47 scanners with x-rays that will also be 68:49 able to moderate IQ in case it you you 68:52 look like you're threatening the 68:53 government with intelligence I'm at the 68:56 profit potential is amazing because if 68:58 you if you're you say if you have a 69:03 company that's going to be consulting 69:04 and developing technology the training 69:07 for this stuff and you can dis contract 69:09 out to sort of like a some sort of a 69:11 paramilitary a private outfit to carry 69:15 out an act like this and create the 69:16 environment where you can sell your 69:17 wares and your services and and that's 69:19 what they did in 9/11 I mean you had all 69:21 these security companies they were set 69:23 to go and then really cash in on the the 69:25 bonanza of 69:27 9:11 and yeah so I mean oh yeah I mean 69:30 Michael Chertoff what he did with the 69:32 scanners Rapiscan was name of the 69:34 company but here's these the CA puts 69:37 this bomber on the the underwear bomber 69:39 on the plane they admit it and then this 69:41 becomes a justification for these body 69:44 scanners that give you cancer and scan 69:46 your body and violate your privacy and 69:48 these things and then it turns out that 69:49 there's Michael killed Michael Chertoff 69:51 the former head of Department Department 69:53 of Homeland Security the one who hustled 69:55 the Israelis out of the country and 69:58 after 9/11 but um he's there he's his 70:01 consulting his firm has a contract with 70:04 the company that's making the scanners 70:05 and he's there posing as a former you 70:07 know it's a government official 70:09 promoting their use on network 70:11 television I mean yeah it's it's just 70:15 you know that you file that stuff under 70:17 the category just how stupid is the 70:20 American public you know and it's like 70:22 you would think that they would need 70:24 another round of like vaccines to be 70:26 that but again that's one example by the 70:29 way there's probably thousands of more 70:31 examples going on buttons don't get 70:33 reported on and so not that's the 70:37 incentive for these that's wonder that's 70:38 the monetary incentive for these things 70:40 if you just want to know why they'd pull 70:42 something like this off and I said well 70:43 because there's fall snows charity scams 70:45 there's contracting there's contra money 70:49 for hardware for police you noted police 70:52 departments all each one of these drills 70:55 that they run probably you know they 70:57 have a budget someone's making money off 70:58 them you know it's like when you say 71:01 followed money always have to remember 71:02 that financial control is part of the 71:06 slave state so when you see like all of 71:10 the the financial you know kind of 71:12 shenanigans around 900 and ago well gee 71:16 was it just money no that wasn't money 71:18 was not the primary I mean they owned 71:20 the Federal Reserve but they are always 71:22 moving toward the slave state yeah so so 71:25 of course they would take this 71:27 opportunity to to you know move more of 71:30 the wealth of the nation into the you 71:33 know into the tribe right and that and 71:35 then they obviously did that but of 71:37 course that wasn't the you know the 71:39 primary reason 71:40 for the OP that was just something they 71:42 were taking advantage of I mean you know 71:45 it's it was you know it's like 71:48 nine-one-one lent to the wars and then 71:51 they were also there on the other side 71:52 to make all of the weapons and you know 71:55 and and of course reduce the population 71:58 by vaccinating and traumatizing and 72:03 outright murdering you know populations 72:06 they don't like and then you come home 72:08 and what is the suicide rate among you 72:11 know US veterans 72:13 I believe it's 22 a day isn't it yeah 72:16 more than they were killed 22 okay and 72:19 you think of that you go wow you know 72:21 that's over 600 people a month you know 72:25 that's like 7,200 people a year that 72:28 killed kill themselves and on top of 72:30 that there's another 15,000 they die in 72:33 there another 50,000 maimed why are we 72:36 there 72:37 Tim is it to who are we protecting you 72:41 know who's benefiting from this I mean 72:45 if we were if we were worried about like 72:47 a body count because of terrorism aren't 72:50 we creating a body pile a hundred times 72:53 larger just with our activity II 72:55 supposedly to protect ourselves you know 72:58 so it doesn't make any sense it just 73:00 doesn't the the narrative doesn't make 73:03 any sense and you know it's it's an 73:06 example of how they they create the 73:09 false narratives so that then the 73:11 population has they go well I guess you 73:14 know we're there because you know bin 73:16 Laden or something you know but the fact 73:18 is we're there because they want to 73:21 reduce the populations of certain groups 73:23 that that's really why we're there and 73:26 they've done a bang-up job of that in 73:28 Iraq Libya and Syria it doesn't mean the 73:34 whole thing is just so preposterous it's 73:36 sort of like you know the thing that 73:38 really like made me laugh was was 73:43 Panetta when he said you know he says 73:46 Isis is tough you know this is really 73:48 gonna be tough this could be a 40 year 73:51 process forty year you know courts that 73:54 there's a symbol symbolic reason Frank 73:56 I'm sure for that particular you know 73:58 number but so it goes this is gonna be 74:00 four year process and I thought to 74:01 myself wow what a strategy here's a 74:04 group that didn't even exist when we got 74:07 into the Middle East Wars and now after 74:11 being there for eighteen years we have a 74:14 new cook that we've created that was 74:16 going to take 40 years to clean up 74:18 mm-hmm 74:18 I mean the strategy is this strat is 74:20 this what you call a strategy that's 74:22 working right is this actually are we 74:24 heading someplace that's coherent we're 74:26 obviously not this it's it's as if the 74:29 the public doesn't even have they can't 74:33 even see that they're being laughed at 74:35 you know I mean at this point is just 74:37 the whole Middle East that the rationale 74:39 is so preposterous that it's just a way 74:42 of reducing population it's so obvious 74:45 but the public you know they don't even 74:47 have the capacity to see that they're 74:48 being ridiculed yeah yeah yeah it's a 74:52 massive harvesting and also just a 74:55 harvesting and pillaging of humanity 74:57 that's what it is yeah it's exactly 74:59 right that's that's all it is and it's 75:02 by people who have the perspective that 75:06 they're dealing with animals you know so 75:08 that's one thing you have to always 75:10 remember is that you know when you when 75:14 you read the project for the new 75:15 American Century and you see them 75:17 talking about an ethnic the specific bio 75:20 weapon that is why when I tell you when 75:24 I give a warrant that the vaccines are 75:28 they gonna bring in the brave new world 75:29 you can be absolutely sure that I'm 75:33 right because this is the moral 75:36 perspective that you see within the 75:38 project for the new American Century 75:39 yeah it's what Bertrand Russell said 75:42 about who was if the diet injections and 75:44 injunctions they were dieting injections 75:47 and junctions yeah 75:48 and so that's really what we're looking 75:50 at here and and the population you know 75:54 we're worried about the First Amendment 75:56 man worried about the autistic that's 76:00 what you want to be worrying about don't 76:02 worry about I mean that you know and 76:04 guns are not going to protect you 76:06 they're just not the 76:08 guns have no capacity the whole reason 76:10 that they've set this thing up is this 76:12 this dialectic is just because they know 76:14 that it's preposterous you know it's 76:18 it's I mean again I don't want to 76:20 advocate the giving up of any single 76:22 right at this point I would fight for 76:23 anything you know I know what you're 76:25 saying is it nots about is if the same 76:29 consciousness was raised about something 76:31 about vaccines as there are turrets you 76:33 know the Second Amendment you gets 76:35 tackle yeah yeah you know you'd achieve 76:38 a lot yeah yeah this is what we need 76:43 it's to bring bring bring to the public 76:45 mind the real issues just the fact that 76:48 the I mean one of the ways you can tell 76:50 it's fake I mean this this again just 76:51 shows my left look like you know where 76:53 I'm back you know but it's because it is 76:56 a popular issue yeah that just shows you 76:59 the second member fake issue it was a 77:01 real issue it would never even it would 77:03 be of suppressing it in a hundred 77:04 different ways it's not the reason why 77:06 they have it out there just because they 77:07 want to keep people mesmerized yeah yeah 77:09 good point 77:10 that's a purpose of the damn thing so 77:13 you know so do don't worry about that 77:17 really isn't going to that's not what 77:19 that's not the blow that's gonna crush 77:21 you and wipe you out it's the one you 77:22 don't see coming and the one you don't 77:24 see coming as the vaccines yeah the 77:26 vaccines in my opinion and and the 77:28 toxicity and the food the glyphosate 77:30 this whole toxic suit that's what's 77:32 gonna take you out that's going to 77:34 reduce your your population to zero 77:39 man I was I was talking not sure I 77:43 should get in because there there is 77:46 like a lot going on in Japan right now 77:48 people are starting to go hmm this 77:49 doesn't look too believable you know 77:51 like where our population is going to 77:53 zero and the government really doesn't 77:55 seem to be doing a whole lot about it 77:57 you know and so um you know I I've been 78:00 you know saying look who do you think 78:04 these people are right do you really 78:07 trust these guys to be real Japanese I 78:10 mean after World War two didn't wasn't 78:13 there some you know period of time and 78:16 maybe they could have been possible to 78:18 slip you know other people in I mean 78:20 what 78:21 political party the Liberal Democratic 78:23 Party was funded through a CA slush fund 78:26 partly by the story of the Masons that 78:29 the Freemasons have just been running 78:30 Japan basically since the beginning 78:32 before World War two in my opinion and 78:35 you know it's like the little witticism 78:36 that you know I always mentioned which I 78:39 always get in trouble for because I'm 78:41 just as bad racist person but I I do 78:44 think it is sort of humorous and was 78:47 humor that the the jab at the code that 78:53 was given to the Japanese pilots for a 78:55 successful beginning of the Second World 79:01 War was tora tora tora oh yeah because i 79:05 you know i think that that's that's a 79:08 pun in my opinion and see they have a 79:11 sense of humor and that's one of the 79:14 things you actually thank heavens they 79:15 do because they're they've come ali's 79:17 easier but to spot if you kind of get 79:19 into the rhythm of how they the jokes 79:21 that they enjoy and how they kind of you 79:23 know the way they make fun but you know 79:26 for for us we've really got to start 79:30 focusing on trying to wake the 79:33 population up to the to the autism 79:37 threat you know it's just it's going to 79:41 you know i i think it's already so 79:45 deeply I mean I I really would love to 79:48 see some honest analysis but I wouldn't 79:53 know who could do it you know because 79:54 it'd be you know the government really 79:56 be shutting this down if someone tried 79:58 to do it but I'd really like to know 79:59 what's going on with the intelligence of 80:01 the American children yeah at this point 80:04 I'd really like to know like in the 80:05 broad strokes what's happening because I 80:08 think they're already at the point where 80:10 you're starting to see you know starting 80:12 to actually see the damage well they're 80:14 definitely not healthier I mean that 80:16 there's chronic illness audience exactly 80:18 epidemic rates and there's a reason for 80:20 this where ya know whether it's 80:22 allergies and these things or chronic 80:24 illnesses or ADHD I've mentioned earlier 80:26 these things that all this this 80:29 explosion coal follows along with these 80:34 increasing in the vaccinations since the 80:37 nineties yep I think in it there are 80:40 three now there what 16:49 doses or 80:45 something and I don't know but it's just 80:47 incredible I mean they these things that 80:50 have exploded and in California of 80:52 course is completely mandatory you can't 80:54 even be in the public schools unless you 80:55 get the whole kit and I unless I'm 80:58 mistaken at 67 that's how many there are 81:01 and when when I was growing up it was 81:03 like five or something and now and of 81:05 course they weren't mandatory now 81:07 they're completely mandatory can't be in 81:09 the public school without them and 81:11 there's you know there'll be a hundred 81:13 supposedly one of the you know 81:17 projections as to where it's going to be 81:19 in California in like five years they'll 81:22 be up to a hundred vaccinations mercury 81:27 they won't be able to stand up I mean 81:29 they'll just be like and like I said 81:32 this isn't the same obviously uh when 81:36 you get vaccinated it's not the same as 81:38 when you experience these diseases 81:39 naturally because your immune system 81:41 your body and counters these things the 81:43 way they should be and then your body 81:45 adjust appropriately you develop 81:48 cellular immunity they say so your let 81:50 healthy when you're an adult and these 81:51 things and they really the solution here 81:53 is overall better health better diet 81:55 better hygiene better public sanitation 81:57 none of these things are medical by the 81:58 way which is part of the reasons why 82:00 it's being done because they're 82:01 otherwise it's not a profit Center and 82:03 this but it's become a profit Center and 82:05 I think I think you it's the more than 82:07 just a profit Center it's a way to call 82:09 the heard reduce the population or to a 82:13 state that's more manageable and people 82:16 like Bertrand Russell even Jonas Salk 82:17 guy who developed the polio vaccination 82:21 supported these things he was a an 82:23 avowed eugenicist and population control 82:25 guy so you know I always wondered about 82:27 that because I mean you read a book 82:29 about it so I know you actually point 82:31 out I was I wasn't aware of it I wanted 82:33 to thank you for giving me that that 82:35 data but what I was reading I was 82:37 looking I actually got some excerpts 82:39 online it didn't actually read the book 82:41 but I was reading these excerpts and I 82:42 was going I was saying myself why would 82:45 anyone ever trust a single 82:49 yes I mean nobody knows he is a maniac 82:52 and then this this is the guy that you 82:55 are trusting this is like you know what 82:58 I was reading that you know what I 82:59 thought I had Tim I was thinking well 83:01 this is like gee I wonder what the 83:05 German people are like I think I'll ask 83:07 you and Cameron yeah two riotous 83:10 opposites of it because I know that you 83:12 really want to get a synopsis from a 83:15 homicidal maniac this is a right this is 83:17 the right guy to give to give me the you 83:20 know what are the German people really 83:21 like well we'll ask you and Cameron so 83:24 so this is why you really you're going 83:26 to have this salt guy this eugenic 83:30 maniac he's the guy who's going to be 83:32 creating vaccines they're gonna be put 83:33 into your kid good heavens 83:36 where what just the public is so stupid 83:41 they have to wake the hell up you know 83:44 wait who's that i Maurice Hilleman or 83:47 something yeah chuckling Oh get cancer 83:51 in the virus sorry I mean these things 83:57 experimental you know and it's like he 83:59 was one of the guys who were saying you 84:01 know they're unavoidably unsafe just we 84:05 just can't make them safely but till we 84:07 have to have them so by God you know 84:09 don't they gets rid of the capacity to 84:11 sue anybody who makes a vaccine who is 84:15 certified by the government to do so you 84:17 can't sue them anymore the only people 84:19 in in our you know I can't economic 84:21 structure that has that designation so 84:24 II man what we got from school shoes the 84:29 vaccines but if you listen to the entire 84:31 conversation the same thing you'll see 84:32 you'll see when they see where they 84:34 intersect yeah it may it may seem like 84:36 we transition we didn't yeah it's the 84:39 same thing because you know the vaccines 84:41 are just part of the whole brave new 84:45 world which is part of which is the 84:47 martial law and so when we get into the 84:49 vaccines we're just you know helping 84:53 people see the the totality of what the 84:59 the shootings 85:01 are there to provoke you know this is 85:04 all that's all what's going on there is 85:06 and it's a high level of malevolence 85:09 that's another thing it's a 85:11 sophisticated level of kind of 85:13 malevolence that that you know has has 85:16 big plans for for your children mm-hmm 85:20 well Joe I think we covered it and more 85:22 so yeah we got it brother anyway thank 85:25 you so much it was it was fun and I will 85:27 will will get them again next week 85:29 during a weekend thanks YouTube 85:32 [Music] 86:08 the 86:19 [Music] 86:30 [Music] 86:48 [Music] 87:11 [Music] 87:19 [Music]

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